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I just signed up for the playtesting of D&D 5th edition, they want to emulate what Paizo did with PF so they can release a version with as few flaws as possible and deliver what the people really want.
I read the material provided, deemed as "confidential" and not for distribution, I don't know if someone else here read the stuff but it seems a lighter version of PF with optional rules and complex negligible mechanics (such as life points recovery) just to give the sensation things have changed.
Any input?

Hi everyone, I used to be GM at a superheroes game using Batman as team leader. In those days I left the game for major time problems, right now conditions have changed for me and can enjoy of a lot of spare time so I think I owe a game to the people who started playing with me. If you were an original playing we can start anew from the hook I have posted on the game thread, well I hope original players appear, however if you want to play you can apply using either DC o Marvel, independent characters adapted are also welcome. There are plenty of places in the net offering adapted character sheets, I use this.
I like big groups such as legion of superheroes so I don't have a limited of characters to be accepted, I don't know if this game could bring some interest since the fever today is M&M but if you wanna give it a try then you are invite to do so.


I am thinking in starting a PBP experience so I am setting an adventure in which I can start a new campaign depending on players response.
This will be a generic 1st level adventure, set in a classic medieval-fantastic world.
If the adventure finishes well and all the players show enough interest I will continue developing a campaing as far as you want to play.
I will use plain 3.5 edition D&D rules, I am not so familiar with PF yet so since I mostly know the classic 3.5 set of rules I will use them.
I will use only the 3 core books so no other classes, feat or spells from another sources will be allowed.
Create your character and post ir here, I know what a pain in the ass is to create a character and be rejected soI won't reject your character unless it show serious flaws or repeat a class that already is in use.
Firts 5 players submitting will be accepted.
There are 6 slots one is for my character, an Elf Wizard.
I want to keep it classic and simple so I need:

2 fighters
1 cleric
1 rogue
1 ranger

You can choose any race but I would appreciate variety and don't just stick with humans.


Once the adventure starts you must be willing to post at least 3 times a day if you think you won't have the time to do so, please don't apply, this game is not for you. I want this game be fast and don't stuck because one or two players have dissapear for days.

Thanks for reading and I wait for your applications.


I am thinking in starting a PBP experience so I am setting an adventure in which I can start a new campaign depending on players response.
This will be a generic 1st level adventure, set in a classic medieval-fantastic world.
If the adventure finishes well and all the players show enough interest I will continue developing a campaing as far as you want to play.
I will use plain 3.5 edition D&D rules, I am not so familiar with PF yet so since I mostly know the classic 3.5 set of rules I will use them.
I will use only the 3 core books so no other classes, feat or spells from another sources will be allowed.
Create your character and post ir here, I know what a pain in the ass is to create a character and be rejected soI won't reject your character unless it show serious flaws or repeat a class that already is in use.
Firts 5 players submitting will be accepted.
There are 6 slots one is for my character, an Elf Wizard.
I want to keep it classic and simple so I need:

2 fighters
1 cleric
1 rogue
1 ranger

You can choose any race but I would appreciate variety and don't just stick with humans.


Once the adventure starts you must be willing to post at least 3 times a day if you think you won't have the time to do so, please don't apply, this game is not for you. I want this game be fast and don't stuck because one or two players have dissapear for days.

Thanks for reading and I wait for your applications.

Hello people:

Somethig I have to recognize is that AD&D had rules for everything you can imagine and one of the things I haven't seen in a 3.5 book is rules about mining, I mean how to go to a place, build a mine and extract minerals as a way to get income. I really don't remember to have seen in any of my d20 books or magazines rules for mining. Perhaps someone can hint me where to get them, it would be interesting to run a campaign around a mine (colonize, build, defend, create rutes and caravanes), all of these sounds interesting to me for a new campaign. Thanks for the help I could receive.

All of you have has a night of rest since Batman patroled the city last night, but at 5:15 a.m. Batman calls you to your communicators and says:
"Good morning comrades, I apologize for interrupt your well deserved rest, but major problems make me summon the team at the headquarter as soon as possbile. A major menace has come to New Proverbial".

Well you know what to do.

Well, well, well. I am here trying something I have never tried before a Superheroe campaign. I found comics before RPGs and remember my grandmother reading me my first Superman comics when I was 4 or 5 so the superheroes are tied to my heart even before I knew there was something called RPGs. So I want to give it a try.

We will use the Classis Marvel RPG from the eighties, we will not use a DC or Marvel setting, we plainly will play in a fictional city called New Proverbial.

Submit your characters there is space up to seven since I will play with one character too. You can use any character from Marvel or use write-ups of DC characters or other companies. It will not be a strict setting so I will use characters from different companies and will assume they coexist in our world (changes to background could be made to fix in New Proverbial)

Write here everything you want to say to the DM that is not said by your character.

All of you have been on Ravens Bluff for the last 12 hours, the reception of the Hooked Albatross Inn was the place for you to exchange ideas an talking about your dreams and your desires to start an adventuring career. Five men are now starting to become friends, you still doubt each other a bit but things that unite you are more than those that separe you. After an entertained afternoon and evening all of you are tired and want to rest in order to look for a paid quest tomorrow to test your abilities.

Now it is 1:36 p.m. all of you are slept, in that very moment some men get to your rooms, they are part of the city watch, you are awaken and are taken kindly to the reception of the inn. Over there you can notice that all the party is over there when a man who identifies himself as Sargeant Phillipi Martiy tells you next:

"My apologies for bothering you at this time of the night but urgent business take me to this place. An outsider has been found almost death near our city and since this is our jurisdiction, we are committed to investigate any crime even it is attempted against people who is not from this city.
So the only clue we have to solve this crime is a little piece of a clothe thas was found in the victims hand, I assume it was tore from the criminal's clothes, so our men are inspected all your belongs in order to find something that could be similar to our clue. We are not treating you as suspects but we want just stablish you are not involved on this. Even though I have reasons to suspect from you since you are new to this city except for you Gulgrym".

Twelve minutes later one of the militia come to the sargeant and tells him something you can't listen.

"Well, you have nothing to do with this crime but I will ask you a last thing:please come with me to the place we have the victim perhaps you could have met him before and you can help us at least to stablish his identity"

What do you do?

I have just looked at the 4th edition PHB and MM and I am only confirming my suspects that we are in front of something that was never the intention of its creators. Classic fantasy, medieval environment and epic battles with primitive technology has been the blood of D&D for about 30 years. But if you look at the pictures through the books you can smell an Eberron spirit. Eberron was always controversial for the use of modern technology and a bit of sci-fi setting, nevertheless it found a place on the game comunity. Only look at the pictures of Eberron, I feel I am looking at a post apocaliptic world or something like Matrix, Mad Max or Waterworld. Where is the classic medieval fantasy we knew from D&D on the glorious days of TSR?
It is not nostalgia, just that I can't feel the same with 4th edition, this game has been "Eberronized" and it is not a classic medieval fantasy game anymore. I just feel like that.

Hello Guys:

Just curious, I was reading a very interesting thread about "why I don't like MMORPGs", some of them preferred Single Player Computer RPGs. Well I assume they are all videogame players or at least they try them very often. What about you? Do you like RPG computer games?
Do you feel the same excitement as you have your character sheet and go through an adventure with only your imagination while you look at a map? Do you play MMORPGs? Do you get the same experience as you get on a pen a paper RPG?

Well here I am, trying to stablish solid friendship over this site and trying to get a place to play on another games. The reason I am trying to run this PBP campaign is to get experience on this kind of games since all the sessions I have run are "normal" ones.I am always the DM because my game partners are unable to take the game seriously as I do and they will never "lose" their time reading the rules since I am the one who knows them and apply them in game. I am tired of this because no one of my known people likes RPG or at least as I wish so I am here trying to stablish solid relations with another gamers.
My experience as DM is about 4 years, I enjoy it but I would like to play only and I expect the players that take this campaign make part of their friends when they run their own campaigns and give me priority to participate. However this is not mandatory since they can recommend my name to their friend's PBP campaing to participate.
This campaign is set on the Forgotten Realms (this has been my game world for the last 4 years) and I am looking for a balanced group of 6 players. The selection process will take from today to June 27th when all the players will be elected and the game will start at Sunday June 29th.
No conditions, you are free to propose your character as you wish with the exception of character with a evil alignment, only lawful-good, chaotic-good or neutral-good accepted and later they must act like that or expect penalty experience points.
We start as 1st level characters, after the first adveture we will see how this work and if everything is right we will continue till reaching 20th level, after that retirement.

Rules: 3.5 (rules!!)

Ability points like this:

18, 16, 14, 12, 10, 8 you choose where to write each score.

You have to write your origin and procedence city or town and you have 100 gp to buy any equipment you need to start. Every character starts with a minor Magic Item. Don't expect easy things you start powerful but the challenges will be tough too.

I always thought feats were scarce to players on the PHB (one every 3 levels, come on!), so on this campaign you can select one every level after 1st out from the feats your class gives you.

That is all if you have questions, speak!!

No se si alguien en Ecuador esté leyendo esto pero si es así me gustaría contactar gente que guste de los juegos de rol o desee comenzar a jugarlos tengo algo de experiencia y podría formar un grupo de juego ya que en mi comunidad no es fácil encontrar con quien jugar en un lugar donde casi nadie ha escuchado sobre los RPG. Si alguien conoce gente en Ecuador que esté interesado y vive en Ecuador contactese conmigo pues quiero formar un club aquí en Ecuador.

Checking some 3.5 archives and getting all what I can before they delete it, I found a curious page where after the success of 3rd edition WotC was already (in 2001) talking about a countdown to 4th edition an according to the information provided over there 4th edition was escheduled to april 1 2011. Check it for yourself:

So we were cheated for 3 years, 3 years less for my favorite system, that is not fair.

Did they lie us?

Will Elder Evils be the last WotC 3.5 product? Are there any other 3.5 products on the horizon? Any information?

Well, I accept it, I got a pirate copy of a RPG pdf it was the Book of Vile Darkness by Monte Cook. I got it only for curiosity about the content, and it is really wicked and twisted. It contain things that even a non Christian could feel incomfortable using them in a game session. I don't have anything against the guy but if you see their work it is mostly about dark things as evil extraplanar creatures, dark lore and occultism, horrible and bloody rituals, and so on. Have you used this book? How did you use it? Is the guy obsessed with this themes?

I was wondering several things about the future of the d20 comunity maybe you have some answers to some questions that 3.5 lovers are now asking to ourselves:

1. Will the RPG publishers produce more new stuff under de OGL 3.5?

2. Will aspirants to publishers (like me) who are right now developing stuff to self publishing may still publish their stuff even after the retirement of the d20 license? If this is possible, how it ill be? What will be the procedure?

3. Will the RPG pdf sale sites continue selling products from small and big publishers who will continue supporting 3.5?

These are my concerns, any opinion or information will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

Since WotC will was not happy with neither 3.0 nor 3.5 edition and maybe after some years will not be happy with 4.0 and perhaps there will be a 4.5 edition. I was just wondering which one will be the definitive, perfect, finished and nothing missed D&D edition.

Well, I think that is part of the human nature everybody wants people doing things for them but nobody is willing to do the same things for other. Well this proposal is finished. I will continue gambling at the PBP lotery, maybe someday I could win a slot.

One of the reasons Wizard of the Coast created d20 was to make many publishers create under their rules umbrella so players had to buy the core D&D books in order to play anything that comes with de d20 logo.
But perhaps this had an unexpected end since many publishers gave up creating games with obscure or unpopular rules and the number of d20 works increased to the point that d20 took almost the whole market and now people has invested too much time (learning the mechanics), too much money (buying not only D&D books but d20 books also) and too much space (to keep a large quantity of books) to think in a change.
The offer for D&D/d20 products has been excesively huge (and I don't complaint for that) so the d20 took over the industry in a way that know ties WotC hands to make a change without the complaint of a market that maybe left what they have to follow d20 since that was "what everybody plays".
And now the "monster" grow up too much to control it so it took life for his own and refuses to die.
I am not making an statement but a hypothesis, did d20 kill D&D? What if the d20 license had never been released? Would that have made transition less painful? Post your thoughts please I really am interested to know what comunity thinks.

Well many people is voting right now that will support 3.5 at least for the rest of the next year or maybe beyond (I will too). Have you ever think what if Wizards of the Coast says no more to the d20 license? What will happen to our expectations to see more new products upcoming under this license? Will this make us to give up at our efforts to keep alive 3.5 at least for a year or two? This is perturbing to me, but... it can happen! By 2008 WOTC can release the 4th edition and say to publishers everywhere "no more d20 license now we release the new 4dventure license, take it or get out of business" They want stay at business so no publishers will produce 3.5 anymore since $$$$$ are on the new license. No 3.5 products, only 4.0 so players and publishers will not have another choice than ambrace new edition. I think 3.5 will live but only in the same way AD&D did int the "out of print or house rules" status. Any thoughts?

If it exists where it is? I have looked for it and nothing.

Sometimes when I am alone with no possibility to find someone to play I took an adventure, some characters, dice, maps, core rulebooks, a battle grid and start running a small campaign for myself.
Am I crazy or someone have tried it before?