About Pandora the BoxwatcherBackstory:
”Cut! CUT!” Playwright’s voice boomed out over the stage. ”Pandora, you’re supposed to open the box. OPEN the box, not fiddle with it and give up. You know what! Everyone, go home. Pandora, we need to talk.”
Pandora slumped, brushing her hair out of her face. Usually it was a bright color, although she had no control over what it’d be every morning. For the last week, though, it had been a dull grey. ”I’m sorry, Playwright. I’ve been forgetting my queues, and now I can’t even open it, even when I remember. Everything’s going…grey, I guess.” She held the box in front of her. It was beautifully crafted, the panels on the sides thin teakwood and the gold-and silver inlays set to perfection. Sure enough, it was closed, and Pandora made no attempt to open it. ”I don’t know how anymore.” ”It’s time for you to go, Pandora. There’s a town Outside for people who’ve lost their stories. For people like you, in other words. Maybe if you find it again, you can come back, but if you can’t open the box, the story won’t work.” That was a month ago. Maybe a little more. Pandora had lost track of time since she arrived in Caesure.
Today, though, was different. Today she was awakened by a sound. Something…sliding across the floor. She rolled over, trying to ignore it, but it climbed its way swiftly up the bedpost, sliding next to her and pushing her toward the edge. ”Alright, alright. I’ll get up.” She rolled over and had to suppress a scream. A silvery eel-shaped thing, easily twice her size and shimmering translucently, was in her bed, not six inches from her face. She froze, and it started pushing her again, this time more insistently. After a few short seconds, she found herself deposited on the floor below, while the eel-thing first wormed its way under the blankets and then, exiting where her feet had been, slid its way over to the box. It wrapped itself around it and brought it toward Pandora, depositing it on the floor before pushing the startled storykin towards it. When she picked it up, it pushed her toward the door and toward the missing part of Pandora’s story; her curiosity.
Pandora’s personality was once extremely excitable and curious about everything. While she enjoyed the title role in “Pandora’s Box”, and indeed had filled the role for her entire life, it was the moment she opened the box that always excited her the most. The mystery of not knowing what would come out and the wonder at the multitude that rushed forth when she opened it gave her the drive to continue with her role. With the locking of the box, though, her usually excitable personality has been reduced to an ennui-ridden shell of its former self. Until the arrival of Antíka, Pandora was extremely reluctant to do anything, often taking hours to be convinced even to eat. With Antíka around, she’s not more willing, but the eilodon can simply shove her toward the next adventure. She’s aware of the burden this puts on other people, so she usually summons Antika when she awakens to help deal with her difficult personality. Antíka
Pandora always appeared childish, even when performing her role in the story. Her ice-blue eyes used to be wide with curiosity and wonder, but now they seem to be hooded, as if she’s bored with all conversations. Since losing her curiosity, her once vibrant, if constantly tangled and dirty, hair has faded into a shade of gray, and her skin has lost its luster as well. Antíka takes the form of an eel-like creature with a large maw and tail.
Story and What's Missing:
Pandora is based completely off the myth “Pandora’s Box”. Antíka is based off the "dæmons” from “The Golden Compass. What She’s Missing:
Pandora Crunch:
Female Conceptkin Summoner 2 NG Small Unique Fey (Storykin) Initiative +2; Darkvision, Perception -1 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 16, Touch 12, Flat-Footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Chain Shirt) HP 22 (2d8+4) Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 Speed 20 ft -------------------- Offense -------------------- Melee Sickle +1 (1d4/x2) Ranged Light Crossbow +3 (1d6/19-20) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10 Dex 15 Con 15 Int 14 Wis 9 Cha 17 BAB 1 , CMB 3, CMD 14 Feats: Summoner’s Call: Whenever you summon your eidolon, it is more powerful for a brief period of time. You may give it a +2 enhancement bonus to its Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This bonus lasts 10 minutes after the summoning ritual is complete. Traits: Loyalty Across Lifetimes (Magic): Your eidolon treats its Constitution score as if it were 2 points higher for the purposes of determining when its negative hit point total sends it back to its home plane. In addition, your eidolon gains a +1 trait bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects. Fast-Talker (Social): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you. Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) 8 Ranks Total Bluff) 8 (2 ranks, 3 ability, 3 CS) Knowledge (Planes) 7 (2 ranks, 2 ability, 2 CS) Spellcraft 7 (2 ranks, 2 ability, 2 CS) Use Magical Device 8 (2 ranks, 3 ability, 3 CS) Languages: Common, Sylvan, Celestial, Shae -------------------- Equipment -------------------- I Hate Equipment, will calculate if selected -------------------- Spells Known/Per Day /Class Features/Race Features -------------------- 0th: 5 Known, x/Day (DC 13) Daze, Resistance, Detect Magic, Message, Acid Splash 1st: 3 Known, 2/Day (DC 14) Magic Fang, Ray of Sickening, Enlarge Person, Daze Monster Eidolon:A summoner begins play with the ability to summon to his side a powerful outsider called an eidolon. The eidolon forms a link with the summoner, who, forever after, summons an aspect of the same creature. An eidolon has the same alignment as the summoner that calls it and can speak all of his languages. Eidolons are treated as summoned creatures, except that they are not sent back to their home plane until reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than their Constitution score. In addition, due to its tie to its summoner, an eidolon can touch and attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures. A summoner can summon his eidolon in a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When summoned in this way, the eidolon hit points are unchanged from the last time it was dismissed or banished. The only exception to this is if the eidolon was slain, in which case it returns with half its normal hit points. The eidolon does not heal naturally. The eidolon remains until dismissed by the summoner (a standard action). If the eidolon is sent back to its home plane due to death, it cannot be summoned again until the following day. The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. If the summoner is unconscious, asleep, or killed, his eidolon is immediately banished. The eidolon takes a form shaped by the summoner’s desires. The eidolon’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the summoner’s class level and increase as the summoner gains levels. In addition, each eidolon receives a pool of evolution points, based on the summoner’s class level, that can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the summoner gains a level, he must decide how these points are spent, and they are set until he gains another level of summoner. The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the summoner, but it always appears as some sort of fantastical creature. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon also bears a glowing rune that is identical to a rune that appears on the summoner’s forehead as long as the eidolon is summoned. While this rune can be hidden through mundane means, it cannot be concealed through magic that changes appearance, such as alter self or polymorph (although invisibility does conceal it as long as the spell lasts). Life Link (Su): Starting at 1st level, a summoner forms a close bond with his eidolon. Whenever the eidolon takes enough damage to send it back to its home plane, the summoner can sacrifice any number of hit points. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage done to the eidolon. This can prevent the eidolon from being sent back to its home plane. In addition, the eidolon and the summoner must remain within 100 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 100 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 50%. If the eidolon is more than 1,000 feet away but closer than 10,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by 75%. If the eidolon is more than 10,000 feet away, it is immediately returned to its home plane. Current hit points lost in this way are not restored when the eidolon gets closer to its summoner, but its maximum hit point total does return to normal. Summon Monster I (Sp): Starting at 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing upon this ability uses up the same power as the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can only use this ability when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX. If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of his spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, he can expend uses of this ability to fufill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell. Bond Senses (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. There is no range to this effect, but the eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can end this effect as a free action. +2 Wisdom, +2 Intelligence Concept Kith are wise and sharp, as informed by their pure devotion to their roots.
Antíka Crunch:
Eidolon (Serpentine) CN Medium Outsider Perception 0 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 15, Touch 13, Flat-Footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural Armor) HP 18 (2d10+2) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +3 Speed 20 ft, Climb 20 ft -------------------- Offense (3 max attacks) -------------------- Melee Bite +1 (1d8+1) Tail Slap +1 (1d6+1) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 13Dex 17 Con 13 Int 7 Wis 10 Cha 11 BAB 2 , CMB 5, CMD 14 Feats: Agile Maneuvers: You add your Dexterity bonus to your base attack bonus and size bonus when determining your Combat Maneuver Bonus instead of your Strength bonus. Skills (Format is name: total (explanation for total) 8 Ranks Total (Intimidate, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Knowledge (Local) also class skills) Disable Device 9 (2 ranks, 4 ability, 3 CS) Knowledge (Planes) 3 (2 ranks, -2 ability, 3 CS) Perception 5 (2 ranks, 3 CS, 8 evolution) Stealth 9 (2 ranks, 4 ability, 3 CS) -------------------- Evolutions/Features -------------------- Evolution Pool: 4 {Free}Bite (Ex): An eidolon’s maw is full of razor-sharp teeth, giving it a bite attack. This attack is a primary attack. The bite deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). If the eidolon already has a bite attack, this evolution allows it to deal 1-1/2 times its Strength modifier on damage rolls made with its bite. {Free}Climb (Ex): An eidolon becomes a skilled climber, gaining a climb speed equal to its base speed. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each additional time it is selected, increase the eidolon’s climb speed by 20 feet. {Free}Reach (Bite)(Ex): One of an eidolon’s attacks is capable of striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The eidolon’s reach with that attack increases by 5 feet. {Free}Tail (Ex): An eidolon grows a long, powerful tail. This grants it a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to balance on a surface. This evolution can be selected more than once. {Free}Tail Slap (Ex): An eidolon can use its tail to bash nearby foes, granting it a tail slap attack. This attack is a secondary attack. The tail slap deals 1d6 points of damage (1d8 if Large, 2d6 if Huge). The eidolon must possess the tail evolution to take this evolution. This evolution can be selected more than once, but the eidolon must possess an equal number of the tail evolution. {One Point}Mount(Ex):[/b ] An eidolon is properly skilled and formed to serve as a combat-trained mount. The eidolon must be at least one size category larger than its rider. This evolution is only available to eidolons of the quadruped and serpentine base forms. [b]{One Point}Improved Natural Armor(Ex):[/b ] An eidolon’s hide grows thick fur, rigid scales, or bony plates, giving it a +2 bonus to its natural armor. This evolution can be taken once for every five levels the summoner possesses. [b]{One Point}Skilled (Perception)(Ex):[/b ] An eidolon becomes especially adept at a specific skill, gaining a +8 racial bonus on that skill. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different skill. [b]{One Point}Improved Damage (Bite)(Ex):[/b ] One of the eidolon’s natural attacks is particularly deadly. Select one natural attack form and increase the damage die type by one step. This evolution can be selected more than once. Its effects do not stack. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a different natural attack. [b]Features:
Link (Ex): A summoner and his eidolon share a mental link allows for communication across any distance (as long as they are on the same plane). This communication is a free action, allowing the summoner to give orders to his eidolon at any time. In addition, magic items interfere with the summoner’s connection to his eidolon. As a result, the summoner and his eidolon share magic item slots. For example, if the summoner is wearing a ring, his eidolon can wear no more than one ring. In case of a conf lict, the items worn by the summoner remain active, and those used by the eidolon become dormant. The eidolon must possess the appropriate appendages to utilize a magic item. Share Spells (Ex): The summoner may cast a spell with a target of “you” on his eidolon (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on himself. A summoner may cast spells on his eidolon even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the eidolon’s type (outsider). Spells cast in this way must come from the summoner spell list. This ability does not allow the eidolon to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells. Evasion (Ex): If an eidolon is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex save for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.