Paul Avers's page

Organized Play Member. 5 posts (6 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 1 alias.


Sean, Minister of KtSP wrote:

Which brings me to my next point -- say a cleric did cast commune and discovers the king was assassinated, so what? Normally, when people uncover proof of an assassination of succession, they go into hiding for the rest of their lives for fear of torture and death.

Or, you could go in a different direction, and the king's ghost doesn't know himself. Being dead doesn't mean you automatically know everything that happened, ever. Heck, he might even think that it "was his time to go," and never knew about the poisons. He was extremely sick for the last few weeks of his life.

If we're tossing out ideas, something I wouldn't mind is a "Faiths" book, with a series of articles like the Desna one from Pathfinder #2. The Gazetteer sounds like it'll cover this partly, but that book's got a lot to cover *other* than it. Something to help sell the faiths to the players so they don't think they're "generic" at first glance and get them excited/hooked would help a ton.

I forget if it was released under the OGL or not, but I plan on lifting the Alchemy items from the Iron Kingdoms Character Guide as a new product a certain potion-maker in Sandport is selling. (Specifically the Cure-All Cream.) I figure he picked up the distribution rights last time he was in Magmidar for a conference as a way to broaden his audience a bit to people who normally couldn't afford healing potions (sort of a fantasy version of Band-Aids). He's going to try to make it a household name, possibly by trying to get the players to endorse it.

Okay, just making sure. It sorta threw me for a minute there, especially after getting other PDF's from Paizo in the past. I was sitting there, thinking, "Okay, one of these things is not like the other..." ;)

Just got my e-mail about mine shipping out, and it had the download link for the PDF.

Although, the file unzipped out into a folder with 10 different files in it.

004-005_PZO9001 Credits-TOC.pdf
086-095_PZO9001 Bestiary.pdf
006-007_PZO9001 Foreword.pdf
058-071_PZO9001 Sandpoint.pdf
072-079_PZO9001 Thassilon.pdf
080-085_PZO9001 Journal.pdf
008-057_PZO9001 Burnt Offerings.pdf
003_PZO9001 Title.pdf
096-097_PZO9001 Characters.pdf

Is that normal?