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How about a new cursed item, a shirt that removes all sexual characteristics, primary secondary and otherwise, leaving the person completely non-sex?

Mikaze wrote:
Realistically, they'll probably face racism and suspicion from a lot of corners, but their actions and how they conduct themselves should absolutely have an effect on that. Having some history in the town already can go a long way towards smoothing things over too, like if they were adopted as eggs by that paladin of Abadar or someone else. Ameiko being Ameiko, she might very well have hired one as a company mascot for the Rusty Dragon.

They are actually from the same clutch and left their den due to Symbe's pride clashing too much with the patriarch. The sister (Symbe), a CN Alchemist has a taste for gold and a distrust for humans. The brother (Bolt) is an NG Gunslinger who gets dragged into his sister's schemes all the time, and has a mind for all things mechanical. Both of them want to get famous for related but different reasons. Symbe being somewhat vain, wants to get famous to go against the idea that Kobolds are uncultured. Bolt wants to get famous so he can use his influence to 'legitimize' Kobolds in the eyes of human society.

Mikaze wrote:


A combination of the second and third GMs' approaches would be closer to the truth. Are there some settlements that will kill certain races on sight? Yeah, but it doesn't make it morally right and any paladin worth a damn would have a problem with this.

And as humanocentric as Golarion may be, it isn't that bad about universal freakout reactions towards non-core races. Tieflings don't get strung up in Sandpoint for being tieflings, basically. An orc lived a good life in Kenabres. There's a freaking goblin working at a noodle joint in Cheliax. Most people don't even know what drow are until after Second Darkness happens. Magnimar had a hobgoblin serve on jury duty once. Hobgoblins, nagas, and more serve as respected members of Molthrune's military. Sarenrae exists. And then there's Kaer Freakin' Maga.

The best thing to do is to look at the settlement and the races on a case by case basis rather than going with an absolute and applying it to everything. And keep in mind how to keep the players' characters playable.

What races are in question? And what area are the PCs located at now?

It's a human, and elf, a halfling, and two kobolds. We're going to start the Rise of the Runelords campaign.

My group has rolling DMs, but we've run into a bit of trouble concerning the non-core races. One of the DMs (who we shall refer to as DMa) is insistent that any sort of human settlement, regardless of general alignment, would kill non-core races on sight (since they are 'monsters') and that even Paladins and such would hold no problem with this since 'monsters are evil'.

Another DM (referred herein as DMb) takes a different stance, that only generally evil non-core races would be driven forcibly out of towns, but only killed if they resisted or looked violent. Other races simply being the subject of suspicion. Good aligned towns however are more accepting than evil ones.

Then the last DM (now DMc) takes a third interpretation, that size rather than alignment should generally dictate how non-core races are perceived. Smaller towns will simply not allow unusual races in (whether they kill them or shoo them off a matter of alignment) while larger towns and cities would be paranoid of them (with evil ones taking advantage of them and guards not caring, and good ones being ready to pounce on any illegal thing they did).

It's going to be my turn to DM soon though, and rather than bickering like DMa, DMb, and DMc do about setting, I was wanting to know what is the cannon for this kind of thing?