Saul Vancaskerkin

PaulK's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge


I've been reading through the PFS Guide and found what looks to be an inconsistency. On page 29 it talks about a GM eating a scenario getting full credit and then giving the list of what you get. More specifically that you don't get any special boons, free magical treasure, etc.

How does this work if someone GMs a scenario then plays through it? Does the character used to play through the scenario get access to the special boons, treasure, day job, etc. or is the GM out of luck in that situation?

I know that early on with PFS if a GM had to eat a scenario, it was pretty much just tough luck all around. How have things changed (if at all)?



Grand Lodge

Recently I played a scenario and now I want to pick up a Mithral Shirt.

I've currently got about 1,250 gp. The armor costs 1,100 gp, so no problems there. Later, if I want to upgrade it to be a +1 Mithral Shirt I should only need to spend 1,000 gp (as a Mithral Shirt is automatically masterwork). I was told that while I only need to pay 1,000 gp to do the upgrade, I'd need to have on-hand the full equivalent (1100 gp for mithral shirt + 1000 gp for the +1 bonus = 2,100 gp).

That sounds VERY odd, though he mentioned that it was clarified somewhere here on the boards. I've yet to find any clarification, but my search-fu has been known to be weak at times and I don't want to screw things up too badly. Please help!



Grand Lodge


I was reading through the Summoner description and on page 6 under the Evolution Pool section there is mention of a transmogriphy spell, though it does not appear in the spell list for the Summoner. Any details on this, as it appears that the spell would allow for a summoner to change the eidolon's evolutions more frequently than just at level boundaries.



Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The spell Silent Image is generally considered to be pretty much awesome sauce, so here's a place to spill all the cool things you've done with it (either as a GM or player).

Some things are just basic (like covering the pit trap with a "floor" or making a fake pit trap). What all have you done with this versatile spell?

Grand Lodge


I just started running a Legacy of Fire campaign last night and had some problems with the pugwampis. They just didn't seem to be very annoying (their most "endearing" feature). Unluck didn't seem to really kick into play, as the group managed to not roll very well the first time.

Also, all it took was a single hit to take it out. What are some good tactics to use with these things? I tried to shatter the paladin's sword, but the DC roll failed.

Please, please, please, help me torment my players!



Grand Lodge

I'm about to start running Legacy of Fire and one player is wanting to play a Suli (Qadira book). I'm wondering about how balanced the race is. In particular, the two attributes at +2 with no corresponding -2 stat as well as resistances to Acid, cold, electricity and fire at 5 and the elemental assault just seem a bit overpowered.

I'm thinking of allowing either the +2 to STR or +2 to CHA and allowing the player to choose one elemental type (earth, air, fire, or water) and affiliate with and get the resistance to a single type and get a single elemental assault ability.

I'd welcome comments as to ways to ensure that things are balanced.



Grand Lodge

I like the idea of the factions in PFS, but there's one faction I think is missing.... Absalom. Personally I'd love to be able to have a character that is more about keeping Absalom free of the meddling influence of all five factions. Any insight on why that choice isn't available or couldn't be made such at some point?



Grand Lodge


I have recently discovered Pathfinder (and Paizo in general) and am preparing to start a new Adventure Path campaign. Right now I'm trying to figure out which one to start running. We will be using PFRPG rules, but I'm not averse to doing some conversion work to pull one of the older APs up to the newer system.

My question to the group is this: which of the APs do you enjoy most, and why.

I've been leaning heavily towards Legacy of Fire due to its Arabian Nights influences, but so many folks talk about how awesome Rise of the Runelords is. What sets the different APs apart from each other?

Thanks for any insight!
