I've tabled a proposal with my PBEM group to adopt this Alpha rule-set for the Rise of the Runelords campaign we were about to start. Hopefully, they'll like it as much as I do, so we can provide feedback on how it works in action.
However, I spent the night reading every word in the document and there was only one flaw in the text that really stood out for me: In the section on Fighter's bonus feats, it states that Fighters now get a feat at every level. How do you figure that?
Fighters get a bonus feat, as a class ability, at 1st level and every even-numbered level. Then, like all characters, they get a feat at 1st level and every level evenly divisible by 3. (And that doesn't include the bonus feat humans get at 1st level.) That still leaves 6 levels where a fighter receives no feat (5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th). You couldn't even change the text to state that fighters receive an average of one feat per level, as that still only totals 18 feats (or 19, if they're human).