I've played 2 monks, both humans from the Realms. One was a devotee of the god Hoar (god of vengeance). He was a small dude with a big chip on his shoulder (picked on as a youth). He didn't look, dress, or act like a monk. He was more concerned with punishing lawbreakers than helping people. Pretty fun to play, he used the tiger claw type of martial arts before the style rules came out (stylistic flavor fluff).
The other was a poor boy who learned his trade while making deliveries to the monastary. He took a vow of poverty (3.5 version) and gave everything he made (his share of the loot) to those less fortunate than himself. Pretty much the typical monk stuff. Of the two characters, the first was more interesting, the DM liked him better too. Typical monk flavoring is as bland as the rice monks eat, I'll try to spice it up any way I can but the "crazy old man spouting nonsence and punching stuff"... meh... also boring.