PeteSanchez's page

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This a part of the game that every gaming group should think about and adjust to their needs.

My group can barely get together every two weeks. And sometimes we play something else entirely. To have a hope of going through all the adventures we really need to keep the game moving. Believe me, failing a scenario is a major bummer for us, and we've never met a situation where the death of a character would not strongly compromise a mission. So we agreed that all characters would advance and get rewards when we succeed a scenario, even the characters of players who couldn't be present for the game and the characters that "died". We've even agreed that if ever a player became disatisfied with his or her character, he or she could choose a new one and be able to start with all the rewards the other characters received.

I understand that other groups punish failure to make it seem more like a challenge (does it?), but we just can't afford to slow the progression of the adventure path down.

A suggestion: The only penalty for a character dying is that the game is now harder to win. When the game ends, the "dead" character is saved and if the group was victorious, he or she even gets the reward!

That's the only fun way to handle a character's death for my group of players.