Jooker and I are looking to play a pair of good aligned hobgoblins from a tribe in the Candlestone Caverns.
I'll be playing a Ranger with Freebooter and Trapper archetypes and Jooker will be a skald.
After seeing the destruction during the year of hell, they decided to try to change their tribe for the better. They worked to rise through the ranks quickly while quietly building a network of like-minded hobgoblins. However, through a slip up of Prugrun (Pitviper), the tribal general was made aware of their plans. Quickly taken into captivity and brought before their leader, they were sentenced to death. Thankfully Horkut (Jooker) was able plead for their lives and extract a small speck of pity; convincing the general to lessen their punishment to exile. Stripped of their belongings and cast out of their tribe, they found themselves scrounging and wandering for weeks. They trapped and foraged anything they could, and slowly learned how to survive on their own. Through word of mouth when trading with whomever as willing, they heard of a group planning on entering the Emerald Spire. They quickly started heading northeast, intent on plying their skills for glory and adventure.