Kalbio of Breezy Creek

Peter Plus-Haut's page

281 posts. Organized Play character for Watery Soup.


AC 23 (24) | HP 63/63 | P+12, F+9, R+12, W+12 (+1 vs divine) | Explore: Search | NV, 25' |


Focus: 2/2 | Spells: 1st (3/3) 2nd (3/3) 3rd (2/2) | Hero (1/3) | Active conditions: swagger 2


open | male (he/him) "human" (DC 24 Perception) bard (maestro) 5 | ◆◇↺♫ |

About Peter Plus-Haut

Character Summary

Peter is a jocular, mischievous slacker who loves being the center of attention. He was saved from flunking out of Crusader School by the destruction of Vigil.

Casting: Orlando Bloom, Lord of the Rings

Theme Song: Drink With Me (Les Miserables)

Character Inspiration:

Background Narrative:
Peter acknowledged all the ladies on the street as he strutted his way to the Lastwall Crusader War College. They had never seen so fine a specimen as he was, he thought to himself.

His father was a decorated Minkai general, prominent enough to guarantee his son Peter acceptance into the prestigious Lastwall Crusader War College despite Peter's obvious flaws with the sword. But, after enrollment, Peter's academic performance was marginally adequate, and his melee training was barely enough to keep him enrolled, even given his father's prominence. Every day, he returned to his room, battered and bruised from sparring in which he was clearly overmatched. On top of everything, Peter felt the need to hide his fox-like tail and ears, which would betray his kitsune ancestry.

His escape from the dreary routine was the night market. Climbing out of his window, he would walk the streets of Vigil, watching the street performers, smelling the barbequed meats, and entertaining himself with the Merchant's Game: Every night, he started with an ordinary rock, and traded his way up until he had something of value - a small dagger, a clay cup, an unpolished gemstone. And along the way, he would emulate one of the many voices he heard on the streets - a merchant from Cheliax, a warrior from Molthune, a thief from the Riverlands.

When Tar-Baphon rose against the city, Peter's squad was called to active duty, but he fled to the market, and took on the persona of a merchant. He fled the city with the masses of refugees. Given the chaos, it was assumed that Peter had died in battle with his squad, perhaps roaming the Gravelands as a zombie.

To his friends at the academy, he was a party boy, always quick with a joke to parry what his longsword could not. To his father, he is a disappointment, a son who accomplished nothing before falling in battle. But to anyone else he meets, he is ... whoever they want him to be.

Peter still plays the Merchant's Game. As he wanders Avistan and Garund, he keeps his most prized possessions, hoping to have the courage to go back home one day with a story that will impress his father.


Male (he/him) celestial envoy kitsune [prefers tailless form - Impersonate DC 24] (Minkai) bard (maestro) 5
Home Region: Gravelands (Eye of Dread)
Background: Lastwall Survivor
Senses: low-light vision, normal hearing
Speed: 25'

AC 10+2+[3+3]+5 = 23
Max HP 8+(8+1+2)*5 = 63
Perception +4+3+5 = +12
Fortitude +2+2+5 = +9 (+1 vs divine)
Reflex +4+3+5 = +12 (+1 vs divine)
Will +4+3+5 = +12 (+1 vs divine)

Melee: shortsword (+10, 1d6 P, agile, finesse, versatile S)
Ranged: shortbow (+10, 1d6 P, deadly d10)


STR 0 DEX +3 CON +2 INT 0 WIS +3 CHA +4*

Ancestry Feats: Change Shape, Kitsune Lore, Shifting Faces [illusory disguise (3rd)]
Class Features: Occult Spontaneous Spellcasting
Class Feats: Lingering Composition, Dandy Dedication, Gossip Lore
General Feats: Toughness
Skill Feats: Battle Medicine, Assurance (Medicine), Distracting Flattery [reaction]

Skills: +training+ability+level+item =
• Acrobatics +2+3+5-1 = +9
• Arcana +0
• Athletics +0-1 = -1
• Crafting +0
• Deception +4+4+5+1 = +14
• Diplomacy +4+4+5 = +13
• Intimidation +2+4+5 = +11
• Lore, Demon [hireling] +4+5 = +9
• Lore, Gossip +2+0+5 = +7
• Lore, Kitsune [heritage] +2+0+5 = +7
• Lore, Pathfinder Society [PFS] +2+0+5 = +7
• Lore, Undead [background] +2+0+5 = +7
• Medicine +2+3+5 = +10 (Assurance 10+2+5 = 17)
• Nature +3
• Occultism +2+0+5+1 = +8
• Performance +4+4+5 = +13 (+1 acting, oratory, singing, dancing)
• Religion [hireling] +4+5 = +9
• Society +4+0+5 = +9
• Stealth +3-1 = +2
• Survival +2+3+5 = +10
• Thievery +3-1 = +2

Languages: Common

Gear: adventurer's pack (backpack, bedroll, belt pouches (x2), chalk (x10), flint and steel, rope (50'), rations (x14), torches (x5), waterskin), +1 studded leather armor, light mace, shortsword, shortbow, persona mask, ventriloquist's ring, spacious pouch I, pendant of the occult

Focus Spells (max 2 Focus Points)
Cantrips: Courageous Anthem
1st Level: Counter Performance, Lingering Composition

Occult Spells (DC 21)
Cantrips: Bullhorn, Haunting Hymn, Infectious Enthusiasm, Shield, Telekinetic Projectile
1st Level (3/day): Bless, Illusory Disguise, Illusory Object, Soothe (Signature)
2nd Level (3/day): Dispel Magic (Signature), Illusory Creature, See the Unseen, Calm (Signature), Soothe (Signature)
3rd Level (2/day): Calm (H+1, Signature), Haste, Dispel Magic (Signature), Soothe (Signature)

Pathfinder Provision: 3rd rank scroll of haste

1.1. 2-11 The Pathfinder Trials
1.1.1. B01 The Whitefang Wyrm (GM)
1.1.2. B02 Blood of the Beautiful (GM)
1.1.3. B04 Cat's Cradle (GM)
1.1.4. B05 Witch's Winter Holiday (GM)
1.2.1. B06 The Road From Otari (GM)
1.2.2. B07 Cleanup Duty (GM)
1.2.3. B08 The Tireless Path (GM)
1.2.4. B09 Fishing in Anthusis (GM)
2.1. 3-08 Foundation's Price
2.2. 3-12 Fury's Toil
2.3. 99-02 United in Purpose
3.1. 4-02 Return to the Grave
3.2. 4-12 Negotiations for the Star Gun
3.3. 4-13 Within the Prairies
4.1. 3-99 Fate in the Future (1-4 subteier)
4.2. 5-16 A Lie told to Strangers
4.3. FRPGD5 The Great Toy Heist (pregen)

Item Access:
bird feather token (discounted to 6 gp; limit 1)
chest feather token (discounted to 8 gp; limit 1)
irondust stew (U, 15 gp) [LO:HH]
cantrip deck (full pack) (discounted to 18 gp; limit 1)
grim ring (U, Item 5, 150 gp)

Chronicle Boons:
Gunsmith's Reward: This character gains access to the drake rifle (Pathfinder Guns & Gears 154) with the damage type of your choosing. You may not alter this choice after purchasing, and you may not purchase more than one drake rifle.

Time Traveler: You gain access to the rare background Time Traveler for all of your Pathfinder Society characters. You must meet all ownership requirements as normal. Keep a copy of this boon with any character you create using this background.

Hireling (Expert): Teacher's Assistant (Religion, Demon Lore)

AcP Boons:
Hireling: You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb). The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling. You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat, and cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks. When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills checks.

Hireling, Expert: When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level.