About Pavo: the Crimson NuthatchPFS Information:
PFS Number: 230524-27 Faction: The Exchange XP: 7 Prestige: 12 Fame: 14 FCB: HP +1, Skills +2 Pavo: the “Crimson Nuthatch”
Extra Bardic Performance (1st)
Weapon Finesse (racial bonus) Arcane Strike (3rd) Skills:
Ranks: 6 + 1 INT + 1 Racial = 8/Level (+2 FCB) = 26
Acrobatics +9’’’ Bluff +9’’’ Climb +5’ Diplomacy +8 (versatile performance) Disable Device +10’’’ (+12 with masterwork tools) Disguise +2 Escape Artist +8’’ Heal +0 Intimidate +2 K: Arcana +6’ K: Dungeoneering +2 K: Engineering +2 K: Geography +2 K: History +2 K: Local +8’’’ K: Nature +2 K: Nobility +6’ K: Planes +2 K: Religion +2 Perform (Oratory) +8’’’ Perception +6’’’ Ride +3 Sense Motive +8 (versatile performance) Stealth +9’’’ Survival +0 Swim +1 ‘ = Trained +2 on all Charisma-based checks vs. nobility on the Isle of Kortos (chronicle #3) +2 on knowledge (local) checks vs. the Aspis Consortium (chronicle #3) Traits:
Fast-Talker (Social): +1 Bluff
Gold Finger (Faction): +1 DD & +1 SoH, DD in class Resilient (Combat): +1 fortitude save (bonus trait, chronicle #7) Languages Taldane (common), Celestial SQ bardic knowledge (+1), versatile performance (diplomacy, sense motive), well-versed Combat Gear +1 studded leather armor, masterwork heavy darkwood shield, +1 rapier, cold iron rapier, cold iron dagger, club, whip, sling, 10 sling bullets, (2) vials of antitoxin, scroll of comprehend languages, wand of cure light wounds (CL 1) (46/50), wayfinder Other Gear backpack, chalk (3), fishhook, flint and steel, vial of ink, inkpen, parchment (5), signal whistle, bar of soap, waterskin, tindertwig, sunrod (3), masterwork thieves tools Mount & Gear light combat trained horse, riding saddle, saddlebags, bit and bridle, bedroll, winter blanket, crowbar 45.5 lbs/ 50 lbs Light Load Horse: 47 lbs/ 228 lbs Light Load Coins: 56.77 gp SPECIAL ABILITIES Bardic Knowledge (Ex): +0.5 x Level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks; can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained Bardic Performance: 16/16 rounds per day Countersong (Su): Distraction (Su): Fascinate (Su): Inspire Courage (Su): +1 Inspire Competence (Su): +2 Expense/Expendable Tracking:
Wayfinder . . . Boon (5-08) Wand of cure light wounds (50/50) . . . 2 PP Masterwork Studded Leather Armor . . . 175 gp Masterwork Darkwood Heavy Shield . . . 257 gp Light Combat Trained Horse . . . 110 gp Masterwork Thieves Tools . . . 100 gp (2) Antitoxin . . . 100 gp (50 gp each) Scroll of Comprehend Languages . . . 25 gp Cold Iron Rapier . . . +1 enhancement to MW Studded Leather Armor . . . 1000 gp +1 Rapier . . . 2320 gp Chronicles & Boons
1. 6-10: The Wounded Wisp:
Explore, Report, Cooperate Prized Find 2. 5-08: The Confirmation (GM Credit):
Confirmed Field Agent Explore, Report, Cooperate Friend of Janira Gavix: +2 to knowledge checks while in the Grand Lodge 3. 7-10: The Consortium Compact:
Inside Knowledge: +2 to knowledge (local) checks relating to the Aspis Consortium Lord Avid’s Recommendation: +2 to all Charisma-based checks vs. nobility on the Isle of Kortos 4. 8-99B: Solstice Scar, Version B (GM):
[_] Frozen Fortitude: As a swift action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to gain cold resistance equal to 5 + your character level for 1 minute. You can activate this boon as an immediate action, but doing so grants you only cold resistance equal to your character level. [_] Martyr’s Shard 2: . . . Otherwise, as a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus (which does not stack with other enhancement bonuses) and the ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as per a cold iron, good-aligned weapon for 1 minute. [_] Triumph over Scales: . . . In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon when you threaten a critical hit against a dragon or humanoid with the reptilian subtype to gain a +10 insight bonus on the attack roll to confirm the critical hit. Alternatively, you can check the box when a dragon or humanoid with the reptilian subtype would confirm a critical hit against you in order to gain the benefits of the heavy fortification armor special ability against that attack. 5. 8-01: Portent’s Peril:
Draconic Sidekick: . . . Alternatively, you may cross this boon off your chronicle to gain a pseudodragon that follows you loyally for one adventure. Its sting also bypasses DR/silver, as the pseudodragon familiar. This pseudodragon allows you to bypass the normal limit of one combat creature per player per scenario. Fortune’s Return: You may activate an ability that you did not cross off by checking off the box next to it. Doing so grants you a +1 luck bonus on an attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check associated with the corresponding ability score. Apply the bonus before you roll. The bonus increases to +2 if you use it for the specific use listed below: * [_] The Suit of Keys (dexterity): picking a lock * [_] The Suit of Shields (constitution): fortitude save or constitution check against fatigue or exhaustion * [X] The Suit of Books (intelligence): performing research * [_] The Suit of Crowns (charisma): speaking to a person in a position of authority 6. 8-99C: Solstice Scar, Version C (GM):
Blight Bane: As a swift action, you can challenge an animal, plant, or vermin creature that you can see, gaining special bonuses against that foe for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1 round). You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls against that foe, and your weapons and spells deal an additional 1d6 damage against it. The bonus on attacks and damage increase to +2 and 2d6 respectively if the creature also has the fiendish simple template. You can instead grant these benefits to an adjacent ally as a move action, using your Wisdom bonus to determine its duration. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. [_] Fangwood Purifier: . . . In addition, you can check the box that precedes this boon to attempt a wild empathy check (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 50) to influence an animal or magical beast, treating your character level as your druid level for this purpose. [_] Martyr’s Shard 3: . . . Otherwise, as a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus (which does not stack with other enhancement bonuses), and it grants you a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of evil creatures for 1 minute. During this time, attacks with this weapon also ignore the first 5 points of damage reduction possessed by undead creatures. 7. 9-00: Assault on Absalom (GM):
[X] Tempest Guardian (Grand Lodge): gain resilient as a bonus trait . . . second selection pending |