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![]() Hi ! I recently discovered the wayfinders and got really interested in them. For context, my GM ruled that we were going to use the second method for determining the resonant powers. A few questions ensued :
Thanks in advance for the help ! ![]()
![]() hi, as the title says, do these two feats stacks ? Amplified Rage:
Prerequisites: Half-orc or orc, rage class feature.
Benefit: Whenever you are raging and adjacent to a raging ally who also has this feat or flanking the same opponent as a raging ally with this feat, your morale bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase by +4. This feat does not stack with itself (you only gain this bonus from one qualifying ally, regardless of how many are adjacent to you). Extreme Mood Swings:
Benefit(s): Increase each morale bonus you receive by 1. You take a -1 penalty on saves against emotion and fear effects.
When you are drunk (or worse), this penalty doubles, but you increase each morale bonus you receive by 2 instead. These aren't technically bonus and even so, they do seem untyped (as in they improve one type of bonus, but the improvement itself isn't typed), so I would tend to say yes but it seems weird. Any idea ? ![]()
![]() Wonderstell wrote: How is Stand Still working out for you? Since it only works in adjacent squares it does seem like a bad choice for a reach build. To be honest, Stand Srill hasn't seen much use. I've put spikes on my plate in order to threaten adjascent squares. I expect I'll use it more once I have Combat Patrol (and even Pin Down), since I guess I could move up adjascent to the enemy and use it ? I kinda wish I took something else, like Phalanx Formation, but that's okay^^ Btw, is the roll from Stand Still opposed by AC or CMD ? I first thought AC since it is made as an AoO, but my gut tells me CMB is normally opposed by CMD. Wonderstell wrote:
No, simply because I never knew about those ! They sound really fun, and I'll pitch them to my DM. I still can only have on, but I guess this is going to help (she usually says that 1-5 ioun stone is fine, but more than that should become a bit distracting and tbh, I kinda agree^^) About the fighting, so far, I usually run out of AoO, because we're often outnumbered. But I guess that since the campaign is setup around drows (we're playing Rise of the Drow), they'll usually have feats like mobility or high Acrobatics. I think I'll keep my Dex where it is now, stick to Warpriest and keep my eyes open for a Dex item that our Swashbuckler or Ranger don't want^^ MrCharisma wrote: I have had it happen (Surprise round, Flat-Footed, got charged by 3 Ghasts and managed to one-shot 2 of them with lucky rolls before they attacked me) Happened to me a few times too with different enemies. Although I didn't kill anyone (I'm not very lucky usually^^), I love using Pushing Assault to break their charge. That gives my party almost a free turn to do stuff. My DM is usually playing fair with the logic of the enemies (zombies etc. are stupid, and therefor will not "learn" not to provoke, but once a barbarian tried to charge me and got halted, the next one simply walked up to me to hit me), and I don't really mind that. ![]()
![]() Thanks for all the help ! Theaitetos, sadly, most of what you're suggesting can't work for me (Desna is a roleplay choice, + Torag implies using a warhammer, and therefor losing the reach, and I'm a human). The spells could be interesting, but I think that losing one level of warpriest to get Line in the Sand might be worst than losing 2 and just go HAM on Str ? Nonetheless, I love these suggestion for later. I'd like to make another character like that, but a more optimized one, someday :) Thanks to all the people that reassured me on the 14 Dex. I was kinda worried since I plan on taking Combat Patrol, therefore increasing my reach even more, and I feel like at a certain point, everybody will provoke, just because of the sheer area that I could cover ; like... caster is in the back, still provokes thanks to combat patrol, same for the archers, etc. It feels like they won't be able to do too much to prevent that, and that's why I was worried. The Ioun Stone is a good idea, I'll check with my GM, she's kinda restrictive about Ioun Stones (she doesn't like players having a whole planetarium around their head^^'). ![]()
![]() Hi, and first of all, happy holidays to you all.
I'm playing on a campaign that is supposed to bring us from lvl 1 to 20. I'm playing a warpriest of Desna, and I went for a tanking/reach build. I know it's not optimal, but I've got things like combat reflexes, stand still, pushing assault, shield brace, power attack.
My stats & prediction:
17 (+ at least 1) 14 14 10 15 (+ at least 1) 8 We're currently level 6. My problem is that I realized that with only 14 dex, I'll have to either put some of my stat points in dex when leveling, gear towards dex, or just stay stuck at 3 (or even 2 when enlarged) AoO per round, which seems low.
Defender's reflexes:
The big drawback is that i'm losing 2 level of warpriest, meaning I'm losing Sacred Weapon and Armor +5, an upgrade to fervor and Sacred Weapon damage, obviously my capstone, but mostly 2 lvl 6 spell slots. I guess my question is : is it worth it to lose that much just to not have to invest in Dex somehow (or get stuck with 2-3 AoO per round on a reach build) ? Or does anybody have another solution ? Thanks in advance ! ![]()
![]() Hi everyone ! We were playing with a friend using (Core) Ezren, and came across an interaction we don't know how to resolve. In his Mystic Diviner role, he has a power that reads Ezren wrote: When you examine the top card of a location or deck, you may examine the top 2 cards instead. The Fortune Teller has a power that reads Fortune Teller wrote: At the end of your move step, reveal this card and choose a category: bane or boon. Then examine the top card of your location deck. If that card matches your choice, encounter it. How do those interact together ? We were assuming that you would first chose a type (say, Boon), then examine the top 2 and encounter any boon examined this way (so 0, 1 or 2). But that still seems a bit weird. Is there a ruling about that kind of stuff ? I couldn't find any. Thanks in advance ! ![]()
![]() New player here. I was a bit puzzled when I tried the game yesterday. If I'm understanding this correctly, when you Recharge a card, you take a card from your hand, and put it at the bottom of your deck. So far, so good. Then, the Teamster (core) card happens. It's a lvl 0 Ally, and his first power reads
Quote: Recharge to draw a card or recharge a card. The first part of this power, I get. That's the second part that puzzles me... So, I'm supposed to play this card (and Recharge it) in order to take another card from my hand and Recharge it too ? Why ? What's the point ? Wouldn't I be better actually playing the second card ? Sorry if this is really obvious, but as a new player, there're still a few things to learn and although I can find answers for most of my questions, this one eludes me. ![]()
![]() I'll be able to get a shield at level 6 ; getting it earlier would mean delaying Pushing Assault until level 6. Am I mistaken in thinking that Pushing Assault is more important ? The problem I encountered with maneuvers is that at the earliest, I'll be able to get them around level 12 (level 9 top), and they seem to start to fall off at that level. CMD at level 12 seems to be around 34 ; my CMB at that level, assuming 18 STR(+4), Enlarge(+1), +1 Weapon, a belt of Str (+1) would be around 16, 18 with Improved Maneuver, realisticly 20-22 with buffs. This seems like a pretty low chance of success, especially since CMD seems to increase exponentially. Would you say they are still worth it since the campaign is supposed to strech up to level 20 ? My party seems to be finalized, we'll be an Elf Aracanist, a Half-Orc Ranger (archery focused), a Catfolk Swashbuckler (face more on the tanky side), a Human Rogue/Arcane Trickster(we seem to have picked up a fifth^^) and me, a Human Warpriest of Desna
My updated Feat list: 1.................................Combat Reflexes
Human......................Stand Still Warpriest..................Weapon Focus (Guisarm) 3.................................Power Attack Bonus Combat.........Pushing Assault 5.................................Shield Focus 6 Bonus Combat......Shield Brace Human Combat.......Shield Movement 7.................................Combat Patrol / Imp Shield Bash 9.................................Imp Shield Bash / Combat Patrol Bonus Combat.........Greater Weapon Focus (Guisarm) 11...............................Quicken Blessing 12 Bonus Combat....Pin Down Human Combat........Missile Shield ? 13...............................Quicken Blessing 15............................... Bonus Combat......... 17............................... 18 Bonus Combat.... Human Combat........ 19................................ ![]()
![]() I already read the guide yeah. It suggest that Switch Hitter would be the natural way to go for a 2H, but since I'm more on the reach/ battlefield control, I can't really swap my weapon for a bow or something, especially once I'll be using a shield with it. Vital Strike could help, but only in situation where I'll want to advance, and I feel like most of the time, my goal would be to stand in the way and wait for enemies to provoke, rather than go to them. But I guess for 1-3 feats, I could take it. Maybe with spring attack, for when I need to reposition (get in, strike, then fall back a bit to defend and wait).
I didn't know about the Variant Channeling, I love discovering new options ! I went there and read a bit, but since I'm a worshipper of Desna, there're not a lot of interesting options : Chaos, Good, Travel or Liberation don't seem to exist, at least on the SRD and Luck doesn't feel that strong. Are there any other sources for those ? I also found Dream (which is underwhelming too), but am I suppose to look for portfolios or domains ? And am I restricted to the 2 domains I chose for my blessings ? ![]()
![]() Thanks, I stand corrected ! The clause about class feature bonus feat was what I was thinking about, but I went and re-read it this morning and it indeed would work. I absolutely didn't know about the HP retraining, it seems pretty costly and time consuming but I might give it a try if we have some downtime and the GM allows it (since we always get 1/2 HD on level up, idk if she would allow us to increase that, but I think she'll be open at the idea). Feat-wise, for a 2h reach build, after taking all of the necessary things, where would you go ?I don't think Vital Strike would be good, since I would base my playstyle on AoOs. I looked a bit at the Style and Tricks feats, but nothing really interesting popped up. As someone pointed out, I think Trip is out of the window since at level 12+ it seems to fall off. So I'm left a bit wandering about where to go. I'll have some reach shenanigans, some basic shield bash things to push/stop people who get into my reach, and then... ? ![]()
![]() Hum, nice, forgot about Difficult Terrain, I'll consider it. Since I'd rather play as a human (for fluff purposes), I'll leave the Dorn-Dergar aside, but my GM athorized me to take a feat from D&D 3.5, Short Haft, which allows me to do basically the same but as a Swift Action (which... isn't great, I know). But that's why I'm going the route with Shield Brace and Improved Shield Bash, this'll give me a way to threaten the adjascent squares. I guess I might invest 50 GP into armor spikes until it come online though. I just also realize, to my great displeasure, that Warpriest starts with 0 BAB, so I have to review my feat order since I can't get Pushin Assault or Power Attack at level 1^^' ![]()
![]() Hi there !
Off-Hand Opportunity: Quote:
Stand Still:
So, say, I have a weapon and a shield, and I already used my AoO for the round, if somebody moves through my adjascent square, do I get to attack them (with my shield thanks to Off-Hand Opportunist) and use Stand Still ? Instinctively, I'd say yes, it'll go like :
What do you guys think ? Is there an official ruling on this ? Also, am I correct to assume that Weapon and Shield qualify for Two-Weapon Tricks (since a shield can be considered a weapon) ? ![]()
![]() Yeah, I thought Liberation was pretty nice too, but seemed somewhat too... circumstantial ? I falls in the category of thing were if I need them, I'll be really glad I have it, but most of the time, it feels like it won't do anything :/ If I'm reading this correctly though, feels like it would indeed negate the Grappled condition : Quote: you can ignore impediments to your mobility and effects that cause paralysis (as freedom of movement)and Freedom of Movement Quote: All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail The big question would be : Can you yourself initiate a Grapple even while under the effect of this, but that's a question that have already been debated in other threads. Also, UPDATE : our swashbuckler seems to say that he'll go more on the tankier side than the damage side, but that he'll mainly be a face. We are apparently also getting an Arcane Trickster as a fourth and/or maybe a Summoner (apparently, we might have a 5th player). So I guess if we get a summoner, I could go more on the damage side of things but I still guess that 14 CON is a no-brainer at this point, so I guess reach build might be were I'll go. ![]()
![]() Also, Matt2VK wrote:
Was thinking of Luck and Good (Travel and Liberation sounded good too, but I kinda like the idea of summoning a thingy to fight alongside me :) ) (Sorry for the double post, couldn't seem to edit my previous one) EDIT : I just realized though that Luck's Major Blessing wouldn't get much use in a Reach build... :/ Maybe I'm better off giving up on Luck if I'm going that way ? (even though the minor one is still good) ![]()
![]() About Quicken Blessing, I know it becomes a Swift Action and I might be starved of those, it's just that it allows me some flexibility ? If I have the time, I can use them as a standard action, but if using it is my best choice at the moment, I can use it as a swift.
Thx for the advices about TWF builds btw ! ![]()
![]() Hey, thanks a lot for those great advices ! As I said, TWF is more because it's a prerequisite rather than because I wanna use it. Unless I'm going full DEX build that is. I'm contemplating the idea of dumping Cha since I'm indeed spread pretty thin. I would rather not have to dump a stat, but maybe it's the right choice here. Ryze Kuja wrote: I can help you create a build better if I know this: What is your party make-up and what role do you see yourself serving in this group? Also, is anyone in your party planning to do any unorthodox builds? So far, the party composition hasn't changed from my original post : we have an Arcanist, a swashbuckler and an undetermined third, plus me. So so far, it seems like I will have to be the front line tanky one. That why I was trying to go for Shield (for tankyness) and Trip (for area control). Shield Bashing was to get more Trip possibility and a bit of versatility and damage. Crit was the same idea (that's why I picked it up late) EDIT : I came up with this Reach build too, to try to correct some of the flaws of my original build. It doesn't do the same thing, but maybe that's a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do ?
STR 14 (+2 human)
DEX 13 CON 14 INT 10 WIS 15 CHA 10 Levels +1 WIS +4 STR (or maybe +1 WIS, +1 DEX, +3 STR Feats:
1.................................Power Attack
Human......................Pushing Assault Warpriest..................Weapon Focus (Guisarm ?) 3.................................Combat Reflexes Bonus Combat.........Weapon Focus (Spiked Armor)(Shield Focus) 5.................................Dodge (Shield Brace) 6 Bonus Combat......Mobility (Shielded Movement) Human Combat.......Combat Patrol 7.................................Stand Still (Improved Shield Bash) 9.................................Dirty fighting (Stand Still) Bonus Combat.........Greater Weapon Focus (Guisarm ?) 11...............................Quicken Blessing 12 Bonus Combat....Pin Down Human Combat........Imp Trip (Missile Shield) 13...............................Greater Trip (Quicken Blessing) 15............................... Bonus Combat......... 17............................... 18 Bonus Combat.... Human Combat........ 19................................ I saw to way to do this, hence the parenthesis. I feel like the shield one would be better than the Trip one though, even though Spiked armor sounds fun. I also leaves me some rooms for other feats, like maybe Divine Interference, Weapon Specialization, Improved Init or even Toughness (maybe Whirlwind Attack). ![]()
![]() I've already taken into account the Human Bonus Feats. And I considered dumping CHA but... idk, it's a dump stat in sooooo many builds or even character I played, and I wanted to try to do something else. Sure, if dumping CHA, I can get away with the original build (minus a few adjustments) and get 14 CON.
About the actions part, I didn't know you couldn't convert a move to a swift or anything, we always ruled that you can convert a "higher cost" action to a "lower cost" one (Standard>Move>Swift>Free), but I'll bring that to the table next time, it sure changes things a bit if we apply the RAW from now on. ![]()
![]() Alright, after all these discussions, it feels like there isn't a good way to do this with these parameters. I guess a 25 Point Buy would alleviate some of the problems (like getting 14 CON), or being a fighter and having no need for WIS. I know I could kinda do something by dropping a few feats, but the Ability Score issue would still be there, or the build wouldn't do what I wanted it to do, so... I'll just build something else ! Probably going to try a Reach Warpriest then, with area control and such, seems fun too. Maybe gonna try Shield Brace, seems a pretty fun feat, but not too sure about it yet (I feel like I'm risk trying to do too many thing at once again^^). Any advices on that ?
![]() Hey, thanks a lot for all the adivces ! I don,t think we'll be allowed to craft entire weapons using the points system, so I'll be stuck using whatever weapons are on the SRD.
Starry grace won't be useful if I'm using a shield sadly. ![]()
![]() Thank you guys for your answers. Pretty sure the campaign will indeed have drows in it ;) Didn't considered the poison saves though, you have a good point. The problem with TWF is that sure, I'll gladly take it in order to have better attacks with bashing/using my weapon, but it's also a prerequisite for Shield Master. You'd advise me to drop all of this altogether ? So then I'll only use my shield bash during iterative attacks ? ![]()
![]() VoodistMonk wrote:
Problem is, I also need high STR, 15 DEX for TWF, and 16 Wis for spells, so that leaves me a bit short on points. Maybe Toughness would help there (even though I don't really like this feat). Also, our rules for level up is 1/2 the die + CON instead of rolling. Combat Reflexes would again require high DEX too, sooo that leaves me with the same problem as above.
VoodistMonk wrote: Trip is overrated and probably not worth the investment. Is it ? I never played with it, so I don't really know. I moslty intended to use it to provoke AoO (and also maybe help other to hit). ![]()
![]() Hi all ! My group is going to play the Rise of the Drow campaign (which is supposed to go from level 1 to 20) and I thought I'd try to play a Warpriest. I chose Desna mostly for flavor, I know there's probably better deities for that but she sounded appealing. Also, please, don't spoil anything if you know the campaign. I can appreciate pointers like "you shouldn't take that in this campaign", just don't tell me why if it's a spoiler.
Human Warpriest
1.................................2-Weap Fighting
Human......................Imp Shield Bash Warpriest..................Weap Focus (Scimitar or Cutlass?) 3.................................Weap Foc (Shield) Bonus Combat.........Shield Foc 5.................................Stumbling Bash 6 Bonus Combat......Dirty Fighting Human Combat.......Improved Trip 7.................................Greater Trip 9.................................Toppling Bash Bonus Combat.........Improved Crit (drop if Keen Weap) 11...............................Shield Slam 12 Bonus Combat....Shield Master Human Combat........Tripping Strike 13...............................Critical Focus 15...............................Bashing Finish Bonus Combat.........Shield Master 17...............................Sickening Crit (or Crit Versatility for Sickening or Blinding later) 18 Bonus Combat....Stunning Crit Human Combat........? 19................................Crit Mastery Other feats that caught my eye
My thought process
My interrogations
Sorry for the lengthy post, but thanks in advance for you help ! ![]()
![]() That's what I thought (or hope). Although, MrCharisma, if I understand you well, basically I will : - Take my Character Level -1 to determine my Inquisitor class features
Am I right ? ![]()
![]() Hi guys. A quick question to which I don't seem to be able to find a clear answer :
What I'm having trouble with is that, even with Aligned class, at lvl 16, I'll be Inquisitor 6/Evangelist 10. So my next level would technically bring my character to Inquisitor 7/Evangelist 10 which grants me... nothing ? Since I already have all the Inquisitor 7 class features thanks to Aligned Class ? Or will I be ganing the Inquisitor 16 class features, but still be Inquisitor 7 ? I hope that's not too confusing ! ![]()
![]() Hi everyone. I recently faced a problem when creating my new dwarf cleric. I want him as a worshiper of Gorum (a Chaotic Neutral deity), but as a true neutral character. I found an old thread about spell access for true neutral cleric with a true neutral that say they have access to both Good and Evil, Lawfull and Chaotic spells... But what about a true neutral cleric with a CN deity ? Will he have the same access to spells, or only Good, Evil and Chaotic ? And since I'm here... is channeling negative energy might tend to show me as a more evil character ? I wanted my priest to be a battle priest, so channelling negative energy would be a more practical choice for him, but it seems kinda evil :s |