Fungal Creature

Petal Sakura, Season of Ghost's page

44 posts. Alias of chadius.


♥️ 18 |AC 17| ☘️ □​​ | Class DC 17 |◆◇↺ | Saves 9/7/3 | Hero Point □□□


Perception +3 | Female Sprite (Ardande) | Kineticist (Wood) 1

Strength 1
Dexterity 2
Constitution 4
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 0
Charisma 2

About Petal Sakura, Season of Ghost

>Pathbuilder Link<
GP: 2.23

Picture Gallery:

Portrait (AI Generated)


□) Heirloom
One Cold Iron Chunk worth 10 gp
What better way to deal with her allergies to cold iron than to keep a chunk of it lying around? It's working! She thinks...

□) Home
W27, The Leshy's Saloon
Petal considered it her duty to make sure the harvested trees were treated carefully, and to make sure the forest was not over harvested and could replenish itself. The easiest way to watch over Willowshore was to live at the Saloon and entertain the guests with environmental poems and music.

□) Religion (if any)
Tsukiyo (Prince of the Moon)

Sakura finds herself drawn to helping other people, and making sure the dead stay that way. She also thinks about the world and making sure destroying a part of the land (especially the forest) is balanced with planting a sapling in its place.

Defenses and Movement:

♥️ 18
AC 17

Wood Impulse Junction: She gains Temporary Hit Points equal to her level until the start of her next turn.

Saving Throws
Fort (Expert) 9
Ref (Expert) 7
Will (Trained) 3

Speed 20

Tiny size: Carrying limits are reduced

>Sunlit Vitality<: Photosynthesis (sunlight) provides nourishment. Petal Sakura can go without sunlight for a week before starving.

Seasonal Boon
Trigger: You (or an adjacent PC) are about to roll a recovery check;
Effect: You gain an automatic critical success on the recovery check rather than rolling it as your hearty physique, tenacious attitude, or just plain old luck continues to help you survive the way it had during your childhood. If you’re adjacent to a PC who’s about to roll a recovery check, you can instead use this boon to grant them this effect.


[dice=(T) Athletics]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=(T) Diplomacy]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=(T) Lore: Engineering]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=(T) Nature]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=(T) Performance]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=(T) Society]1d20+3[/dice]


Magical Strikes: All of Petal's strikes count as magical.

Elemental Blast
- Requires Channel Aura
- Melee attack adds Strength bonus
- 2 action version adds Constitution bonus
- Choose damage type:
• Wood 1d8 bludgeoning or vitality, 30 feet

- Impulse Junction (Triggered by any Wood impulse that takes 2 actions or more) You gain temporary Hit Points equal to your level that last until the start of your next turn.

>Weapon Infusion<
- Blasts can be changed to Bludgeoning, Piercing or Slashing
- Melee attacks can take one trait: agile, backswing, forceful, reach, sweep.
- Ranged attacks can switch to: 100 foot range increment with the volley (30 feet) trait, 50 foot range increment with the propulsive trait, or 20 foot range increment with the thrown trait.

[dice=Wood Kinetic Blast]1d20+7[/dice]

Tiny, Reach (5ft), 2 handed

[dice=Wood Kinetic Blast]1d20+7[/dice]

Hand Crossbow
Tiny, Range Increment 60 ft, Reload 1


Channel Elements: 10 foot emanation

>Timber Sentinel<
2 actions
>Protector Tree< spell of rank equal to half her level, within 30 feet
- AC 10
- 10 HP (+10 HP per rank)
- When an ally next to the tree is hit by a Strike, the tree intercepts and takes the damage instead
- Excess damage is transferred to the target

>Fresh Produce<
- 1 action
- 1 creature in your aura gets a yuzu fruit in their hands (or at their feet), it is Light bulk. Lasts for 1 round
- Use an interact action to eat and gain 1d4+1 HP (healing vitality effect) (Increases by 1d4+5 for every 2 ranks)
- Target is full for 10 minutes, and they gain 2 resistance to void damage (Increases by 2 for every 2 ranks)


Hand Crossbow with 10 bolts
Sankeit armor

Bottled Sunlight (1 day)

Level 1 creation notes:

Ancestry: Sprite
Heritage: Ardande
Ancestry Feat: >Sunlit Vitality<
Background: Willowshore Urchin

Class: Kineticist
Kinetic Gate: Wood
Wood Impulse Junction: She gains Temporary Hit Points equal to her level until the start of her next turn.

Class Feat: >Weapon Infusion<
Impulse Feat: >Timber Sentinel<
Impulse Feat: >Fresh Produce<

Non Keyboard Symbols:

