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![]() Well, makin' it right, that'll be up to Magistrate. Like I said, Kreed won't intervene where the law is concerned. Ultimately 'twas the Magistrate, Harg, had her arrested on suspicions of bein' in league with whomever spread the disease. 'T'll have to be the magistrate that lets her go, if she's proved innocent. He pauses for just a second, and then looks at Kairon with a focused stare. Let me ask you. D'you ever consider maybe Laurel planned on charging for the cure? I mean, just cause you folk got all the ingredients and made the stuff for free, doesn't mean she was gonna do the same. She certainly was still making a nice profit off of selling stuff to people that, apparently, didn't have no chance o' making 'em better. Stands to reason somebody with the knowledge to make people healthy, sure as money, knows how to make 'em sick. With that Payden waves a hand at everybody, and then turns on his heels and heads out, his three goons following close behind. ![]()
![]() Baradim's words clearly catch "the boss" off guard, as he clears his throat, and stammers for a bit. 'S'at so? Is all he can get out for a moment before he regains his composure. I'll talk to the Gavel about it, but what's done is done. I'm guessing Mista Kreed's gonna want the law to set her free. If'n she's innocent, like you say, 'n' what's more helped with the cure, then free she'll go, I've no doubt. ![]()
![]() Payden looks at the mountain of stone that voices profound philosophical wisdom with a quirk of the brow, but says nothing. He nods at Chillel, and says, Aye, that we'll do. I've gotta report back to Kreed at the moment, but we'll get the word spread there's a cure, and all the Jacks on their off week'll prolly show up just to be safe. Turning to Kairon, and being smart enough to realize there's a bit more to it than forest economy he says, The Consortium doesn't get paid to plant trees, we get paid to cut 'em down. And don't worry, I'm sure Mister Kreed will want to talk to the lot of you sooner, rather than later. I'm going to keep Payden at the table for a while yet, just in case anybody else has anything they want to question him about, or comment on. You know, like, maybe the fact that Laurel Usessa is in jail... O.o ![]()
![]() Hmmmm. Payden grunts, and looks around, and then, something happens that perhaps only a few of the oldest lumberjacks could have predicted. "Boss Payday" Payden Teedum smiles, a big, broad, happy smile. Ain't that a wonder. Is all he says. Then he wanders across the bar, carefully picking his way through the massive sea of people, and heads directly to the corner booth where the envoy and their Valer friends now sit, happy as you please. He continues to smile, and looks at each man, and woman, in turn and says, I don't know how you did it, but you did. I can see it with m'own two eyes. You did what I didn't think was possible. He pauses for just a moment, and then says. The Hollow owes you a great debt of thanks. Hell, the consortium owes you a debt o' thanks. With all our Jacks capable of being healed, we can make sure to get that Brookman's Well torn down and rebuilt, and still make our quotas. I'll let the Gavel know what y'all did. Might even be a bit of reward in it for ya, though I wouldn't expect too much out of Kreed, he's the Gavel for a lot of good reasons, and penny-pinching is absolutely one of 'em. ![]()
![]() The hell is going on here Jak?! Is that the group come from Almas, back from the woods already, sittin' in yer best booth? Where'd all these people come from? It's clear that Payden is more than a titch perturbed at something so large transpiring, under his nose, as it were, without either his say-so or his knowledge. ![]()
![]() Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how many times I've heard that Dolok? Yet here I stand. Just gather your things and come along. Payden's thugs close around Dolok, but it is obvious to all onlookers that they refuse to touch him. What the source of their trepidation at handling him is, one can only guess... Shortly thereafter the six men exit Jak Crimmy's fine establishment for rest and refreshment. If one were so inclined, and looked out the window, they'd see the entire group marching directly to Thuldrin Kreed's manse. ![]()
![]() Meanwhile back at the Jak'a'napes, as Dolok sits quietly in a corner, suddenly two of Payden Teedum's Jacks appear in the door that leads from the common room to the kitchen, and the back door. Then, just as suddenly, Payden and his two sellswords burst in the front door. It only takes Payden a second to locate Dolok's fiery red hair. He points across the room. There you are, you son of a hellhound. Up with you, Mista Kreed wants to have a word with you. Payden stands impatiently at the door waiting for Dolok Pickering to join him. ![]()
![]() Teedum turns an angry glare toward the door where the fiery haired Valer popped in to interrupt his "introductions." He looks at the two axe-wielding roughs that came in with him and just nods his head in the direction of the door. Immediately the two Jacks head out into the street. Teedum then turns his attention back to the table of three, and smiles a winsome, debonair grin. Look laddies, you can strut and posture all you want. I'm here to let you know, what everybody else in this room already knows. He gestures in a wide arc, and you notice that wherever his hand points people stop, still, frozen for that fraction of a second when his gaze and his hand rest in their direction. Falcon's Hollow belongs to the Lumber Consortium, and the Lumber Consortium has hired Gavel Kreed to run it, and Mista Kreed has me to make sure things run the way they're supposed to. You just remember that, and we won't have any problems. With his little speech done, Teedum turns around, and again people scramble to get out of his way. His two sellswords fall in behind him as he heads out the door, and almost immediately the din of the common room is once again loud and clamorous. Shortly after his departure, a beautiful half-elven barmaid arrives with Goruck's requested pancakes. As she drops the plate she takes a moment to look Lunarinus, Kairon, and finally Goruck in the eyes. Listen boys, you seem like the kind what can take care of yerselves in a fight, but Teedum and his boys ain't people you want to get on the bad side of, okay?! Especially you handsome. She says, and winks at Lunarinus. Wouldn't want that gorgeous face of yours messed up so it looks like Teedum's. As she saunters off she turns around and gives Lunarinus a wickedly flirtatious grin, and smooths her skirt over her rear. ![]()
![]() The raucous noise and jovial attitude of the breakfast crowd at Jak Crimmy's fine establishment for refreshment and rest, the Jak'a'napes, suddenly and drastically quiets. A thick muscled and pug-faced man walks in, flanked by two well armed and well armored guards, and two more men with hefty axes strapped to their backs follow in after. It is obvious this man is of some importance in the town, and you hear whispers of, "boss," and "payday," running amok in the throng of people in the common room. After surveying the crowd, the man nods for his bodyguards to stay at the door, then makes a straight line, made easier because people scramble to get out of his way, directly for the table where Kairon, Lunarinus, and Goruck have taken up residence. He stands over the three men, looking down at them. When he speaks it sounds like saws scraping through knotted wood. Allo mates, name's Teedum, Payden Teedum. He begins, not even allowing time for your response. You're new in town, if you're wonderin' how I know, don't, the Consortium makes it their business to know everything what happens here in the Hollow. Mista Kreed sent me to welcome you to town, and to let you know who's in charge, should you need anything. While his words say he's welcoming you, it feels very much like he's sizing you up, and making a display of his strength. For Illiam: Payden completely ignores you. Which may or may not have to do with your very stealthy entrance into Falcon's Hollow. Regardless, insofar as Payden's reaction to you goes, there isn't one. You are treated exactly like the rest of the crowd. |