Person with Bird Mask |

"Yes, yes, I remember now. It’s so nice to meet all of you, once again. Now, you wish to be strong, yes? Good, Good. There is a cave to the south some day or so from here. Would you be so kind as to clear it of its inhabitants? They have stolen from me and my companions. And you all agree that stealing is wrong, yes?"
His arms suddenly drape his already covered face, slightly muffling what he says. "Woe unto them, for they have commited a crime! Dire it is, ever so dire."
His gaze meets back at you all and he quickly says "One of my companions will meet you there, and if you hurry, he might reward you… South is that way!" as he points directly in front of him. Looking in that direction, you see a mountain with what looks like antennas up on the top. After seeing what he had pointed at, you hear a jingling noise. When you look back at Omi, he is no longer there. In his place is a large duffle bag with the emblem of a bird on the side.