I'm also at four, all from the same trap. Let me set the scene. The party consisted of five characters, a thief, a sorcerer, a ranger, a swashbuckler, and a druid/Master of Many Forms. The party's thief was bound and determened to find out what was behind the Tapistry of the Lost City (The one on page 34). The group bet that there was a trap behind it. After tying a rope to the thief just in case, the rest of the group moved fifty feet down the hallway. The thief lifted the the tapistry, activating all three symbols of death, which have a radius of 60ft. One bad bunch of fortitude rolls later, everyone but the druid/MoMF were dead, and the only way he survived was because he was in the form of a troll and had 151 hp, one more then the symbols could effect. Needless to say, the group was not amused.