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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm coming up on the end of the AP and I can't find the actual rules for how to use the Fulcrum Lenses and/or Fulcrum Lattices against Belcorra. Can anyone give me a specific page number or place to look? I have found mentions that it's easier with the Lattice, but no rules on what you specifically do in combat, or what the exact effects are for just using 1 or 2 of the items. Help?
I have both the three and the unified versions, but I've just been checking the hardcover. Did this not make the transition?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

With skeletons now being an option, and death knights being an archetype that some will want, having the level 19 class ability that is supposed to be really powerful do literally nothing to those with negative healing is a significant issue for some characters.
I'm confident that it'll be houseruled for most that would get that far, but having an official erratta would be a good thing, there's no downside I see for removing the positive trait for those with negative healing.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:

Wow -- looks almost like a cross between Blade Runner and a Star Wars bar. (Not Mos Eisley Cantina yet, though. That comes later.)

It seemed very Shadowrun to me. :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Fuzzypaws wrote:

My player actually stopped to read this feat out loud. The whole table laughed, and the Barbarian promptly chose a lower level feat, because all of the level 4 barbarian feats and especially this one are worthless.


The other two level 4 feats are both fantastic. More speed so you can get into and around combat easier? Yes please! Climb and swim speeds equal to land speed so again you are never stuck unable to get to the fight? Wow! They may not directly add to your damage in a theorycrafting sense but in practice I expect both to be invaluable. I skipped Swipe just because both other level 4 feats were too good to pass up!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

So you want to be a full spellcaster with one of the better spell lists in the game (Heal and Fireball both) and also a respectable frontline fighter at the same time? No, they make you have to switch back and forth, you can't have both at once.
That seems reasonable to me.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
shroudb wrote:
Draco18s wrote:
I saw Legendary repair. I think the result is hilarious.
"What do you mean my shield is broken? Just because it's split in half? 'Tis but a scratch!!! Let me polish it with my sleeve just a sec... Here! Good as new! "

I figure you just hit it and the dents pop right back out. :)

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've made a Fey Sorcerer and it all looks pretty cool until I get to the powers.
The initial power is Faerie Dust. It's an area effect, that looks good. On a save it does nothing. On a failure the target gets a -2 to perception and can't use reactions. On a critical failure the target falls asleep for one round. Under most circumstances this power will do... nothing at all. Unless someone crit-fails a roll perception checks and reactions just aren't a thing in combat for most foes from what I have seen. Am I missing something?
The second power is Fey Disappearance. For 2 power points and 2 actions you can ignore difficult natural terrain and stride or step once. That's two actions to move once unhindered. If you just took those two actions to move in difficult terrain you'd go the same distance. If there's no difficult (natural!) terrain you are straight-up giving away an action and 2 spell points for nothing. If there is you are spending 2 spell points to move once unhindered and then I guess can use your last action to move again, as it lasts the round. Best-case you are gaining half a normal move, if you spend your entire round moving through difficult natural terrain. Oh, but there's a rider. For an additional 2 points (that's 4 total of your 6) you also turn invisible for the round even if you attack. With your 1 remaining action. You can do this a grand total once per day until you reach 10th level, then you can do this twice. I'd prefer to just get Invisibility, as long as it cost less than 4 spell points. Or at least gave you enough extra points to pay for itself once. You get 2 points, to use it fully it costs 4.
The Greater power is Ridiculous Notion. This causes everyone within 30 feet to save or be slowed 1 and no reactions for 1 round (crit fail is prone and no actions). It's an aura so it'll effect your allies unless you run away from them into the middle of your foes to use it, maybe slowing them 1 if you are lucky! This seems like a bad plan.

Maybe the Fey Sorcerer is being punished for getting the Primal spell list which is pretty cool. I don't know.
These are not good powers as far as I can see. Can anyone explain how and when they might be useful?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The new Dying rules intro says you are no longer slowed after having the Dying condition, you get Wounded instead.
The Unconscious rules on the next page still have you slowed after being unconscious.
I'm presuming that this is in error and the Slowed part of the Unconscious rules should not apply? Currently recovering from Dying gives you Wounded and recovering from Unconscious gives you Slowed. Can you be Dying without being Unconscious?

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

You should be able to attack at any point in your mount's movement normally. Your mount having spring attack lets it attack too.
Ride-by attack lets you continue after charging, which is a completely different thing.