Hand of the Inheritor

Pawn512's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

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I have a question on the interaction between APG monk archetypes and the various feat-based monk special attacks (stunning fist, elemental fist, punishing kick, etc.) Say I have a Hungry Ghost monk, who gets punishing kick for free. If I later decide to spend a feat on stunning fist (assuming I meet the pre-reqs), how many stunning fist uses per day do I get? Level or level/4? RAW seems to suggest the former, so a level 20 hungry ghost monk would get 20 uses of Punishing kick AND 20 uses of stunning fist but I'm not totally sure.

Seems like a nice option for high-level monks to diversify their repertoire a bit, but worried I may get houseruled if I go this route. Anybody have an thoughts on this?