I'm trying to get back into pathfinder, and the part I love most about the system is its spells. They're deliciously complex and wonderful to work over in my mind.
I always hit a roadblock though when I come across the concept that the DC for spells is related directly to the level of the spell being cast. There seems to be very little good reason for it.
Isn't the wizard already punished enough for needing to cast a level 1 or 2 spell, which is inherently less powerful than a level 8 or 9 spell? (if he has full access)
It seems to me that a spellcaster would have a much greater mastery over lower level spells than higher level spells.
The raw power of the high level spell would (I'd think) be matched by the spellcaster's sometimes years of practice with the lower level spells. It seems to me that these two opposite forces would and could equal out to create an equal spell DC for both.
I see hexes and class features which are spell-like using a DC equal to the spellcasting modifier, 10, and 1/2 the class level.
Is there a good reason why this formula is not used for all spellcasting?
It just seems to me there is not. Please let me know if I am missing anything. :)