Lord Vardak

Paellat 'Pae' Silvertongue's page

79 posts. Alias of Xaaon of Xen'Drik.

Current Campaign

Legends of Katapesh - Legacy of Fire

Date: Arodus 26th
In the bowels of Bayt Al-bazan
Ymeri's breath found.
Shazzathared and Iavesk friendly.
Karambagya friendly, as much as his sworn service will allow.
3 days to recover Impossible Eye before the Vizier orders party's death
Aliya friendly, currently with party

Loot Spreadsheet: Link
Xotani Tales: Tale 1, Tale 2, Tale 3,
Jahavhul Tales:Argbadh's Tale, Shazzathared's Tale,
Impossible Eye lore: Post
Wish Spell usage: Shazz post

Player Files: Maps and art