TPK vs. last boss isn't bad but if a plane shift or multiple crit attack with vorpal sword wipes most of the party in one go, a rollback isn't unreasonable.
The character in question was the only person to get sent to another plane, it was several rounds into the fight, kind of a last gasp from Hakotep before dropping and having to do the whole rejuvenation thing.
Name: Grinning Demon Company (Entire Party)
Race: Humans (and one dwarf)
Adventure: The Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh (Part 6)
Location: Hakotep's room
Catalyst: Hakotep himself.
The Gory Details:
The party reached the final room of Hakotep's sky pyramid after a long battle through the interior. Upon engaging in combat, the Glorious and Powerful Sky-Pharaoh cast Prismatic Spray upon the party, catching the leader of their group (the one wearing the mask) with a violet beam. Failing his will save, he is transported to another plane, along with the only item that will truly put an end to Hakotep.
So, am I reading Anatomical Mastery correctly in that with that feat you have a slim chance of dealing a crit/sneak attack damage to say, an amorphous creature?
This spell grants you an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +25) on any single attack roll, combat maneuver check, opposed ability or skill check, or saving throw.
SRD wrote:
At the start of a battle, each combatant makes an initiative check. An initiative check is a Dexterity check.
Initiative is a Dexterity check, but it is not an OPPOSED Dexterity skill check.