Phila's page

4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



I responded to your e-mail, but just in case you don't get that either, the address you have is correct. How long should the replacement take to arrive?


Still missing, still no response fro Paizo.



Today makes 3 weeks since ship date, and still no magazine as of yesterday. No reply to my e-mail either. I love the magazine, but this is very sad. Are all magazines shipped at once, or do newer subscriptions wait longer? I can't believe that a magazine takes three weeks to mail within the midwest.

I read that paizo is having e-mail problems, so I elected to send the following message by e-mail and to post in on the boards.

Hi, sorry to bother you all, but I think I've been very patient waiting for my first issue to arrive. My wife purchased a subscription to Dungeon Magazine on November 7th, invoice 42716-1. I have yet to receive a magazine, although #118 is listed as having shipped to subscribers on November 23rd. Now I've read through the message boards enough to know that you say the magazine can take up to 2 weeks to arrive, and that it ships from the midwest. Well, I live in the midwest so I would expect it to take less than the full 2 weeks, yet here I am without a mazine. What gives?
