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We are live again at

Come watch the penultimate episode for this story arc before we head off to gencon. The party are currently bartering their way into a meeting with the Cult of Maele, the Demon Goddess of Trade and Deception. If you want to catch up on previous episodes check out our youtube channel.

We stream every Saturday starting around 9/930 EST

The party is live with episode 5. If you want to catch up on the campaign check out the recap episodes on the youtubes.

Our group is playtesting Pathfinder 2.0 in the world of Farline.
The Story So Far...

The year is 1125 A.S. It has been five years since the start of the Warring States period of Chuusei and the re-establishment of the Chuugo Shogunate. After Akame Chuugo marched across Eastern Chuusei and drove the Dorminians out of the Imperial Capital it was believed that peace and unification of the land would soon follow.

However, the flames of the civil war have only grown taller. In the East, the chaos of the Chuugo campaign has left the vassal clans in a tense power struggle. The Imperial Capital is externally threatened by enemies from all sides while internally its streets and alleyways are infested with spies and rebels.

The Shogunate is on the brink of collapse. In order to combat this, the Bakufu officials decide to once again put out a call to arms. They call upon samurai from all over Chuusei, no matter the clan or creed, in order to form an elite military unit. This group would answer to no master except for one: the daimyo of daimyos, Shogun Akame Chuugo.

The players are such samurai who have decided to answer the call. Steel yourself for the Sengoku!

This is what we are going with right now. We have a couple of sessions where we will test it, and I'll let you know how it works out.


Mounting is a Combat Manouver against a creatures modified CMD that provokes an attack of opportunity. For mounting purposes, a Creatures size bonus chart for CMD is inverted. Characters can only mount creatures that are at least 2 size categories larger than themselves. While mounting, characters can make attacks with light weapons. Maintaining a mount is a move action and requires a ride check to maintain. The DC of the check is equal to the monsters Mounted CMD. This can be shortened to a swift action by increasing the DC of the mount. While mounted a monster can take actions normally. It can attempt a Combat Manoever to throw the character off of its back as a move action. Attacks against it's mounter are made at a -5. Additionally, mounters grant flanking to all allies adjacent to the monster, regardless of their position. A mounter that is hit with an attack from the creature they are mounting must make a successful ride check equal to the damage received or be thrown from the creature.


Improved Mounting

Character gains a +2 to CMB when attempting to mount a creature(edited)

Vicious Mounter

The character is particularly skilled at finding a creatures weak points while mounted. Mounted creatures take an additional d6 damage from a mounted characters attacks

Greater Mounting
Prerequisite: Improved Mounting

Character gains an additional +2 to mounting attempts. They also no longer provoke attacks of opportunity when Mounting.

Shielded Mounter

The character has become adept at preventing attacks from the mounted creature. Gain an additional +2 to AC from the creature you have mounted.

Hi Everyone,

So, I am running a campaign in the vein of Capcom's Monster Hunter. There isn't a very strong overarching plot right now. I'm laying little groundwork pieces here and there, but for the most part, the campaign focuses on hunting monsters back to back like in the game.

That being said, my players have attempted to mount monsters like you do in monster hunter and I handled it poorly.

Looking back on it, I'm thinking of making it a jump check to make it onto the monsters back followed by a CMB for a mount and then following the rules of a grapple to maintain hold/handle animal to try and stay mounted when it attempts to throw off.

Am I on the right track? Ideas or suggestions?

Edit: I will be posting Monster Hunter monsters we use in conversions later and will be creating some custom monsters for the campaign.