Sabina Merrin

Pengaal's page

237 posts. Alias of Whiskey and a Bonesaw.

Full Name

Pengaal, Former Artist


AC: 25 T: 20 FF: 16 | CMD: 23 (25 v. Trip) | F. +10 R. +11 W. +13 | Init. +6 | Perc. +6 | Speed: 30ft | Armiger's Mark: 6 | Conditions: None


Dervish Defender Warder 7


M (5'4", 155 lb.)






The Gelid River


Common, Alko, Polyglot, Cyclops, Draconic

Strength 11
Dexterity 22
Constitution 13
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

About Pengaal

Pengaal, Former Artist
Human (Swamp-Folk) Dervish Defender 7
Demi-Gestalt: Monk

Hollow Lord:
I took the mantle of Lord of my own volition. I speak these words with pride. Though I may live a man, I will die a colossus.

You bear a second, more nefarious marking known as a Dark Sigil. It is a symbol of endings and is considered to be somehow connected to the ending of the world and subsequent rise of the age of deep waters, making those who hold it mistrusted almost universally. There are some though who see a world born of betrayal and chose to strive for something greater. The Dark Sigil draws out a writhing darkness that dwells within humanity to strengthen its bearer.

Whenever you make a save against hollowing the DC of subsequent saves only increases by 1 instead of 2 and you use your CON score rather than your CHA score for calculating hit points, fortitude saves, and special abilities that rely on a CON score while hollow. As long as you remain hollow you can increase the bonus offered by a single luck, alchemical, or inherent effect by 1. Should the effect end, you may immediately designate a different luck, alchemical, or inherent bonus that is currently affecting you to increase by 1.

You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks and Stealth is a class skill for you.
Indomitable Faith:
You gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves.

Starting Gift: Pendant


Acrobatics +16, Climb +6, Craft (Painting) +14, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (History) +14, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7, Sleight of Hand +10, Stealth +17, Survival +7, Swim +6


AC: 22, Touch: 20, Flat-footed: 16
HP: 66
Fort: +10 Ref: +12 Will: +10
CMD: 22 (24 v. Trip)
Other: Evasion


Initiative: +6, Speed: 30ft
BAB: +7, CMB: +13 (+17 for Trip)
Dual Masterwork Machetes: +12/+12/+7 (1d6+6, 19-20, x2)
Unarmed Strike: +11/+11/+7 (1d8+6, 20, x2)
Wooden Stake +11/+11/+7 (1d6, 20, x2, 10ft increment)
Other: 6 AoOs per round, Armiger's Mark (7/day, -4, 13%), Shield of Blades (+2)


Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Deadly Agility, Greater Trip, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse

Maneuvers and Stances:

Maneuvers Prepared:
Flick of the Wrist
Brawler's Attitude
Flat Iron Riposte
Iron Knuckle
Steel Flurry Strike
Maneuvers Known:
Level 1:

Brawler's Attitude:
Gain a +4 bonus on CMB checks to perform an unarmed trip, dirty trick, disarm, or grapple attempt.

Leaping Dragon:
Make an Acrobatics check to jump as a swift action with a +10 bonus.

Tactical Strike:
If attack hits, ally can move 10ft.

Shards of Iron Strike:
A piercing strike that potentially staggers an opponent with pain.

Level 2:
Flick of the Wrist:
Make at least two successful attack rolls with two weapons on a full attack action with a +2 bonus, if successful enemy is disarmed.

Reflexive Twist:
Make an Acrobatics check in place of a Reflex save.

Level 3:
Flat Iron Riposte:
Make an opposed attack roll against attacker, if successful, negate the attack and throw opponent 10-ft. in a chosen direction and potentially land prone.

Steel Flurry Strike:
Make three attacks on a target enemy, inflicting up to +3d6 points of damage on each strike.

Level 4:
Iron Knuckle:
For the duration of the turn, unarmed and discipline weapon strikes inflict an additional 4d6 points of damage.

Level 1:
Outer Sphere Stance:
When wielding two weapons, disciple inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage per attack, -2 to AC.

Inner Sphere Stance:
When wielding two weapons, disciple gains +3 dodge bonus to AC and a +3 bonus to Will saves.

Level 3:
Battle Dragon Stance:
Reduce penalties of two-weapon fighting by 2, +4 to Initiative checks and adds 1d6 + initiation modifier to damage while two-weapon fighting.

Default Stance: Battle Dragon Stance


Headband of Superior Intellect +2 This headband, woven from fibers of hallucinogenic fungi, frees the mind even as it destroys it.
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 The belly-skin of the flying viper is smooth as mother's milk
Cloak of Resistance +2 Some skin of the dead is rejected by the mangrove trees, then to be collected by the not-quite dead. This tattered cloak shows an unusual resistance to life's troubles.
Dungeoneering Kit, Flight Grapnel, Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4), Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (2), Ouroboros Ring, Flawed Pearly White Spindle, 2515 gp

To survive in the swamp, a person needs fast reflexes and faster wits. Conversation, though, withers on the vine when people would rather live in their past. What all avoid talking about is that neither reflexes, nor wits, nor a silver tongue will save you without the blessing of the Gelid.

Inspirations: Blight-Town, Road of Sacrifices, Nightmare Frontier