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Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Harbinger of Battle

This is the first draft of my first attempt at creating an archetype, so be gentle! ;)

I wanted to make a more melee-capable spontaneous divine caster as sort of a Warpriest/Oracle hybrid. My intention was to start with Warpriest and swap out the "Cleric-y" parts for "Oracle-y" ones. In doing so, I basically ended up with all of the Oracle's abilities, so I tried to at least reduce their impact to something appropriate to a 2/3 caster.

So what do you think? Any further balance adjustments I need to make? Is it "too Oracle"?

Alexander Augunas wrote:

Standard Greatsword — 2d6

Large Greatsword (Titan Fighter w/ Giant Weapon Wielder — 2d8
+ Enlarged via Enlarge Person — 3d6
+ Impact Weapon or Lead Blades Spell — 3d8

Your damage progression is incorrect. Per the link in your post...

"If the size increases by one step, look up the original damage on the chart and increase the damage by two steps." (emphasis mine)

So the progression would actually be...

Standard Greatsword — 2d6
Large Greatsword (Titan Fighter w/ Giant Weapon Wielder) — 3d6
+ Enlarged via Enlarge Person — 4d6
+ Impact Weapon or Lead Blades Spell — 6d6