
Pineapple Pizza's page

10 posts. Alias of Fiasko.


Yeah, I have to agree. It was fun and I enjoyed what we did manage to do!

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As the crowd runs away, Pineapple Pizza goes for people's legs. At first he wants to trip them, then at least slow them down. But mostly he just wants to cuddle.

bear: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Oh no, a 6!

"Oh, me me me! Pineapple Pizza puts down his bubble pipe, straightens his derby, and runs to join the display, rolling onto his back, arms bent, mouth open, and paws gripping imaginary shoots of bamboo.

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"Oh, me me me! Pineapple Pizza puts down his bubble pipe, straightens his derby, and runs to join the display, rolling on to his back, arms bent, mouth open, and paws gripping imaginary shoots of bamboo.

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"Great idea! We could all pose as a diorama and when these foolish con-goers stop to take our pictures, we snatch their platinum passes!"

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”Sure I’m driving, what’s it look like? I’m just taking a break is all.” He finishes his Red Bull and throws the empty can out the sunroof. ”It’s a lot of work you know, dodging all these other cars all the time. Luckily I found the cruise control.”

He sighs in sweet relief over the cruise control.

Double P sets the cruise control, climbs through the little window that separates the driver from the rest of the limo, pulls a Red Bull out of the minibar, cracks it open and drinks deeply. He takes a look out of the sunroof then smiles excitedly at everyone.

”This is my first real heist,” he says, taking another chug. ”So I’m a little nervous. But whooo! MEGAHONEY! Can’t wait.”

Criminal: 1d6 ⇒ 4

Pineapple Pizza is too busy changing lanes, and the radio station, and adjusting the sunroof, and thinking about HONEY to notice anything else!

Let’s pick a limo then, obvi, with a sun roof!

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Hello hello, PIneapple PIzza here! I’m wearing a derby and smoking a bubble pipe. The zoo had a contest and the winning kid got to name the new panda. Obviously this led me to a life of crime.

I think our vehicle should be stolen!
Like, maybe you guys called me because you know I can drive, but I can’t really drive, because I’m a bear. So I called an Uber and then stole it!