
Pendleton Luculus's page

69 posts. Alias of Rabscuttle.

Unchained Raging Climber wrote:
The barbarian gains a climb speed equal to 1/2 her base land speed, taking into account her fast movement class feature. She can’t use this climb speed to climb any surface with a DC higher than 20. She also gains a +8 enhancement bonus on Climb checks.
Core Rulebook wrote:
A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks.

So is the enhancement bonus meant to replace the standard racial bonus for a climb speed, or is this actually giving a total +16 bonus? Ditto on Raging Swimmer.

Is there a page that lists which PDFs are included in this sale? I checked the "On Sale!" section of the store, but it doesn't have a category that corresponds to this.

Q: Does the Sacred Huntsmaster immediately get the improved version of the Raise Animal Companion ability?


Sacred Huntsmaster (Inquisitor archetype)

Raise Animal Companion (Sp)

At 16th level, a sacred huntsmaster gains raise animal companion as a spell-like ability (not restricted to her own animal companion). Using this ability gives the sacred huntsmaster a negative level that cannot be overcome in any way (including by restoration), but automatically ends after 24 hours. At 16th level, this functions as resurrection instead of raise dead, but otherwise operates as normal.

This ability replaces third judgment.


This is the same ability as from the Hunter class, except the Hunter gets it at level 10.

On the SH, it's worded awkwardly - it makes me think it might be a typo - with the improvement meant to be occuring later (or not at all)

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

At what levels does the Wild Stalker ranger get Wild Talents?


Wild Stalker


Rage Powers

At 5th level, a wild stalker ranger gains a single rage power, as the barbarian class feature. He gains another rage power each five levels after 5th (to a maximum of four rage powers at 20th level).

This ability replaces the ranger's second, third, fourth, and fifth favored enemy abilities.


Wild Talents

At 6th level, a wild stalker can either take a rage power, or gains a +2 insight bonus into any one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Stealth, Survival, or Swim. The wild stalker can gain one of these two benefits again every five levels after 6th (to a maximum of 4 times at 20th level).

This ability replaces the ranger's 6th-, 10th-, 14th-, and 18th-level combat style feat abilities.


In Wild Talents, the maximum numbers in the brackets don't add up. Also, the levels don't match what they are replacing.

So, should it be:
"... again every four levels after 6th (to a maximum of four at 18th level)" - this matches the levels of the feats replaced
"... again every five levels after 6th (to a maximum of three at 16th level)"

The current FAQ also looks incorrect - it doesn't match with the change between the 1st and 2nd Printings and implies that the Wild Stalker should only get 4 rage powers total instead of 7 (or 8)

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

Does an arcanist with the School Understanding exploit get to choose which first level power they get from a given school?


School Understanding wrote:
The arcanist can select one arcane school from any of the schools available to a character with the arcane school wizard class feature, but does not have to select any opposition schools. The arcanist gains one ability of that arcane school as though she were a 1st-level wizard, using her Charisma modifier in place of her Intelligence modifier for this ability. The ability must be one gained at 1st level and is limited in its use per day to 3 + the arcanist's Charisma modifier.

All schools give an activated power (3 + int mod uses per day) and a passive power (always on) at 1st level. eg the Illusion School gets Extended Illusions for the passive ability and Blinding Ray for the activated ability

Does the bold part mean that the power has to be the activated one? (ie, It must be 1st level, and it must be limited to 3 + modifier uses per day.) It's worded loosely enough that you could argue that the second half of the sentence isn't another restriction but a description (which is a little weird because the previous sentence just said to replace INT with CHA, plus it doesn't apply on the passive ability)

Wasn't able to find anything concrete on a search (looks like people are assuming a choice), please let me know if there was any official word on it that I missed.

Do effective levels of Barbarian Rage from multiple classes (eg Viking, Wild Stalker) stack when determining if a character can take a Rage Power, and how powerful that power is?

For example, say I have a

3rd Barbarian
6th Viking
5th Wild Stalker

Viking and WS rage as level - 3, so I have 3 + (6-3) + (5-3) = 8 levels of "effective Barbarian level"

Consider Renewed Vigor, which has both a level prereq and improves as you gain levels.


Renewed Vigor (Ex)

Prerequisite: Barbarian 4

Benefit: As a standard action, the barbarian heals 1d8 points of damage + her Constitution modifier. For every four levels the barbarian has attained above 4th, this amount of damage healed increases by 1d8, to a maximum of 5d8 at 20th level.

So the two questions are:
1. Could this character take this Rage Power?

2. How much would it heal? (If the answer to 1 is no, assume with an extra Barb level (4th Barb/6th Vik/5th WS)


And a related question:

The Mad Dog Barbarian archetype rages as a standard barbarian - 3. Could a 4th level Mad Dog take Renewed Vigor as their 4th level rage power, and how much damage would it heal when they reached 8th level?

I just want to check: If you have multiple weapons that you have Weapon Focus in, do you only need to take the Dazzling Display feat once, or is it specific to a particular weapon?

The prerequisites of the feat include "Proficient with the selected weapon", but it does not have the "Special: You can take this feat multiple times for different weapons" that Weapon Focus has.

Cockatrice cavalier order get it as a bonus feat (with no weapon required) but that's maybe a special case.
