Philiantus's page

No posts. Organized Play character for GoldenPaw.

Full Name

Philiantus Greece-plate (Phil)




Mechanic 1







Special Abilities

Cheek pouches/Moxi/Scorunger/Darkvision (60ft)


Chaotic Nutral




Common, Ysoki, Brethedan, Drow, Dwarven and Vesk


Free lance, merc

Strength 8
Dexterity 17
Constitution 12
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Philiantus

Phil (Philiantus Greece-plate) is a dubious ysoki who’s past has more dirt than a ghoul’s fingernails. Phil’s parents were indentured ‘crew’ aboard a rogue pirate vessel named ‘Sparkling Nebular’ which hunted around the Bretheda system. His rough beginnings quickly taught him that if you want something in live you have to take it.

The Nebular’s captain was disreputable even by free captain standards and equally hated by them and Bretheda authorities alike. The rogue quickly pressed the young ysoki into the gunnels of of the craft to earn his ‘breathing rights’ aboard ship a an ad-hoc engineer along with his family. Proving to be a natural with the spanner, Phil learnt everything from self sealing bolts to engine core coolant levels and was therefore in a prime position to make their bid for freedom when the time came.

The Bretheda authorities finally caught up with Sparkling Nebular Phil was able to sell out his captors. Broadcasting their position and afflicting the Nebular with sudden engine failure brought the system long chase to a sticky end for the Sparkling Nebular.

Though Phil and his family escaped the ship’s destruction, thanks to Phil’s careful planning and sabotage the authorities still charged them with aiding the Sparkling Nebular’s reign of terrorism.

Phil’s new freedom came with a price tag and he now serves his ‘community service’ as a hired gun for starfinder parties: Phil and M.A.G (Mechanised Armed Guard) providing protection and an opportunity for him to vent his anger at the unfairness of his life.