PedroKantor |
If your Weapon has the Trip Trait, you could use the Feat while Wielding that Weapon and a Shield.
The reason it can work with a 2 Handed Weapon is that a 2 Handed Weapon can be Held in 1 Hand, and Releasing 1 Hand off is a Free Action, so the Feat is basically just allowing you to regrip your Weapon as a Free Action.
Detaching a Shield is not a Free Action, and you can't just drop your Grip from it, so the Feat would have to allow you to Detach your Shield, Drop it on the Ground, and then Pick it Up, and Reattach it, all for Free, and in the same amount of time as simply Releasing and Regripping your Weapon.
A Buckler counts as a Free Hand, so you could use the Feat with a Buckler too.
Sorry to Necro this thread, but I've been trying to find more information about a shield & whip fighter. Is there official guidance that you can use knockdown with a shield and whip due to the trip trait on the whip?