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Heya. Am sure I am not the first to ask for this. And have been asking it for a while. But thought I would post here in the hopes that someone with some decision making authority will see it.

I would really like to see some GameMastery cardboard pogs or pawns to represent PCs, NPCs and Monsters from Pathfinder.

I have seen the pawns for the Pathfinder Beginners set. And they are beautiful. However. I use almost exclusively the WotC Pog style counters, because they provide a 'foot print' of what the creature in question would take up space wise. This would be difficult to accomplish with a pawn. Though I do think it could be done if you made your own 'in house' bases.

What I am mainly looking for is the art style used in the GamesMastery stuff, and particularly, the Pathfinder Beastiary. And I think the GameMastery guys know how to make something like this which will set the standard for a long time to come.

Also. Any pawn/pog design that incorporated an alchohol erasable pen surface would be awesome. Another design benefit of the WotC pogs is, you can flip them over and have a 'dead' body (the bloody side for those familiar).

Whatever you can consider would be MOST appreciated. I really, really want to use Paizo products exclusively in my games. I find them to be of the highest standard. But I will not buy random packs of prepainted miniatures. And hope that you will offer an alternative to the Wizkids produced miniatures.

Thank you for your consideration.