
Passive Aggressive Poster's page

6 posts. Alias of Chemlak.


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Seems like roguerouge is trying to put me out of a job...

I suspect the development team will be absolutely silent on this.

There’s a chance we’ll hear something from the design team, though.

I'm sorry that you think we're contrarian, but I have to disagree.

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Orville Redenbacher wrote:
If you disagree with your fellow gamers, the best way to deal with it is through passive aggression.

I approve of this post.

I think it's wrong, but I approve.

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Saldiven wrote:
Dalindra wrote:

I had a player whose only reply was "That is your point of view, not mine".

Before Unchained Rogue's existance:
Concealment denying sneak attack? "That is your point of view, not mine".
The corebook says so? "That is your point of view, not mine".
I show him the exact line? "That is open to interpretation. Under my point of view, I can do sneak attacks".
I ask him to elaborate? "That is my point of view and you must respect it. I can do sneak attacks".

As a GM, at this point, my response would have been, "It's a shame your point of view is irrelevant."

"Until you start giving me your damage numbers in accordance with my point of view, every attack you make will do no damage and heal the enemy the amount you give me."

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Give them the following nicknames, and always use them, in order:


Make a few backup characters, ready for when they choose to kill you. Then have each backup character give them exactly the same nicknames.