Pfanston's page

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Well done folks. Was going to help out on this but the moment kickstarter pushed me to to pay for this that ended my involvment. I've had 3 dealings with amazon and all 3 resulted in the stealing of my credit card info. Won't deal with them ever again.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

Is anyone going to respond to my problem here? I need to get this fixed so I can see whats going on.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

First it says I have 59 issues of Dragon left and thats 19 over last issue (THAT IS COMPLETELY WRONG) Its 56 issues of dragon over last issue.

Then Dungeon has 18 Issues left and thats 15 over last issue (which I think is correct).

And all this only translates to 21 issues of the new pathfinder. First the issues of Dragon left is incorrect as indicated above. So unless this gets corrected I cant even make a choice here. Can someone actually help me out here?

Also If I want to get pathfinder and have it end when the transition is correctly identified, just how would I do that? I have been doing all my resubs by mail only, so is that a problem?