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I borrowed an idea from someone on the boards and added a couple twists of my own.

The PCs are walking through the city by the waterfront, when they hear a scream from the nearest alley. They investigate and see a street child being menaced by a rhagodessa. My rhagodessa had escaped from Solar Vark's hold and was wearing a collar. The characters can track down the collar's maker, who can recall selling it to Vark.

It gives the PCs a chance to track him down, if they want, which makes it easier to get Lavinia involved.

So, my party kicked the crap out of Harliss.

The main fighter of our group is a barbarian who was enslaved as a child, harbors a great hatred of slavers, yet does subdual damage to humans (because he is good). He carries a truncheon and has a rage variant that grants him an extra attack and AC bonus rather than the normal bonuses.

After the combat with the savage pirates, they talk a bit to Harliss. Upon getting confirmation that the savages in the cages were slaves, the barbarian rages, beats her in initiative, charges and trips her with Improved Trip. He survives the onslaught of rapier attacks (while she is prone), then crits her twice with the truncheon, knocking her unconscious.

So now they have her, trussed up and ready for delivery to the city watch. The good thing for me as a DM is that the group refuses (for the most part) to rob defeated enemies of their stuff, because it's not honorable. At least they won't get a major haul of loot.

Anyone else beat her in combat?

Hey everyone,

My group is gearing up to start the Savage Tide, with me as DM. I'm still waiting for the adventure to arrive and don't have a firm idea about where the adventure is heading.

Does it make sense to buy stormwrack for this campaign? How much of it will be spent at sea? From what it sounds like, there is a lot of combat on land and in the abyss, so I don't know whether it would be worthwhile.

Just trying to get a sense of how much I would use the book. I won't buy it if I only need it for a chapter (and I don't "collect" D&D books, only the ones I really need).


I haven't ordered anything for quite a while, but I wanted to extend a hearty thanks to the staff for all their support and help. It's quite amazing that we have customer service reps, writers, designers and editors (including the exec. editor) reading the boards. It's even more amazing that they take the time to respond and answer, often in minute detail.

It wasn't so long ago that this kind of customer service and care was a foreign concept. The Dungeon and Dragon of my past just weren't as responsive to our needs.

Thanks for the great adventures (including the adventure paths) and the time. We appreciate it.

I was wondering how other people have been handling the whips in area 5 of the Kuo-Tuo temple.

According to the text, the massive statue acts as an energy source for the whips' lightning bolts. Working together, they can generate a 7d6 lightning bolt every 1d4 rounds. So far, so good.

BUT, a single whip can generate a 4d6 lightning bolt by itself. Since there are 4 whips, that's potentially 16d6 worth of damage every 1d4 rounds.

The characters get a reflex save against each bolt, but why on earth would the whips work together instead of just sending out individual bolts as long as they are alive? They don't even have to stay together, which makes it harder for the PCs to target them with area spells.

My group ran into the shrine without much thinking and got blasted back but a massive barrage of lightning bolts. I had the whips generate individual bolts, and it was much more powerful that it would have been, if they had been generating a single 7d6 bolt. The PCs just couldn't take so much damage and remain in fighting condition. Right now they're recuperating in an extended Rope Trick and getting ready for another run.

I'd appreciate some thoughts - thanks!

Any Austrians around? I think Nightsong is from there.



I read that you live in Vienna. I do as well, so it might be good to catch up some time and play some D&D. I just bought Shackled City and am looking for more players.

(sorry about the personal post, but I couldn't find his info anywhere)


I received my copy today, and it looks fantastic. Thanks for producing such a quality product and keeping in touch with people to explain delays and react to our feedback. Classy job.

Nightsong, you live in Vienna? I do too! I will be in the states for a month more, but we should get together when I get back. I have a small gaming group, and it would be good to meet some more d&d players.


Which customers will this delay in shipping affect? Only those in the midwest, or everyone who has ordered a copy of the adventure?

Thanks for the clarification. I'm very much looking forward to getting my hands on this thing!

The title says it all. I noticed in another thread that the adventure will not ship in time for us to get it by July 27th, the previously promised release date. When should we expect it? Thanks!