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Organized Play Member. 10 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.



I'm trying to make a Gunslinger for society play. The problem is my character concept is more of a cloak and dagger gunslinger than the more audacious shoot everything kind so I want to get a Coat Pistol as my starting gun. Mechanically I don't see any problem with this since the coat pistol is mechanically inferior in every way except concealability but RAW it is somewhat ambiguous leaning towards no. Can I get an official ruling on this?


Gratz to my favorite venture-lieutenant the entire cast of characters from our area salute you!

A response to this would be really great *bump*

That depends on your definition of drawing a line from square to square because the only lines that pass through your ally's square are the ones that either touch your ally's square or are on the side furthest distant from you. Do they literally mean you have to draw every possible line from start to finish? just the shortest? or middle to middle?




Jonathan Cary wrote:
@Achija: Mechanical issues aside, how do you see these uncommon races being common members of the Pathfinder Society? In other words, how do they fit in with the campaign and Golarion world setting? We haven't seen any of them in any scenarios that I've run or played, and I've played or ran a good chunk of the available ones so far.

Well Undines for one are common enough that they form entire communities and intermarry rather than assimilate into the culture of their parents. They are apparently more common than the Tieflings who apparently typically go their entire lives without seeing another Tiefling.


Willing is different from able Master Mortika. If it was a large local game-day I could certainly attend the further out from blacksburg one goes the more difficult it would be for me to attend and once one goes beyond Roanoke VA it's all but impossible.


Chris Mortika wrote:

So, if they're underpowered (relative to the Tiefling), why would you want to play one?

How badly do you want to play one?

And, if the possibility presented itself, that you could gain the right to play such a character if you attended a near-by convention or large game-day at a local game store, would you be interested in attending in order to win that boon?

For roleplay reasons and for the different attribute bonuses and for the different spell-like abilities. I particularly like the undines. For your second question I would very much like to play one. For your third yes but i don't understand why they aren't just legal considering the legality of two far more powerful outsider lineage races


Good Questions Adam. I think the best way to do this would be to compare them to Tieflings which have recently been legalized.

--Standard Traits--

Tieflings: Pretty standard across the board Medium, 30 ft speed, and a standard array of bonuses and drawbacks

Elemental Races: Same as above save oreads who have 20 ft speed

--Defensive Traits--

here's where things get a little out of hand for Tieflings

Tieflings: Resist 5 to not one but THREE energy types

Elementals: Resist 5 to a single energy type that matches their elemental type

--Feat and Skill Traits--

Tieflings: +2 Racial to Bluff and Stealth

Elementals: NOTHING

--Magical Traits--

Tieflings: darkness as a spell-like ability once per day

Elementals: Except for the Ifrits they all have equally innocuous spells as a spell-like ability once per day. The Ifrits burning hands once per day i'll admit is a little scary but considering the extra two energy resistances and skill bonuses gained by the Tieflings a slight offensive edge in combat once per day is not terribly exciting especially since it maxes at 5d4.

--Other Traits--

Tieflings: Bonus to sorcery on two sorcerer bloodlines

Elementals: Bonus to sorcery on one sorcerer bloodline and bonus to elemental domains for clerics.

Compared to the Tiefling race which has apparently been approved for play the Elemental Races are comically underpowered with the possible exception of the Ifrits who pack a pretty powerful punch... once per day. That says to me there's no reason not to legalize them for general play.


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Hello Folks!

I'm new to pathfinder society but I've been playing pathfinder for quite a while. Due to the recent legalization of the celestial and infernal ancestry races I was hoping for the legalization of the elemental ancestry races.

Thanks for your consideration,

Achija Shuwal