Platypuslord's page

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Does Ezren’s Evoker power “Add 2 to your Arcane check with the fire trait” work for spells you cast on other people’s turns such as Incendiary Cloud, get the bonus or would it only get the bonus if you cast it on Ezren’s turn as he is rolling the dice?

If Lini uses her power to discard a card to role a d10 for a strength check instead of her normal d4 and then uses a blessing for strength would the blessings dice also be d10s?

When you loot a chest or get boons placed directly into your hand can you opt to not take a particular boon and banish it instead?

With Augury & Scry if you for example selected card type monsters and 2 of the 3 cards are monsters could you then put one on top and one on bottom of the deck or do they both have to go to the same end of the location deck?

If you do not have a particular skill such as Perception but have a bonus to the relevant base stat Wisdom, do you add the stats modifier to the d4 role (so would Wisdom with two skill points +2 become 1d4+2?).

If you are fighting a monster that cannot be defeated without the magic trait such as the shadow with a non-magic weapon and cast fiery weapon on it would that weapon then count as a magic attack? I know stat boosting spells like Speed and Guidance would fail but this is adding magic fire.

Can the monster “Specter” move you to a closed location?

Does Lem's favored card have to be chosen before you look? Also I assume you cannot pick Armor if you do not have the ability to choose after looking and do not have a card feat for any armor.