Well, just found this, guess I should list the ones in the game I'm running so far.
Name: Kheti
Race: Tiefling
Classes/levels: Investigator 3
Adventure: The Half-Dead City
Location: Sanctum of the Erudite Eye
Catalyst: Trying to be a hero
The Gory Details: The group was getting overwhelmed by the Guardian, with only the alchemist (cryptbreaker) able to hurt it reliably. They were wearing it down slowly, and retreated back out the door since it had been wedged open, but the invetigator thought to distract it in the room. The guardian took the opportunity, moving out of view of the door and the alchemist while beating down the investigator. The shaman was too late and too far away to be able to save him before his head got smashed in.
Name: Lehasti
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Alchemist 4
Adventure: Empty Graves
Location: A public tomb outside the necropolis.
Catalyst: Lost in the darkness
The Gory Details: The group were headed past the open tomb on their way towards the brickworks and detected something moving inside the dark tomb. The paladin detected evil, and so they figured some undead to put down, and went in. Aoike responed to the invasion with deeper darkness and proceeded to pick them off one after another in the darkness. Four went down in the fight and the goblin of the group surrendered to try and save their lives and negotiate. Negotiations were successful, he left, but the alchemist bled out before she could be recovered. Nearly a TPK. This event also lead to the shaman retiring from the party and bringing in a new character.
Name: Meqjed
Race: Ifrit
Classes/levels: Magus 5
Adventure: Empty Graves
Location: Streets of the necropolis
Catalyst: Revenge is sweet
The Gory Details: During the first book, the Div from Pentheru's place had escaped. After a failed prior attempt to separate and kill the party in revenge, it teamed up with Velriana. He wanted Meqjed, and she wanted the paladin, Gaius. It distracted most of the party while Meqjed caught clues of her and went off on his own to investigate. The revenant killed him while the group figured out the distraction. she then rushed the paladin, but fell and the Div escaped again. (they'd later finally get their revenge against the Div and Aioke.)
Name: Aurora
Race: Aasimar
Classes/levels: Paladin 6
Adventure: Empty Graves
Location: Sephlacur of the Servant
Catalyst: Unprepared for what they would face
The Gory Details: The group was wholely unprepared to face this thing when they encountered it. They tried to engage with their normal 2 paladins up front and enlarged tactic. Aurora was hit by a successful crit by his Ennervation, and killed outright. Group quickly chose to retreat. In this case, they actually paid for her resurrection, so the death hasn't stuck. (I expect this will happen for most deaths going forward)
Name: Beetle, Gaius
Race: Goblin, Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 7, Paladin 7
Adventure: Shifting Sands
Location: The Spiral Archive
Catalyst: Overconfidence and Self-sacrifice
The Gory Details: A two for one special via petrification. The first round those in range got lucky and resisted. The goblin tried to avert gaze to attack in round two and messed up, getting petrified. An NPC warpriest (Calamity Caller) with the group tried to move in range to use an ability and caught the petrification as well. The Paladin used a spell so he got the effect instead when she failed her save.... good since she turned around and blinded the medusa along with significant damage, but bad as he ended up a statue. Both managed to survive returning to life at least.