Penthesilia's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (388 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 2 aliases.


Moved you, Tilver

GM Tarondor wrote:
Some quick formatting notes for those of you not used to Paizo's boards.

I assume these rules will start to apply when we move to the Gameplay tab? (We are going to move there, correct? I'm sort of assuming as some point we'll show up in the players and characters tabs and then we'll move to the Gameplay tab for the actual game. But maybe I'm wrong? ... )

Scott, as a side note, I changed one of the languages I got from Linguistics to Old Prustan (previously Celestial). Just wanted to make sure that's okay. Thought it made sense since Velika loves machines. And Linguistics implied you could take uncommon languages with ranks. Let me know if you want me to change it back.

Andyr wrote:
Hi again all: sorry for the continued delay. I realise I'm dragging things. It's been a tough week and it always takes me a while to make characters.

Just my personal opinion but I'm okay with the delay. It's important to make a character you love or you won't want to keep playing him/her. So waiting a few more days to really get rolling is okay with me. (And I'm enjoying the pre-campaign questions. :)

Thanks for the tips! I definitely will rely heavily on ranged weapons for combat damage, rather than spells. I'm probably going to go with a gun (I've been reading a lot of steampunk lately so I'm psyched for a slightly higher tech level.) And I've committed my feats to ranged combat so I can be moderately successful with it.

Also, a side note on stealth: as a gnome with decent dex, I think I have +10 in stealth without trying very hard so I'm on board with an all stealth party. On the flip side, I don't want to pressure anyone who has a harder time with it to spend too many of their resources trying to make themselves stealthy. It would be a lot of fun if it worked out though.

Since I've never played a bard before, I'd love some advice on spells (I have 0, 1st and two 2nd level to choose). I'd like to be more about helping the group rather than offense but I should probably have some offense in the wings.

Anyway, just wondering if anyone has some "My bard loves this spell" recommendations for me to consider while I put this together.

GM Tarondor wrote:
So I think I need to do the same in an online game. Sure, it's all there in print, but it's a lot to read over and what's important may not stand out. So I'm going to implement a periodic review of who's who, what's what and what's at stake. I think I'll start with every two weeks and adjust from there. Maybe with a link to all previous reviews.

I think that's a great idea - especially if you're able to include links. My first experience with PBP was a lot of fun, but a few times I found myself trying to remember some details, going to look them up, struggling to find them, putting it off and then not posting until my next time in front of the computer.

My memory is not the best, I'd appreciate any help you wanted to give!

I've decided against the dwarf for my bard. Mol the Magnificent's a wonderful magician and I hope you all go see her perform one day but she's no hero (I had to commit so much to the concept that she lost too much effectiveness.)
Her good friend and one-time assistant, Veliqa Wondercraft (a gnome), will take her place.
I also decided not to go with the magician archetype since it seems to focus a little to heavily on actual magic as opposed to gadgets. So my character will be a straight up bard with her own personal magician flavor.
I have her mostly created. I am left only to lament the absence of a decent top hat from which to pull a rabbit.

One other thing. I also created an Investigator on the side if the party ends up needing more of a rogue than a bard. She is also very cool.

Scott - when I had looked up Ptolus/Pathfinder previously I saw that Grailwarden Dwarves could take Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Guns) in place of standard Pathfinder Dwarf Weapon Familiarity. I think I've just realized that's someone's house rule, isn't it? If it's not part of your system I think I'll forgo guns since it would require too many feats to make it work (with a Bard). Just wanted to check before I switch to a different weapon.

Malinor. wrote:

A few thoughts.

For a city campaign and mega dungeon I think someone who can handle traps would be pretty nice to have along. I do think there is at least one trait that lets you handle traps. I can take that and plan to handle traps if no one wants to actually play a rogue and I go down a melee path.

I would be cool with handling the front line fighter type, an arcane caster or a rogue depending on what other people's choices are.

I will most likely have some Disable Device since I have a tech/device bent to the character, although I won't be as good as a rogue.

Jamey here. I'm still playing with the idea of tech oriented "magician" bard. I noticed there's a magician archetype in the APG, so that seems promising - still keeps the focus on buffing and fits the flavor of the character I'd imagined.
I'm leaning toward using a gun since the character is tech-ish.
I originally envisioned a Grailwarden Dwarf but I'm also struggling with the dwarf -2 CHA since that's such a crucial stat (THE crucial stat, really). Gnomes are equally techie and don't suffer the same penalties so I'm torn between the two. But still leaning toward Dwarf.

That's what I've got so far. But still willing to be flexible if the party ends up with other needs. (I love making characters, happy to make ten and use the one that's necessary!)