PathMaster's page

19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Someone said they can use Advanced Weapons as the base for their Weapon Innovation, but don't get the initial modification.

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I'd like to see Ranged Unarmed attacks granted by stiff like Sprite's Spark, Foxfire, Spiend Azarketi etc. to be buffed:
Currently there are some Ranged Unarmed attacks that have a d4 for damage die, maximum range (not range increments) or both for seemingly no gain compared to ones such as Seedpod or innate cantrips. I'd like for those Ranged Unarmed attacks to be buffed to have a d6 damage die and 20 feet range increments.

Also, it seems really strange that the independent action an animal companion can us are limited to only Stride and Strike, and other movement types get nothing.
This is especially glaring with Amimal Companions with Fly speeds, which forces their owner to spend an action every turn to keep the in the air.

The Starfinder Team wrote:


Good news for skittermanders who want to jump rope and wield a flamethrower at the same time: you are now going to be able to perform actions and use items with your other hands, but you can only wield items (such as shields and weapons) with your active hands

Multi-Armed ancestries have made a full recovery. Thaumaturges across the nation rejoice.

The Starfinder Team wrote:


One new element we'll be introducing is the traversal trait. This new trait mostly applies to player-facing rules that reference Stride. When it applies, traversal allows the use of alternative movement types (burrow, fly, and swim) to be used in place of land Speed, akin to how Sneak works. Expect to see this greatly impact some abilities used by the envoy and solarian (to name a few).

This is going to be so nice. Could you pretty please add something like that to haste?

I guess so.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Wait, didn't Howl come out after Rage? Why nothing for the kineticist?

'Cause the errata page got reorganized, the fall errata hasn't come out yet.

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The Pathfinder Designers said wrote:
One of the notable changes you’ll see is an update to the sure strike spell. The spell could be very strong, with the reroll effectively making a much larger bonus than most abilities can grant. This benefit was usually in control at low levels when characters had few spell slots, but it could become disruptive and repetitive at higher levels on characters built to gain a huge number of copies of the spell and use it constantly. We’ve added temporary immunity to the spell, with the intent that it can still be very strong to create intense moments, but that there’s little incentive to use more than a handful of spell slots on it.

Sure Strike found dead in an alley. Millions of Magi are in mourning.

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With the new errata,

Fall Errata spoilers:
Expansive Spellstrike is now mostly baseline, meaning Magi are no longer bound to attack spells. Rejoice!

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Oh hey, that's actually a decent point I can get behind.

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I'm very excited about Necromancer.
Getting to control a bunch of minion all at once is something that is really hard to do in Pf2e, so the class is bound to be interesting.

If I wanted to have edicts and anathema I needed to follow or suffer, I'd play as a Druid, Cleric or Champion.
Why do I have them if I'm playing as a freelancing Fighter?

Kiad wrote:
I am curious given the timing of these things if the battle harbinger was designed before the remaster stuff got finalized. The battle harbinger with the premaster warpriest probably looks like a much stronger comparison. Warpriests got a lot of love in the remaster and really fits the niche of fighty cleric well now.

I doubt it, since it would have been made a long time ago, possibly for either Player Core, and then not revised at all even when it was decided it was going to be in DM. Especially if it was scrapped for not being good enough.

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I feel like making Imprisonment Mythic takes away from its potential as a way to "defeat" an undefeatable threat as a non-Mythic party within the framework given by the system.

It kind of feels like these rituals were made Mythic just so Mythic has some meat mechanics wise, which it is lacking IMO.

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Shame about physical only.
Not being in the US means high shipping costs, and I can't really justify them.

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Sweet mama that's a lot of deities.

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Squiggit wrote:
It didn't help that in threads addressing the issue, when Paizo staff responded it was largely to mock people having issues.

I'm going to need sources to back this statement mate. That's quite the extraordinary claim there.

"Both illustrations by Josef Kucera and "

And who? Did they forget to put the other artist's name in?

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So the issue with Magus is that Spellstrike is too good to not spam, and that it wants to be a Psychic?

Clearly, the solution is to remove Spellstrike and give Magus the same amount of spell slots as Psychic.

I'm only half joking.

Being serious, the way I've seen Magus being talked and how it seems to be "Spellstrike: the class" instead of the Gish class makes me think Magus plays more like, and forgive me for this sin, a 5e Paladin instead of the Bladesinger, Eldritch Knight Hexblade or "Fighter×Wizard" it seems to be advertised as.

Now, there's nothing wrong with a playstyle centered around big hits being viable, what's wrong is that there doesn't seem to be an option to mostly ignore Spellstrike.

I'll admit, I'm not an expert at the game (I've played like 5 sessions of the game, none which were as a spellcaster or Magus).

EDIT: maybe you could make Spellstrike into a Focus Spell?

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Please don't be 90% human statblocks. I'm fine with statblocks that don't account for ancestry.

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Lawyers work slow. Good ones, anyways. Especially when responding to a backlash, where you really don't want to have to come back a third time.

Fair enough.

Guess I'm just used to things generally being faster.