Rosie Cusswell

Pillette's page

224 posts. Alias of Aethelwulfe.

Sovereign Court 1/5

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Congratulations to Andi Brandt who ran her 100th table tonight so she now has her 4th star!

She's our local store coordinator, our area VO, and runs the bestest conventions and games ever! (Of course, I may be a little biased, as she is also my better half... ;)

Silver Crusade

Normally, an unarmed creature attempting the "Disarm" combat maneuver suffers a -4 penalty on their attack (CMB) roll.

Pilfering Hand allows a caster to attempt to disarm from a distance using an invisible, telekinetic force. I assume the -4 penalty for being unarmed shouldn't apply to a caster making a disarm check from a distance. (According to the spell, attempting to disarm with Pilfering Hand does not provoke an AoO.)

If this -4 "unarmed" penalty does apply to a disarm check using Pilfering Hand, wouldn't a caster just have to make sure they had a dagger in hand while casting the spell, thereby becoming "armed"? It strikes me whether or not a caster 30' from the target has a weapon in hand or not shouldn't affect the disarm roll.

Or would you always apply the -4 penalty to a Pilfering Hand disarm check, since the telekinetic hand of force is always "unarmed"? (This would imply its harder to knock an opponent's weapon out using an invisible, closely-controlled and manipulable hand of force rather than a weapon.)

In our house rules, we've ruled the unarmed penalty does not apply to the Pilfering Hand disarm check. However, I'm thinking of adding this spell to a PFS character, so I thought I'd check to see if our interpretations were outside of the mainstream before I spring this on a GM in organized play.

Sovereign Court

My wife and I purchased our PaizoCon tickets and we will be first-time attendees in 2011. We're making travel plans to include the Meet and Eat on Thursday, the banquet on Saturday (we just bought our banquet tickets!), and of course there will be plenty of gaming and sessions on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

Does any one know how late official con sessions/events will last on Sunday?

Our local mini-cons usually end at 4 or 6 ish on Sunday afternoon - is that when official PaizoCon happenings will come to a close? I didn't see anything officially posted yet, but I figure previous con-goers would have a clue of when things typically wind down... (We're trying to figure out whether we will fly home late Sunday or early Monday, and it looks like we can get some reasonably-priced plane tickets if we buy soon.)