Tsadok Goldtooth

Picquilarius's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.



Hmmm, I guess I thought it might be different from how disease is treated because the DC is once a week, not once a day. But probably simplest to hand wave, if less interesting.

A Heal spell would certainly work, I didn't know that it treated so many different things.

A couple possible errors I noticed reading through the scenario while doing prep.

Scaling Encounter C2:
Subtier 10-11 says to "Reduce the Perception DC of the nightmare vapor trap to 23. Reduce the Disable Device DC of the trap to 27."

The trap starts with Perception 30, Disable Device 25. My guess is that they got the numbers swapped for reduction, and it should read
"Reduce the Perception DC of the nightmare vapor trap to 27. Reduce the Disable Device DC of the trap to 23.

Map on page 17:
The D6 notation is placed over the foot of the stairs to area D10, but the description for D6 on page 18 describes it as the rear entrance.(Which appears to be to the right of the D7 notation.)


I'm running a table next week, and one of the enemies has an ability that can give an unlucky player or players a random insanity. I haven't been able to find anything that explains how this would work in PFS, since the cure can take weeks.

I don't mind driving my players insane, but I want to make sure I'm not doing something against PFS rules.