About Pandir GorahWho is Pandir?:
Pandir is here to delight! Pandir is here to entertain! Pandir is here to enjoy! Pandir is one of many children of the Queen of Thorns. This nymph was once human and learned humility and self control before returning to her home. The Queen's many tales of her humanity intrigued Pandir, and so she left the grove to discover the world of Different Needs. The Celestial Menagerie was Pandir's first home away from home. Mistress Dusklight was impressed with Pandir's acrobatics, and hired her as a replacement trapeeze artist. Turns out Pandir also enjoys chatting, and people find her amiable. And friendly performers bring in more funds. Pandir eventually noticed something was wrong at the circus. She complained about the animal abuses to Mistress Dusklight and the manager said she would take care of it. Life got worse for Pandir, with the stunts getting more and more difficult. Pandir took this chance to continue practicing. One night she showed her trademark Triple Flip Leaf Glide when the trapeze rope snapped! Pandir panicked and then extended her neck petals to slow her fall. She suffered two injuries that day: her ego and her trust. It was time to leave Mistress Dusklight. The Circus of Wayward Wonders offered Pandir a chance to move and meet new friends. She gets to meet new people to advertise to. She also gets to practice her stunts, knowing the ringmaster wants her to live through it. The Circus also gives her time to simply relax and enjoy the sun, a luxury the Celestial Menagerie wouldn't afford her. Pandir stands about 3 feet tall. Her body is mostly leafy with the exception of her head: a beady-eyed rosebud with a ring of rose petals surrounding her neck.
50 gp, 12 sp, 14 cp
Fortitude 9 Reflex 9 Will 9 HP 44
Leaf Leshy
Movement and Senses:
Speed 35 feet (25 base + 10 Incredible Movement) Low-Light Vision
Plant Nourishment
Ki Rush
Quick Jump (Athletics)
Mystic Strikes: All of Pandir's unarmed strikes count as magical. Stumbling Stance
Stumbling Stance
Unarmed Strike
T Perception 7 T Acrobatics 7
T Lore (Circus) 5 Leaf Leshy
Harmlessly Cute
Shameless Request
Druid Magic:
Spell DC 17 Trained in Primal druid spells (based on Wisdom) # Archetype Feat
She can Cast a Spell. Cantrips
Symbol of Gozreh taken from Nemmia Bramblecloak 2 corrupted Symbols of Gozreh taken from devoured human bodies Handwraps of Mighty Blows +1, rewarded by Medardo after destroying a demon infestation in Abberton. adventurer's pack
Character Creation and Level 1:
Leshy Monk Level 1 Ancestry and background, initial proficiencies, flurry of blows, monk feat, powerful fist Ancestry and background
Ability Boosts
Ability Flaw(s)
Low-Light Vision
Plant Nourishment
Leshy Heritage
Ancestry Feat
Shameless Request
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free ability boost. You're trained in the Acrobatics skill, and the Circus Lore skill. You gain the Steady Balance skill feat.
Steady Balance
Initial Proficiencies
Hit Points: 10 Perception
Saving Throws
Flurry of Blows
Monk Feat
Powerful Fist
Level 2:
Pandir Level 2 10 + 2 Con HP (Now 32) # Monk Feat
# Archetype Feat
Cast a Spell activity
Trained in Primal druid spells (based on Wisdom) ## Druidic Order
Order skill: Diplomacy ## Skills
I'm already trained in both, so
# Skill Feat
If we don't get Druid Archetype...
# Proficiency bonus
Level 3:
General Feat: >Natural Medicine< so I can use Nature to Treat Wounds. Normally I wouldn't burn my General Feat on this, but it seems like we need more healing and the campaign won't last much longer. Incredible Movement: My speed increases by 10 feet as long as I'm not wearing armor. Mystic Strikes: My unarmed strikes count as magical. Skill Increase: Nature is now Expert at +9.