Perfexion's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


You could propose the first 2 modules as a prelude, with the intention of bringing the main character back in afterwards...

Play through an abridged version of HoH and TotB with a "fade to black" after the trial with the prelude characters heading to Ascanor.

Fade back in with the permanent characters being hired by Daramid through the PFS to follow up on the missing party..

The only issue you really run into is one of the PC's preferring their prelude character.

Something that worked extremely well for my group:

Kendra in my game has a daughter, Katya.

I used her to direct the PCs around town on various errands and keep them focused on investigation and getting settled instead of rushing off before they were prepared.

I've also used Kendra / Katya later in the series to give more personal meaning to some events since my players were able to connect well with the pair.

Wraiths do Con *drain*. This requires a full restoration spell to heal, lesser restoration doesn't work.