Paptimus's page

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I think there should be some kind of character pack to get new post-Core versions of all the iconics. There are many reasons for that :

-Physicality : There are no pawns to represent old characters (unless you buy a pawn sets, I suppose, but it would be expensive to do so). And the different graphic design is also perturbing for me.

-Compatibility : The rules for conversion are cool, but a new, up-to-date set of powers, taking truly advantage from the new design space of the rules would be both more satisfying and potentially more creative.

-Accessibility : Some iconics are only accessible in older starter sets, since they don’t have any class deck or don’t appear in Class Deck or non-AP expansion pack. For example Lirianne, Jirielle or Alain. I don’t want to buy one of those older enormous starter sets only to get a physical copies of those characters (and, in the case of Alain, of their support card, which you can’t get with the downloadable character sheet).

I think a good format would be some « Core expansion pack », which would add some new versions of the iconics mixed with cards - with a broad thematic range - to be added to the core pool, possibly expanding it to level 6. That would have the advantage of reinforceing the Core box potential to build your own scenarios and AP. Some new random mission patterns could be added to the mix...