
Phrr's page

8 posts. Alias of Hordshyrd.


Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20
Erol Deepdelver wrote:

I will get my character done up and join in the discussion today. Two questions:

1) Where did the GM post that? I didn't see it anywhere.

That was in his second post in the discussion thread. word for word as Reflin put up.

Erol Deepdelver wrote:

2) This is the first time I've played in a game on the message boards. I assume the GM has to add my character to the Characters panel?

If you can post in the discussion thread then the GM has oked you for the campaign, your character name will show up in the players list after the first time you post in the gameplay thread. Which you can feel free to do now even if your crunch isn't entirely put together because we're currently doing a bit of straight roleplay without doing anything that brings in the rules.

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Phrr, having somewhat accustomed himself to the raw ache of his wounds, had rolled his head to one side as the conversation began to flare up. His good eye shining in the light of the torch like a disc of polished gold as the other lay hidden in shadow, the clouds hanging over it keeping the light from catching. He watched the three for a time, some slack-jawed country yokel to be thrown into the pit where he could die without offending anyone's sensibilities, some noble's son who took a step farther than what dear old dad could sweep under the rug someone who had grown fat off the decadence that had killed so many and a... "Hmm... What do you know, theh rreally arre rreal" he thought, he had seen mention of a type of frog that could walk among the higher races once but had skimmed passed it due to the obscurity of the odd little myth.

There was the sound of scraping stone as Phrr pulled himself up along the wall, a slight grunt as he shifted weight onto something he hadn't realized was injured. "Yeas, Whe are all herre damned. Comdemned to tha deep pit wherre we will neverr see the light of day again. Told we will be forreverr lost in tha darrk, torrn aparrt biit by biit by demons and beasts, and tha only consellation is that all the tales arre false, Lies!! Forr frrom therre no one everr rreturrns."

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Oh ok, that works, I couldn't find where he said it before.

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Speaking to the dark:

Yeah I understand that Axe to grind may not be the most usefull thing with a ranged character, I hadn't entirely decided on that when I picked it.
Plus it was the new shiny, which was the bigger part of the decision.
As it stands it's the kind of thing that might really save my bacon if I'm standing well off to the side taking pot shots and something sneaks up on me. So I'll keep it around.

That aside the new skills and stuff look good. Have to keep knowledge(Nobility) in mind now since I probably have some idea of how high up Riley is, which may lead to some prison fight/shiv situations near the beginning when they don't know each-other too well.

As to the conversation about Druid armor, you're not going to get anything better than leather or hide from the empire. You have to remember that the druids are in semi-open opposition of the empire's goals and operation so the chances of them doing anything to accommodate your religious beliefs is kind of unlikely. Not to say that you can't make some fancy no-metal armor after entering the prison. Studded leather made with stone/bone or a horn lammelar type thing.

Trusk, the Leaf Armor you're thinking of may refer to the Darkleaf Cloth special material, which can be used as a replacement to leather and reduces armor check penalties, arcane spell failure and improves max dex, but is otherwise basicly just leather. Or you might be thinking of other games, I think Dungeon Siege 2 had leaf armor.

Edit: Oh right, once again I forgot something. How are we working out hit points? Max at level one then roll for level two? I think it's the last thing I havn't done.

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Phrr spat out a last mouthful of bloody gravel and slowly began scrabling one hand up the wall as he attempted to stand. His half gone vision swam for a moment and after a short streach he thought better of things for the moment and settled back down against the cold stone, the rough surface scraping at his cuts a little. A light hiss rolled from his throat at the sensation but he otherwise didn't seem likely to join into the conversation, Even with the gnome starting to babble at him again. [b["Ah, you finally feeling better kitty? So what did you do to get in here eh? No don't tell me don't tell me, got caught stealing milk right. Hehee, ah don't be such a stick in the mud alright alright keep working of feeling better then."[/b]

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Phrr's head swam like a goldfish through pudding. Thoughts coming in lazy leaps and staggered bounds when they came at all.

He had been brought to the prison at long last, his legs screaming to give out after all the walking they had subjected him to after he bit one of the guards on top of everything else, self defence being a fairly weak defence by this point even if he had bothered to make it, exhausting as it was eh had enjoyed the last chance to see the forests and feel the fresh breeze on his face. There had been a man, he starte giving a speech, then... A rush of vertigo, everything seemed to go white for a moment then... Something about silence, he'd been doing a good enough job of that already... a list of rules, expectations... don't go causing trouble, escape isn't an option, look at the teacher when he's speaking to you... A gnome shouting for him to wake up...

His mother disappointed in him for coming home so late, telling him it was dangerous...

No... That was a long time ago... Years, his mother was... she was... Was!!... But no, that was a long time ago as well, still the rush of sudden anger brought freshly back to the surface was enough to bring it around... What do you know the shouting gnome was happening now.

Phrr opened his eyes, or he thought he did, he was lying on his left side, face pressed against cold stone, rough in places but mostly worn smooth by all the others who had passed over it. Phrr slowly pulled himself up and the dim torchlight of the cell nearly blinded him, everything seemed hazy, bleary, indistinct. He pulled himself up into a seated position looking to the left then the right and nearly jumping out of his skin as he saw the gnome to his right, wondering why he hadn't seen him.

The gnome smiled as he saw Phrr's bright yellow left eye turn towards him, the right eye clouded over and pale behind the socket nearly swollen shut around it. "Finally, someone else is awake, I've been going half bonkers without anyone to talk to, this cell is utterly boring, wound up punching one of the guards just to have something to do! although he did get the better of it." The gnome exclaimed, revealing a newly gap-toothed smile and blinking through his black eye then stepped up into the young catfolk's lap, eliciting a deep hissing growl as he agitated the cuts, scrapes, bruises and burns left over from the long walk and longer "interrogation". The pronounced scowl and prolonged deep-throated hiss eventually causing the gnome to relent, "Oh fine fine you need time to recover I get it I'll try to get everyone else up." He enthused stepping off of Phrr's lap and heading along to the next unconscious cellmate, hopping up onto their back and starting to yammer in his ear, never seeming to need to breath.

As for Phrr he settled himself heavily against the wall, picking road gravel and dust from wounds, occasionally literally licking his wounds to clean them of the road dust and enjoying the temporary soothe of the cold stone against his back as he looked over himself, patches of fun still missing against scabbed burns and cuts, growing in white rather than black over some of the first injuries, not allowing the scars to hide fully.

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Well, I managed to make up my 17 and 25 point builds. Continuing to go for the generalized stats, I sort of like the idea of Phrr being a cut above average all around.

17 point buy: 12str 13dex 12con 14wis 14int 10cha = 17 points
25 point buy: 14str 15dex 12con 14wis 14int 12cha = 25 points
Racial modifiers: +2dex -2wis +2cha
17pt final stats: 12str 15dex 12con 12wis 14int 12cha
25pt final stats: 14str 17dex 12con 12wis 14int 14cha

For the second trait I've been debating between a few, particularly:
Harvester, Knowing the Enemy, Grief Filled and Tireless Logic

I think I've decided on Harvester (choosing Tanner rather than Trapper), the idea of using every last bit of what you kill sort of fits my character's background and including the primary catfolk trade as tanners being something he grew up around makes since for being able to use the skill untrained.

and I just realized that since we're starting at level 2 now I need to decide on my combat style... I had been planning to wait off on that a little to see what would work better in the underground, whether the tight confines and potentially numerous bends would make ranged difficult, or if staying well back looked like it would pay off... Hmm...

Anyhow on to the other applicants. I think Trusk makes a lot of really good points, particularly about party balance. Of course the way he puts it we've got a steady enough party between the three of us that perhaps we could consider taking a less stable character to mix things up, like one of the arcane casters who will always be a bit inconsistent, especially near the beginning of the campaign for one of the wizards without a spellbook.

The only more specific note I think I'll make is that if you look to bringing in Iliante you should try to reign in his hubris a little, I kind of like the Bahram agent idea but killing the empress? At level 2?? That seems like it's going a bit far to me, even if it's the exact thing he trained for all his life, which would leave him without any real general situation skills anyway. That's my little bit of a tyrade, don't mean to influence anyone's decisions too much though, just something to think about.

edit: Gods I'm ditzy some times there's two things I forgot to mention. Firstly the falconer archtype, I'm playing this one because I liked the sound of it, although since I won't be making use of it right away feel free to tell me to swap over at lv 4 and I can use the normal animal companion/companion bond rules if you don't think I'll be able to find a tiny flying cave predator to take the place of a falcon.

Secondly, skill ranks;
2-Survival, 2-Perception, 1-Craft(Fletching), 2-Knowledge(nature), 2-Acrobatics, 1-Climb, 1-Sleight of hand, 1-Stealth, 1-Sense Motive, 1-Diplomacy, 1-Knowledge(Geography), 1-Handle Animal, 0-Profession(tanner)<Trait basicly acts as first rank>

Male Catfolk Falconer, Deep-Walker, Ranger 2
HP: 7/18 | AC:13_T:13_FF:10 | Init +5 | Perc +8 | Sense Motive +2 | Low-Light Vision | Scent | Fort +4_Ref +6_Will +1 | CMB +4 | CMD 17 | Speed 30 Climb 20

Third thanks for being chosen, I'll start putting together my alt now and properly setting down all the math.

I'm totally fine with having you roll things like saving throws and perception checks to save time. As long as it is still occasionally left to us, for instance sense motive against bluff, although saving throws and things are fine to be rolled by the GM, helps you to know how you should react before starting your response post anyhow.

Also I like your way of managing the combat, sort of works like all the pc's share initiative the same way monsters do a lot of the time. Besides that initiative between the PCs mostly just determines who gets the credit for final blow.

As to Trusk's comment about when we get all our bonuses and stuff I assume that will come just before we start playing once all the other players are in. Since none of it should 'cause you to change your choices anyway, just add on top of them.