Gold Dragon

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Organized Play Member. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

Dark Archive

A: Crazy awesome.

This weekend, like many others on the boards I'm sure, I played some D&D! My beta softcover hasn't arrived yet, so I was looking stuff up in my special edition 3.5 PHB. And that's when it hit me- I so, so want a "special edition" Pathfinder RPG when it comes out next August.

I really love the feeling of the leather bound version. It's more fun to flip through, like every time you're double-checking the rules on "Magic Missile" you're opening up the wizard's spellbook. It also looks really nice, and generally seems a bit more special then a regular hardcover.

Maybe I'm crazy, and I'm the only one who would be interested in this, but if not, speak up! Paizo has shown itself to be really customer friendly and super responsive to feedback, so maybe it's not such a crazy idea after all. :)

For me, the special edition 3.5 books retailed for $75 each, and I paid $47 for them at Amazon. Since the Pathfinder RPG is a bigger book, but you only need the one, I would think $75-$100 would be totally fair.

I'd also understand if Paizo took orders/payments for something like this before it's printed, so they're guaranteed sales for a potentially risky expensive, specialty item. I mean, it'd be great if they could sell a truckload of them, but imagine the first run as a "limited edition", you order YOUR exact copy kind of thing, and get it 6 or so weeks later... I'd so be in.

So, anyone else? And what would a reasonable price be to you?