Member of the Green Faith

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Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 18 posts (142 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


Thanks yet again everyone. I'm going to show the Rogue player your post, Dukai - it's a lot more informative than anything I could have written.

EDIT: I double-checked the skill bonuses and you're right. It's triggering the right calculations for Know(local) but none of the other class skills. I'm perplexed.

EDIT2: Hero Lab factors in encumberment penalties, I hadn't noticed but the rogue had Medium encumberment penalties at the time, so a max of +3 DEX =/

You do realise you've just asked me to rebuild almost my entire party's characters, right? ;)

@RR I'll suggest the new stat array, it's something I wouldn't have spotted as I've never been part of any long term play.

The ranger is a ranged attacker, so yeah, that STR will need bumping. I noticed the group was mostly ranged after the first three joined, so I encouraged the last two players to be more martial classes... I got a Rogue and a Paladin =|

@bfobar It's an amusing idea, but I don't want to pigeonhole the player without giving them the option to change first.

Thanks for the advice, all.

RumpinRufus wrote:
Since the Rogue is a newcomer, I would recommend working with him on his build to make sure he gives it a decent amount of power. If he builds it poorly, he'll just be way underpowered in combat and it could be a drag for him.

I've got to take a second look at the character anyway, so I'll double-check they've not put something silly down (I had to fish out a +0STR Composite Longbow earlier - the character has 8STR.)

Here's the unrevised basics, and yes, I know there's no Disable Device in there.

Elf Rogue Basics:
Str 8, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 14

Feats Weapon Finesse

Traits Black Sheep - Aliver "Pillbug" Podiker, Reactionary

  • Acrobatics +5 (+1 jump)
  • Appraise +7
  • Bluff +6
  • Climb -4
  • Diplomacy +6
  • Disguise +6
  • Escape Artist +5
  • Fly +1
  • Knowledge (local) +8
  • Perception +6 (+7 to locate traps)
  • Ride +1
  • Sense Motive +4
  • Sleight of Hand +5
  • Stealth +5
  • Swim -4

Timothy Hanson wrote:
Make sure the players know the rules. I am playing in an AP and the first session I noticed the Bard was adding terrible mods to his check so I asked him if he was adding the +3 for the trained skill, and he was not. Stuff like that and Favored Class tend to me over looked. So try to have a general idea of what should be happening and if it is not then figure out why.

I'm going to have to watch this one, but a lot of the errors when they've been submitting characters to me have been smoothed out by copying them into Hero Lab, so simple mathematical mistakes are going to be minimal (and my fault if they happen at all).

Okay, I think I'll be using the encounters in Burnt Offerings as a kind of litmus test to assess my players. I've played alongside all bar the Paladin in other games, so I'm at least vaguely aware of their capabilities.

It's a bit too short notice to knock them back to 15pts, but I'll definitely remember next time I run an AP.

The Swallowtail Festival should be an easy one to scale, if they take out the first horde of gobbos in one fell swoop, I can always throw more at them later.

I'll post the results of our first session here, as I'm pretty sure I'll be floundering around, wondering how to keep them challenged in future ;P

Hello all, I'm running a RotR campaign pretty soon and I'd like some advice considering I've not run an AP before and it's been a while since I've run a game too.

My Players:

20pts buy, average wealth, Core rulebook + traits

  • Druid - Player has experience with various tabletop RPGs and other D20 systems as GM and player, has used Pathfinder system once or twice.

  • Ranger - Player has experience with a couple of systems.

  • Wizard - Experience with a couple of other systems, GM & player.

  • Rogue - Relative newcomer.

  • Paladin - Experience with other systems, played 3.5 a few years ago.

As you can see, the majority are new/inexperienced PF players, so I'd like a quick check on how well they're likely to perform throughout the AP, or at least Burnt Offerings.

Should I be nudging the CR of encounters up since there's 5 of them or should I ride out the first few as they're written to let them get used to the system?

Sean K Reynolds wrote:

Yes, it's a 1st-level mini-dungeon with about 5 encounter areas that you could play before or after the adventure in the box without spoilers for the adventure in the box.

Excellent stuff, all the more reason to get the box and hopefully attract more players.

Definitely getting this as soon as it hits British shores.

One thing - I may be running a demo day for Pathfinder (RPGs in general have only just recently got popular in my local store) would any of the online content adventures be able to serve as a replacement introductory game, so the in-store game doesn't spoil the surprise of playing through the box's default? Or am I just going to have to build one myself from the box's rules?

Janos UTC/GMT + 4:30
Tamnir UTC/GMT + 1
Demlan UTC/GMT + 1
Azure UTC/GMT - 5
Sig UTC/GMT - 7
Bertrand UTC/GMT ???

Would everyone like to tell what their time zone is? Mine is currently GMT +1 as here It would be nice to know when to expect posts.

Well, that was succinct. Care to elaborate on how we're going to start this, Azure? =P

You should have, we didn't have any applications over the limit of five, so I assume we'll be running with this group.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

This might help: DIAGRAM

What the guide is asking you to do is make a square with the dimensions of the vehicle's length.

In my example, the vehicle is 4 squares long, so the square in question is a 4x4.

The square is placed at the very front of the vehicle, one line butting up flat against it. Depending on wherther you are making a right or left turn, you place the opposite edge of the square that points directly forwards from the vehicle in line with the same side of the vehicle.

e.g. I want to make a left-hand turn with this vehicle in the diagram. I work out the square, and place its rightmost edge in a straight line with the right side of the vehicle.

From here, you can judge where the vehicle will turn to, which is the upper right corner in my diagram and will end its movement there.

Hope that helps.

Parallel universes would be fun, I might remake Tamnir as an alchemist or a barbarian for giggles.

Two games in parallel? Interesting idea. I'd be happy to do it, gotta think up a new character though.

Just checked Sig's stats, you must have missed this:

DM Azure_Zero wrote:

*I forgot to mention that my point buy rules, do not allow for stats below 10, you also start with max HP, and when you level up you always get more than half on a hit dice before con mod is added for HP.

To be fair, it isn't in the first post.

Profile all done.

Hey there, I'd be interested in playing but I just want to throw out a warning first so you know what to expect from me.

Firstly, I've only ever played Pathfinder properly once, and that was two weeks ago as a GM. Secondly, I've never played a PbP game either, so this could be interesting =/

I have the Core rules and the APG, so I should be all set in every other respect.

I'm planning on rolling a cleric, any suggestions on how I can flavour his background based on the setting would be appreciated.