Casper the Friendly Lich's page

18 posts. Alias of Limeylongears.


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I am fortunate that I have no cheeks to pinch.

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Lich posts.

Syrus Terrigan wrote:

1,193 posts past due . . . .

Ummmm . . . Yeah. About that.

I am alive. And reasonably well, even.

I hope the same is true for all of you!

Never better, thanks, but alive?

Vampires, vampires. Always with the vampires.

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Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm 3256 and yes The train did blow my mind when it was invented.

I refuse to have anything to do with heathen innovations like these new-fangled fancy-schmancy so-called 'wheels'. Dracoliches have a much smaller carbon footprint, if it's transport you're after.

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I am perfectly happy being extremely dead, thankyou. Put that Rod of Resurrection down!

Oh, it's a chillum. Never mind, then.

I'M not dinner, YOU'RE dinner.

Isn't that right, Vampire Schism?

Orcus bids us shine like an impure light,
Like a corpse-fat candle, burning in the night,
In this World of Darkness (tm), we-e-e must shine,
You in your sarcophagus, and I in mine!

O, pay it no mind. Mr Grumpy Pants got up on the wrong side of the coffin this evening - that's all.

Yorg Warp-heart wrote:

*Tiptoes onto the thread, looks around apprehensively.*

It seems awfully quiet here. Did everyone else just die?

Pretty much.

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It actually stands for Skeleton Jazz Wizard, oo-boo-bebopdebop skiddlyoobie ablihoo doowahbadidbble shooshoo squadulb.

The next poster will translate the previous sentence from Aklo into Common, and hopefully won't perish or go insane in the process.

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Can't die. Eating toast.

Sorry, stoats. My mistake.

Pillbug Toenibbler wrote:
Sissyl wrote:
What does a petri dish taste like?
{ponders nibbling on Laura Petrie}

{Considers Flinders Petrie for Afters}

Get a tomb like mine and you'll never be short of free-range archeologists. Best 5,000,0000 gp I ever spent, I swear.

Actually, I prefer the River Night Ranger, but funds are tight this year.

The next poster is presently trying very hard not to think about Toto in Kansas, and vice versa.

Doesn't bother me. One advantage of Undeath is that you get All-Day Freshness and Confidence as standard.



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Tacticslion wrote:



Question time...

Which of:
- Lich
- Zombie
- Vampire
- Mummy
- Skeleton
- Ghoul
... and which of:
- Ghost
- Shadow
- Specter
- Allip
- Wraith
... and why?

Undead and templates so you can think about all the possible permutations and variants of each kind of each of them before making your final answer. And yes, the questions are that vague. Feel free to interpret what they're actually asking. We shall see how correct you are. Hehehehe...

Also, Psychic or Psionic? Why?

If the former, Paizo or Green Ronin? If the latter, Dream Scarred or Wizards? Either way: why?

(I already asked NH in his thread, and decided to just spam you all here. Nyahahahahah~!)

Here's your answer, but only if I also get to wear a fez.

Although I would choose Baelnorn rather than Lich, Lich, if I had the choice.

And if you say I can't, tough. I'm a Lich. I do what I want, when I want.

Edit: Having thought about it, maybe that should have read 'Lech' and not 'Lich'...