Lord Almir

Petyr Zuyev's page

11 posts. Alias of greg white 722.


Male exiled Cossack

Zuyev remembers his first sea voyage, aboard the decrepit Italian steamer that took, him, and his fellow defeated Whites from Vladivostok; the beginning of his exile. Sighing, he climbs the gangway.

Male exiled Cossack

Zuyev goes to the nearest Eastern Orthodox church, to give thanks for this opportunity for redemption, and to pray for the success of the expedition.

What he wouldn't give for some vodka now!

Male exiled Cossack

Taking the offered tobacco.

I've seen much blood-shed, much savagery. I've done things no man could be proud of. I would like an opportunity to do something that betters man, something I could be proud of; something noble, something that adds to the sum of human understanding.

Male exiled Cossack

Apparently you need to grant permission for access?

Male exiled Cossack

Zuyev glowers somewhat angrily at Starkweather.

I was a soldier in the Tsar's cavalry. I fought the Reds across the breadth of Siberia.

He slaps his leg.

I will walk with a limp to the end of my days thanks to a Bolshevik bullet.

Male exiled Cossack

What is common knowledge of Pabodie Expedition? I assume its known that several members died, but I'm guessing that it is not widely known how they died?

Male exiled Cossack

My name is Peter Zuyev. I know snow, ice, the mountains. I can track, ride, and shoot. I can set broken limbs. I can give orders and take them. I'm prepared to serve this expedition in any way I can.

Male exiled Cossack

So I think we can call this campaign dead.

Male exiled Cossack

The Cossack broods in one of his favorite watering holes.

I don't know Jean, I might be too much of a peasant for this Antarctic Expedition. Is the Bull and Johnny Two Ravens still planning on prospecting Charlie Creek this summer?

Male exiled Cossack

Have to be at sea before the pack ice closes up!

Male exiled Cossack

TO: Starkweather & Moore

From: Peter Zuyev

I humbly solicit a place in your expedition STOP I can claim no scientific knowledge or great education STOP I am a Cossack of the Russian Steppes, and am accustomed to hard-ship STOP I rode with the Whites in the Siberian and Tran-Baikal campaigns STOP I can ride, shoot, and track STOP For the last three years I have been trapping and prospecting in the Canadian Rockies STOP Please post your response to the attention of Jean Valois, Yellowknife, Canada STOP