
Padrym "Paddy" the Dwarf's page

323 posts. Alias of TreasureFox.

Hello everyone! I'm about to start book 3, The Hook Mountain Massacre, and I'm looking for 2 replacement characters. I'm looking for someone who knows monsters and Thassilon, and someone who can handle traps (including magical traps). I'm totally open to creative characters, and will modify encounters based on the party makeup.


I homebrew extensively, rewriting encounters, changing enemy races, adding special spells/powers, and making new magic items. Sometimes these work really well, and others flop. I try my best to keep everything consistent and balanced, but sometimes it doesn't quite work out. The main story arc still remains the same, but it can be a wild ride, so buckle up.

This game has been going for nearly 6 years now. We still have 2 original characters/players, but people have come and gone. While I've certainly improved posting rate in the last year, I've had a habit of adding more and more content. So while I have every intention of getting to the end of the campaign much sooner than our original pace demonstrates, I would suggest that people applying have a realistic expectation that it's going to take a while.

Occasionally the tone gets dark in this adventure path. While I have no intentions of bringing up player traumas and past experiences, I do at times push the line a little further than the average DM. I sometimes choose to describe death with gruesome details, explore a bit more sexuality before fading to black, look at slavery and other human atrocities, and create dark encounters one might expect from eldritch horror. For these reasons I request that you are 18 years old or more, and approach these situations with a certain amount of respect and maturity.

Our current PCs are competent, but not particularly min-maxed, so I would recommend that you be something focused more on potential narrative rather than power. I understand it's a hard balance to find, but have fun with it. Pick some weird feats, have a little bit of generalist capacity, and most importantly have a compelling story.

Character Creation Rules:

- Level 8
- Max hp for the first 3 levels, half+1 for the remainder
- 20 point buy, final ability scores (not including magic) must be no higher than 20, and no lower than 8
- All classes except Occult and 3PP are on the table. No psychic archetypes, please. Monks and Summoners will need to use their unchained versions.
- 30,000gp for your starting wealth, unless you take the Charitable Soul campaign trait (see below). Please do not spend more than half the gold on a single item.
- 1 trait, plus your choice of either a campaign trait or a regular trait. No drawbacks. See below for new campaign traits, or you can take the normal Rise of the Runelord traits if you prefer.
- Core races are preferred, but I'm also offering the following options. Changelings, Dhampirs, Duskwalkers, Gathlain, Goblins, Naiad, Orcs, Ratfolk, Skinwalkers, Tieflings, and Vishkanya. (I reserve the right to ban certain alternative racial traits or racial feats that may prove problematic. Use these options responsibly.) Please consider taking the Savage Outcast campaign trait (see below) if you'd like to play one of these more monstrous races.
- All alignments except NE and CE. Must be willing to work with the group.
- I consider Thassilonian to be a secret language, so scholars will want to either pick up a trait for the language, or have access to magic such as Comprehend Languages.


Please include in your application:
- A character sheet showing at least your level 3, along with your expected feats, core items, and skills for level 8. Level 8 is preferred, but I understand it can be tedious withing a small time frame. You can certainly apply with your level 3 version, and later update to level 8 before recruitment closes.
- A summary of where your character fits in the world, how they grew up, what they believe in, what they fear, and how they got to level 8. This doesn't need to be a book. It can be point form if you'd like. I just need an idea of how who you are, and how you got to where you are.
- A brief description of what your in-combat role would likely be


Variant multiclassing, background skills, and fractional bonuses are allowed
The book does not allow much time for crafting. I try to put some extra time in there, but there's no guarantee.
We aren't using guns in any capacity, but the Bolt Ace archetype for Gunslingers is open.
This game is not PFS legal in any way, shape, or form
Posting requirements are 1/day, with no expectations on weekends. I'm not strict about it. My mental health occasionally demands a day to recuperate, and in the past I've been absent for far longer periods of time. I may choose to bot a character who hasn't posted their turn in combat after 24 hours, but this doesn't always occur.
We are going to be starting in the town of Turtleback Ferry. See the new campaign traits for some possible ideas of how to be present when the game begins.

New Campaign Traits:

To reiterate, you're welcome to use these traits, or traits published for Rise of the Runelords.

Animal Keeper
You come from a long line of livestock farmers and ranchers, with your home outside Turtleback Ferry having been lived in since your great grandfather. Through generations of taming and breeding these livestock, you've been privy to training techniques that are a family-kept secret. You always treat handle animal as a class skill. Choose a domesticated animal typically found on farms or ranches, located on either the animal companions list, or the familiars list. You start the game with this animal, and receive a +3 bonus to both handle animal and ride checks related to that animal's general subfamily (canines, equines, felines, etc). Finally, choose between animal companion or familiar.
Animal Companion. If you do not have the animal companion class feature (or similar), you gain the Animal Affinity feat, and it replaces the Nature Soul feat as a prerequisite for the Animal Ally feat. If you already have the animal companion class feature (or similar), and use this animal as your companion, you gain the Boon Companion feat.
Familiar. You automatically gain the Familiar Bond feat, regardless of prerequisites, and you ignore the Iron Will prerequisite to qualify for Improved Familiar Bond. Your familiar always has the Speak with Master ability.

Black Arrow Hopeful
Though the Black Arrows often buffer their numbers by taking on criminals sentenced to the life-long crucible of ruthless discipline and rigorous training, occasionally someone crazy enough wishes to join their ranks. You've been training for years in the hopes of joining the grim Order of the Black Arrows, charged with protecting Turtleback Ferry and most of Varisian civilization from the threat of Ogres, Trolls, Wyverns, and other terrible foes. You gain the Bravery class feature, treating your character level as your fighter level -4. If you already have the bravery class feature, it increases by 1. In addition, whenever you threaten a critical hit on an enemy who's size is larger than your own, you gain a +2 bonus to confirm the critical threat. This bonus does not stack with the Critical Focus feat.

Charitable Soul
Whether by religious calling, or just by pure morals, you've always felt the call not only to help the poor and destitute whenever you come across them, but to seek them out and help. Your travels have brought you to the townsfolk of Turtleback Ferry, where many of its farmers and fishermen sleep in rundown shacks and spend their hard-earned coppers at the taphouse. You start with 30% less wealth than your level's recommended wealth level (in this case, 21,000gp). Include in your background how you have demonstrated your charity, which may include monetary donations, or volunteer work rather than working for profit. At the beginning of the game, you count as a charitable soul for the purposes of sin magic. Choose from one of the following skills (Craft, Lore, Perform, or Profession). You gain free skill ranks equal to your character level for that skill, and you gain masterwork tools if that skill requires them.

Hard Worker
Growing up in Turtleback Ferry is no picnic. You've learned that no one gives you anything in life for free, that hard work and true grit are the only things that keep you on your feet when the going gets tough. Townsfolk from rural origins automatically treat you as friendly, unless motivated otherwise. You gain either the Great Fortitude or Iron Will feat to reflect your tenacity, and you gain a +2 bonus to all strength checks and strength-based skills. As a bonus, if you ever gain the grit class feature, your maximum grit points increases by 1.

Paradise Hopeful
You've heard of a new place in Turtleback Ferry called Paradise, which has soared in popularity despite its remote location. It's a gambling den floating off the shores of Claybottom lake, and features a wide variety of games of chance, with huge gold prizes and stories of commoners making it big. There are incredible musicians, scantily-clad women, and tons of alcohol. To you, it truly sounds like a paradise, and you've been hoarding gold to spend when you finally set foot there. At the beginning of the game, you count as a greedy soul for the purposes of sin magic. You gain a +2 bonus to all checks made to haggle over a price, and you spend 10% less on all materials for crafting or spellcasting than what they're actually worth. Once per day, you can ask the GM to roll twice on a single d20 roll in your stead. If you succeed on both rolls, you gain a critical success. If you succeed on only one, you succeed at the task, but at a minor cost. If you fail both rolls, you suffer a critical failure. The GM uses their discretion to determine the benefits or penalties of the result.

Pious Churchgoer
Your dedication to the sermons of Father Virgo Ferrus and the teachings of Erastil have given you great respect in the larger community. You gain a +1 bonus to religion checks, and religion is a class skill for you. Townsfolk from rural origins automatically treat you as friendly unless motivated otherwise. If you have at least 3 ranks in religion, you automatically gain the Deific Obedience feat for Erastil.

Ruins Delver
Many ruins of ancient Thassilon hide within deep patches of dangerous Varisian wilderness, waiting to be studied and plundered. However, even those who are skilled or lucky enough to brave the wilds are not safe within the ruins. Timeless monsters and magical traps threaten adventurers who delve recklessly. You are one of the few who've managed to explore these forgotten time capsules, and as such, you've picked up a few tricks along the way. Choose one of the following options:
Scholar. You gain a +3 bonus to arcana and history checks related to Thassilon, and can make these checks untrained. Furthermore, you can speak and read Thassilonian.
Trapkiller. You gain a +1 to disable device checks, and treat disable device as a class skill. You also gain the ability to disarm magical traps. If you're already capable of disarming magical traps, you can use disable device as a means of understanding how mundane and magical traps function.
Treasurefinder. You gain a +1 to appraise, escape artist, and perception checks, and one of these skills is a class skill for you. In addition, you automatically know if an object is a magical item simply by looking at it.
Wilderness explorer. You gain the woodland stride and trackless step druid class features. If you already have these features, or later gain both of them, you instead gain Mystic stride and Skill Focus (Stealth) as class skills.

Savage Outcast
Hailing from the dangerous and monstrous lands around the Storval Plateau, the Cinderlands, Kaer Maga, and the Sanos/Ashwood forests, you've travelled to Turtleback Ferry for your own reasons. In order to be accepted by your new peers due to your monstrous race or foreign customs, you've worked tirelessly to show the locals that you mean no harm, and that you're trying your best to integrate into their society. You gain a +1 bonus to diplomacy checks, and diplomacy is a class skill for you. In addition, all locals of Turtleback Ferry treat you with at least indifference, unless they have a specific reason to treat you otherwise. If you do not normally get Common from your starting languages, you gain Common as a bonus language. Suitable monstrous races include Humans (Shoanti), Changelings, Dhampirs, Duskwalkers, Gathlain, Goblins, Naiad, Orcs, Ratfolk, Skinwalkers, Tieflings, and Vishkanya. (I reserve the right to ban certain alternative racial traits or racial feats that may prove problematic. Use these options responsibly.)

Taphouse Regular
You've been drinking in the taverns of Turtleback Ferry and mingling with the townsfolk for as long as you can remember. Over the years you've managed to learn who the movers and shakers are in the community, and are well aware of rumours and myths that pass from mouth to mouth. Most people in Turtleback Ferry automatically treat you as friendly unless motivated otherwise. You gain a +1 to knowledge local checks, and knowledge local is always a class skill for you. Due to your familiarity with bar fights, you gain one of the following benefits:
Improved Unarmed Strike feat, Catch Off-Guard feat, or Uncanny Dodge class feature.

Wandering Pilgrim
You've spent a significant amount of time wandering the Varisian roads and trails, searching for holy sites of your deity, and letting your faith guide you to the places you are meant to be. As each day has passed, you've been feeling a stronger and stronger pull towards the town of Turtleback Ferry. The gods demand your presence, though for what reason, you're unsure of. Once per day, you may cast the Augury spell as a spell-like ability (without material components). Furthermore, you are never considered flat-footed for the purpose of not yet acting in combat.

Witch Seeker
You've been in contact with a mysterious witch living a short ways into the Kreegwood, known as Onawa the Night Watcher. You might have made a significant bargain with the witch, or even trained under her watchful eye. Either way, you've learned some impressive magic, though at a cost. Choose either a first level or second level spell from the Witch spell list. You gain that spell as a spell-like ability (usable once per day if a second level spell, or three times per day if a first level spell), using your intelligence as your spellcasting ability. However, you also suffer a -4 penalty on all saving throws against hexes and curses.

Our Party:

We currently have:

- Wabbit, an indestructible raging Halfling dodge tank paladin. Quite happy go lucky until evil is detected. He climbs upon enemies before stabbing them repeatedly.
- Cleo, a Halfling cleric of Erastil who tries her best to be peaceful and diplomatic. She heals and buffs the party.
- Furnok, a Human ranger who kicks butt with his lucerne hammer and his cheerful boar companion Bacon

About Me:

I'm a Canadian man in his later twenties, with a strong desire to run d&d-like games for a living. I like to explore and experiment on both game systems and stories, and focus on the story that both DM and players are trying to tell. I enjoy researching about topics of the game, even if they have very little relevancy or importance in the great scheme of things. I once was planning to run a pirate game, and spent nearly a week looking into the effects barnacles have on a ship's hull.
I've run Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition at the table 3 times, each with massively different stories. I'm very familiar with books 1 and 2, but have never played beyond them. This forum game has been going since 2015, and yes, the post rate has been horrible at times. I'm proud to say that I'm in a better place, and our pace has returned to something far more respectable. I also run a Hell's Rebels game here with some of the same players.
I watch a lot of Youtube videos regarding d&d. My favourites at the moment are Matthew Colville, MonarchsFactory, and How to be a Great Game Master.

I hope to hear from you soon! Recruitment will go until the evening of Friday the 15th. Happy Gaming!

Hello there! I'm running a modified Hell's Rebels game for a group of 4 sneaky sneakers. With the absence of our fifth player, we're looking for 1, mayyybe 2 replacements. The game has been modified to give players some additional options for taking down Barzillai Thrune, be it by non-violent protest, assassination, or blood on the streets. It also expands upon the rebellion mechanics to give more versatility, and we look at ways to cripple Thrune's hold on the city by hitting him where it hurts. Namely his wallet and reputation. We're currently in book 2, though there are some loose ends from book 1 that could be cleaned up, and we already went through one adventure from book 3. We're pretty heavy on the roleplay, and encounters are sometimes stealth scenes, chase scenes, or a fight with different stakes than fighting to the death.
Would you like to rebel against the Hellish Tyrant? Or are you content living under his iron fist?

Current Characters:

- Ederion, Elven Investigator with a little Swashbuckler, CG. He's the brains of the operation. Fights with a rapier.
- Bazzle, Gnomish Rogue, CG. He's our sneaky scout and trap disarmer, with an interest in forging documents. Fights with daggers or a homebrewed lightning rod.
- Rexandi, Tiefling Witch (ley line guardian) (shadow patron), NG. Rexandi is our party main healer and magic expert. She doesn't fight. Even the dinkiest kobolds have resisted her spells, and it's a running joke that every enemy resists her spells. Everyone owes her their lives.
- Aster, Human wererat oracle (lunar), CG. Aster is part tank, part healer. She fights with mace and shield at the front and relies on her DR10/silver to deal with oncoming damage.

As you may see, our group is not a min-maxed party. My hope is that you'll meet them roughly where they're at, so I can balance encounters accordingly. Feel free to play around with odd builds.

Here are our recommendations regarding roles that could potentially be filled. My expectation is that you do not fill all the roles.
- We could use someone who can deal consistent damage. Doesn't really matter if you're melee or ranged, maybe even magic, as long as we can rely on you to hit things frequently.
- We'd like someone who can stand in the front alongside Aster. Someone who has a bit of hardiness to them, and can help protect squishies from being charged at.
- We could use someone who specializes in buffs and/or debuffs. Our oracle and witch are pretty preoccupied with healing at the moment, and so buffs and debuffs usually fall to the wayside after 1 or 2 encounters.
- I'd like someone who can sing
- Additionally, if you can come up with a way to bring the party together to feel like a team, that would be fantastic.

We are a secrecy based team, so our plan is to not raise suspicion unless absolutely necessary. A character that just wants to smash heads may not fit well, nor would one who wants to create large protests and sow large amounts of chaos. There's still wiggle room though, we've had a couple blood baths.

Character Creation:

20 point buy
Level 7

Classes: Anything from Core, Base, and Hybrid. We're not using psychic stuff.
Barbarians, Monks, Rogues, and Summoners must use the Unchained version of their class, although archetypes are allowed if they replace abilities seamlessly and without level discrepancies.

Core Races, Ratfolk, Skinwalker, Tengu, Tiefling (No Fiendish Heritage)
Aster is a longtime player, so I was willing to play with lycanthropy with them. It isn't something I'm open to letting the public play with.

Max hp for the first 3 levels, then half+1 for the rest

23,000gp to work with. Please do not spend more than half on a single item.

No final ability scores below 8

Alternative racial traits are allowed as long as they don't have an RP cost

No Evil alignments, all characters must be willing to work in a group. Our group values rescuing innocents, helping minorities or downtrodden, and venerating NG/CG gods.

2 Traits, one of which can be a campaign trait if you'd like. No Drawbacks

I'd like to see a good reason for why you want to join the rebellion. Tell me why you wouldn't just pack up your things and leave.

Please note that you don't need to submit the entire crunch to be considered. I would like to know your race, your class(es), your best ability score, your worst ability score, a general idea of the feats you want to take, and what your best skills would be. Give me backstory so I can get invested in your character.

I eagerly await your ideas. I'm setting a tentative date of Thursday October 1st as the end of submissions. Good luck!

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The Cult of Norgorber is a complex organism, but the God of murder secrets, greed, and poison would have it no other way. The cult's legacy in Magnimar stretches back to the city's founding over a century ago, when a figure known today in whispers as the Forever Man laid his own foundations within Magnimar's - he ensured that the cult of Norgorber would always have a place in the city's heart, mind, and soul. Today, several branches of the cult function side by side, although not necessarily in full cooperation. The cult of the Skinsaw Man, in particular, has its own goals in mind for the city...

Hello everyone! One of our players just had a newborn baby, and won't be able to play for the foreseeable future. We're looking for a replacement player who can fill a niche we've been missing for quite some time. We would like an arcane caster who's an expert on all things Thassilonian.

Character creation rules:

Level 8 (you do not need to make the entire character in order to make an application, see Application spoiler)
Max hp for the first 3 levels, half+1 for the remainder
20 point buy, final ability scores (not including magic) must be no higher than 20, and no lower than 8
28,000gp please do not spend more than half on a single item
1 trait, and either your choice of a campaign trait or a regular trait, no drawbacks
Core races are preferred. Aasimars and Tieflings are allowed, but do not have access to variant heritages or abilities. If you would like, you could design a half-orc character and call it a half-ogre.
No evil alignments, CN alignment must be willing to work with the group

Exactly what kind of character we're looking for:

We're looking for a full arcane caster who is quite skilled in at least: Arcana, History, and Spellcraft
It's preferred that you're an intelligence based class, primarily for high knowledge skills
You would have a strong desire to learn about Thassilon and explore its ruins
Speaking Thassilonian would be required (you can either take the campaign trait, or put a skill rank in linguistics)
We don't have much of an opinion about damage/buffs/debuffs/utility, etc.


Please include in your application:
A rough idea of your character's build. This might include basic stats, expected feats to take, general spell selection, highest skills, a level 1 character sheet, etc. I just want to get a decent idea of how your character would function mechanically.
A summary of where your character fits in the world, how they grew up, what they believe in, what they fear, and how they got to level 8


Variant multiclassing, background skills, and fractional bonuses are allowed
The book does not allow much time for crafting. I try to put some extra time in there, but there's no guarantee.
This game is not PFS legal
Posting requirements are 1/day, however I'm not strict about it. My mental health occasionally demands a day to recuperate, and in the past I've been absent for far longer periods of time. I may choose to bot a character who hasn't posted their turn in combat after 24 hours, but this doesn't always occur.
We are currently on the last bit of book 2. The party is currently level 7 and will hit 8 after the boss encounter. We're situated in the city of Magnimar, though we won't be staying for long.
This game has been going on since 2015. Many of the players have been here since the beginning, and have supported me when I've been at my worst.

Our Party:

Wabbit, an indestructible raging Halfling dodge tank paladin. Quite happy go lucky until evil is detected
Cleo, a Halfling cleric of Erastil who tries her best to be peaceful and diplomatic (original character and player)
Furnok, a Human ranger who kicks butt with his lucerne hammer and his cheerful boar companion Bacon (original character and player)
Janis Scarnetti, a Human rogue who's a bored scoundrel, with a practical mindset and interest in Thassilon (original player)
Brelin, our now retired character. She's a cartomancer witch with a Varisian flavour. She may return one day if parental duties lessen, but we have no plans at the moment.
Aggah, who is a homebrewed goblin companion for Cleo. She's extremely chaotic, a bit evil, really dumb, and occasionally hits enemies. She's kind of our lovable mascot.

How I run the game:

While I keep the overarching story the same, I do homebrew the game fairly heavily. I change enemy races and stats, allow the story to flow with a bit more player choice, alter locations, change or create NPCs, and more. I have to admit that sometimes these things don't work out the way I've intended, and some of them worked wonderfully and I'm quite proud of them.
I do run a slightly lower magic setting, with a bit less gold. I prefer having the items you want in a treasure hoard from enemies rather than giving you the gold to buy them. So if you'd like certain items, please ask me and I may include them.
Occasionally the tone gets dark in this adventure path. While I have no intentions of bringing up player traumas and past experiences, I do at times push the line a little further than the average DM. I sometimes choose to describe death with gruesome details, explore a bit more sexuality before fading to black, look at slavery and other human atrocities, and create dark encounters one might expect from eldritch horror. For these reasons I request that you are 18 years old or more, and approach these situations with a certain amount of respect and maturity.

About me:

I'm a Canadian man in his later twenties, with a strong desire to run d&d-like games for a living. I like to explore and experiment on both game systems and stories, and focus on the story that both DM and players are trying to tell. I enjoy researching about topics of the game, even if they have very little relevancy or importance in the great scheme of things. I once was planning to run a pirate game, and spent nearly a week looking into the effects barnacles have on a ship's hull.
I've run Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition at the table 3 times, each with massively different stories. I'm very familiar with books 1 and 2, but have never played beyond them. This forum game has been going since 2015, and yes, the post rate has been horrible at times. I'm proud to say that I'm in a better place, and our pace has returned to something far more respectable. I also run a Hell's Rebels game here with some of the same players.
I watch a lot of Youtube videos regarding d&d. My favourites at the moment are Matthew Colville, MonarchsFactory, and How to be a Great Game Master.

Hello there! I'm looking for a replacement player for my Hell's Rebels campaign. We're about 1/3rd of the way through book 2, Turn of the Torrent. The game is story focused, and none of the characters present are particularly optimized. I rewrite a fair bit of the game, but the story is still the same. You're still trying to save Kintargo from Barzillai Thrune and his dastardly plans.

My team has asked that the character submitted be a Strength based Frontline character. They don't mind being in melee, but are not suited to surviving long or dealing large amounts of consistent damage. Please feel free to downplay skills (especially knowledge), because we have more than we know what to do with.

I should mention that the rebellion is being played out in the background. The leaders put in place will ask you for your advice and do what you command, but ultimately I'm taking care of it. You are a special task force for the rebellion, mostly independent, who take care of the big threats and fancy meetings.

Current Characters:

- A CG Gnomish rogue (melee flanker, tons of skills, trapfinding, social capability, alchemist bombs) comes from an engineer background

- A CG Human/Wererat oracle (melee tank, social and knowledge skills, healing/buff spells) comes from a merchant background

- A CG Elf investigator (melee dex, knowledge skills, languages) comes from an academic background

- A NG Tiefling witch (healing/buff/debuff spells, some knowledge skills) comes from an acolyte/slum background

Character Creation:

- 20 point buy

- Level 5

- Classes: Anything from Core, Base, and Hybrid. Please do not use archetypes that use occult rules.

- Occult, Path of War, Psionics, and 3PP are NOT permitted.

- Barbarians, Monks, Rogues, and Summoners must use the Unchained version of their class, although archetypes are allowed if they replace abilities seamlessly and without level discrepancies.

- Core Races, Tiefling (No Fiendish Heritage), Ratfolk, Tengu

- Max hp for the first three levels, then half+1 for the rest

- 10,500 gold for all classes. Please do not spend more than half your gold on a single item.

- No final ability scores above 18 or below 8 (magic items notwithstanding)

- Alternative racial traits are allowed, but do not pick something that increases the RP.

- No Evil alignments, all characters must be willing to work in a group. Lawful alignments are discouraged unless they can function well with a large group of chaotic alignments.

- 2 Traits. No Drawbacks. You may choose a Hell's Rebels campaign trait if you'd like, but are not required to.

If you don't want to build the entire character, please tell me their Race, Alignment, Classes and Archetypes, and their Attributes (Str, Dex,...)

Please include in your application:

- You must provide a reason why you would risk your life to protect the city of Kintargo and overthrow the new Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune.

- For party introduction reasons, please provide a situation where you were near the coast of the city. You could have been on a ship, working on the docks, or just standing on the shore. More information will be provided after the character has been picked.

- A brief summary about your character's history, recent life, goals, interests, etc. I'd appreciate it if you include how they became a 5th level character. This can be in point form if you wish.


Why do you have a Wererat in your game, and can I play as a lycanthrope?
The player in question is someone that I've been playing with for roughly 4 years now and I trust them immensely. Their stats were less than optimal and they are only a 4th level Oracle rather than 5th. This was a 1 time deal, and I'm not interested in extending it for anyone else. Thanks for understanding.

What is the posting rate for this game?
I aim for 1/day, but life gets the best of us all. The more realistic posting rate is 1 per 2 days. If you expect to be absent for 2+ days, please give me a heads up. It lets me bot you in order to keep the game moving. I don't kick until it's clear that the player will never show up again.

Can I use the variant multiclassing from Unchained?
Yes, feel free to do so. Just let me know beforehand in your application.

Will characters that specialize in crafting be viable to play?
Although the adventure path does not give time for crafting or professions, I will try to accommodate a character that plans to use these skills.

What about Stamina and Skill Unlocks from Unchained?
Fighters get Stamina for free, while other classes can gain it from the feat.
Rogues have Skill Unlocks as part of their class, but other classes can pick it up as a feat.

How many characters can I submit?
Please submit only 1 character for recruitment. If you would like to change your character before recruitment ends, please let me know either on the recruitment thread, or in a personal message.

I've read/DMed this adventure path, can I still join?
Absolutely. Just keep your player knowledge separate from your character knowledge.

What is the likelihood of character death?
I won't say it's impossible, but I do try to keep characters alive. At least until resurrection magic is accessible.

What system will you be using for maps?
When possible, I try to stick to theater of the mind. In particularly complex battles I use Google Docs.

Thanks for reading through this. Recruitment will end on the 12th of January. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below or send me a private message. Thank you and happy gaming!

Sovereign Court

Greetings all. I represent a party of 6 who have just started the War for the Crown AP. Our GM unfortunately disappeared, and we're hoping someone would be able to take over for us. We finished speaking with Martella Lotheed, and only just started the gala.

Here is our campaign thread if you would like to take a look. I can vouch that our group is filled with excellent roleplayers who would be more than willing to help tell a great story, should the GM be able and willing to facilitate it.

Thank you for your time.

Lady Olivia Vernisant

Here's the ooc stuff

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This is where all the death happens

This is a private game

This game is closed

This is for questions and discussions regarding the game

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Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
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It has been a week since Barzillai Thrune seized the cultural masterpiece that is Kintargo, and placed it firmly under martial law. That night, several buildings were burned to the ground, dozens of people went missing, and a city wide curfew has been imposed from 9pm to 6am, while the newly imported Hellknights prowl the streets hungrily searching for anything they can catch. Despite the fact that Kintargo has both a large city hall, and a castle, newly appointed Paracount Lord-Mayor Barzillai Thrune has claimed the Kintargo opera house as his new lair, shutting down the city's primary form of entertainment. Anyone caught rebelling against Thrune is sent to the Dottari barracks-prisons, then brought out for public excruciations of various twisted and cruel sorts. Meanwhile, a rise of thugs and thieves ravage the less patrolled sections of the city, and Thrune seems to have little-to-no interest in stopping them. Instead, he declared seven ludicrous proclamations that seem to be thrown out at random. In just one week, the atmosphere of Kintargo has become increasingly tense. Minor protests have already occurred, only to be dispersed by the Dottari. However, today will be by far the largest peaceful protest to take place on Barzillai's doorstep, the great opera house of Kintargo.

Although you may arrive at different times to the protest in Aria Park, the protest is scheduled to really kick off at 9am. Feel free to come with other characters, recognize each other, and chat about your angers and frustrations regarding Barzillai Thrune and the martial law. Make sure to describe your characters as others might see them, along with an idea of their mannerisms or any other distinctive features.

Even with the cobblestones of Argent Avenue and the foliage of Aria Park still wet from the morning’s light rain, dozens of Kintargans have gathered along the facade of the opera house to protest the city’s new lord-mayor, Paracount Barzillai Thrune. The city’s new leader was appointed by Her Infernal Majestrix, Queen Abrogail II, in the wake of the previous lord-mayor’s sudden flight from the city— an event that still has local rumormongers whispering furiously. In a scant seven days, Paracount Thrune has instituted martial law, a curfew, and seven outlandish and polarizing proclamations. These actions and more have called many of Kintargo’s dissatisfied citizens here on this overcast morn. There’s been no sign yet of Barzillai Thrune himself, and the opera house’s doors remain tightly closed—as they have since the man chose the landmark as his new home—but judging by the growing sound of the protesters, he surely can’t ignore the scene on the streets below much longer.

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Chase Rules l
Nisha Infusions:
(CL4) CLW(3), Delay Poison (2)
Help support my Ko-fi addiction

Welcome, champions! Please feel free to introduce yourselves, ask questions, and all those shenanigans! Before we begin, I would like to ask just a few things of you all.

Firstly, can I please get everyone to put the following stats under their name (did that make sense?) Your AC, Touch, Flat-Footed, Saving Throws, CMD, Perception, and Initiative.

Second, would any of you like to form a bond with each other? You could know each other from childhood, work, etc.

I hope you all enjoy and I'm looking forward to working with you.

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The city of Kintargo has a new lord-mayor, but he’s not someone interested in maintaining that city’s free spirit. Paracount Barzillai Thrune has placed the city under martial law, and his cruel proclamations and sinister plans for the city bode ill. Can a small group of heroes and would-be rebels stand against the might of the Thrice-Damned House of Thrune and the Church of Asmodeus and save their home town from being crushed under the boot of an infernal tyrant? Will one of Cheliax’s most powerful inquisitors make the city his playground, or can the rebels known as the Silver Ravens rise up to bring a new era of freedom to the so called Silver City of Kintargo? Join the rebellion! Save Kintargo! DOWN WITH THRUNE!

Hello everyone! I'm looking for 4-5 freedom fighters to join me in an epic quest: Liberating the city of Kintargo! If we can get a strong group together, I would be happy to continue through the entire adventure path. So, are there any who DARE CHALLENGE THE MIGHT OF THRUNE!?!?!?!?

Character Creation:

20 point buy

Level 1

Classes: Anything from Core, Base, and Hybrid.
Occult, Path of War, Psionics, and 3PP are NOT permitted.
Barbarians, Monks, Rogues, and Summoners must use the Unchained version of their class, although archetypes are allowed if they replace abilities seamlessly and without level discrepancies.

Core Races, +Tiefling (No Fiendish Heritage), +Ratfolk

Max hp

150 gold for all classes

No final ability scores above 18 or below 8

Alternative racial traits are allowed

No Evil alignments, all characters must be willing to work in a group

1 Trait + 1 Campaign Trait. No Drawbacks

A reason to be at the protest MUST be presented along with the application. The reason does not have to be from the Players Guide, although it is highly preferable.

How I plan to run the game:

I'm going to be picking a relatively balanced party, but it's not set in stone. I value story and roleplay far more than stats and abilities.

Although the story will remain the same, I will not be running the adventure path 100% as written. 

There will be opportunities for side quests, hiring companions, and time to deviate from the main plot if the party so desires.

I will make my rolls in the posts, but many of them will be unlabelled or even fake. This is to ward off the sea of Perception checks, among other things.

I will be rolling the character's initiative for combat, and sorting them for ease of play

I reserve the right to tweak enemies, abilities, spells, rewards, and more

If a character has been absent for a long period of time, I will DMPC that character until their return (within reason)

I will provide different ways to accomplish an "encounter", be it by combat, diplomacy, intrigue, sneaking, etc.

I plan to have traps, poisons, diseases, puzzles, etc to further enhance the game beyond "I kill all the things!"

Metagaming, spoiling the game, harassing players, and verbal abuse are all serious offenses. Please play respectfully. 

Posting rate will be 1/day. I realize that life can be rough though (including for myself), so I'm not very strict about it. Ideally, I would really appreciate a heads up if you'll be away for a while.


Where can I find the Player's Guide?
You can download it here

Will this count towards Pathfinder Society?
No it will not. I will be drastically changing enemies, rewards, NPCs, spells, and more. While I have nothing against PFS, I simply don't plan to run a legal game.

Can I use the variant multiclassing from Unchained?
Yes, feel free to do so. Just let me know beforehand in your application.

I want to play a Gunslinger, what are the prices of firearms and ammunition?
Guns will be in the emerging stage, so they will be listed as full price.

Will characters that specialize in crafting be viable to play?
Although the adventure path (so far) does not seem to give time for crafting or professions, I will try to accommodate a character that plans to use these skills.

What about Stamina and Skill Unlocks from Unchained?
Fighters get Stamina for free, while other classes can gain it from the feat.
Rogues have Skill Unlocks as part of their class, but other classes can pick it up as a feat.

How many characters can I submit?
Please submit only 1 character for recruitment. If you would like to change your character before recruitment ends, please let me know either on the recruitment thread, or in a personal message.

I've read/DMed this adventure path, can I still join?
Absolutely. Just keep your player knowledge separate from your character knowledge.

What is the likelihood of character death?
It's certainly possible. Muahahahaha

What system will you be using for maps?
When possible, I try to stick to theater of the mind. In particularly complex battles I may use Google Docs or Roll20 instead, depending on player preference.

Please include in your application:

Your character sheet (or a link to your character's profile)

Your character's reason to be at the protest

A brief summary about your character's history, recent life, goals, interests, etc. This can be in point form if you wish.

About Me:
Hello all! I'm a young Canadian who is fairly new to D&D and Pathfinder, having only started 3 years ago. I started DMing roughly 2 years ago, although I'm still relatively new to PbP. I'm a big fan of Dawnforgedcast and use his videos to become a better DM and Player. I'm planning on making this campaign an even more thrilling adventure than it already is, so don't get too comfortable! I have many tricks up my sleeves. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them here or send me a pm, and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks!

Recruitment will be running until the end of SUNDAY THE 27TH, 2015

Help support my Ko-fi addiction l Loot List

The small fishing town of Sandpoint has exploded with activity in celebrating the Swallowtail Festival. People from all walks of life have come to participate in the games, shop local and travelling shops, drink, and chat with good old friends. Some people may not know what the festival is for, or did not even know it was to take place, but today is a day for everyone to celebrate. Lunch is served free for everyone, the games are affordable for all ages, and the new friends you will make are priceless.

"Step Riight Up, Ladies and Gentlemen!! Test your wits and strength as our contests are about to begin!! Only a single copper piece to join!!" Yells the Town Crier.

As you all enter the festival, a number of competitions are about to be underway. It's a copper piece to enter a competition, but becoming a champion is well remembered in the small town. So don't be shy! Who wants to take part in...
- The three legged race!
- The high striker!
- The scavenger hunt!
- The tug-o-war!
- The dunk-a-gnome!
Feel free to join as many games as you wish

"Also don't forget that tonight will be the great Hagfish Drinking Contest! Prizes for the contest are 50gp, 100gp, and a silver tankard of Cayden Cailean!"

Help support my Ko-fi addiction l Loot List

Welcome, champions! Please feel free to introduce yourselves, ask questions, and all those shenanigans! Exclamation marks!!!

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Five years after a tragic fire and spate of brutal murders, the people of Sandpoint eagerly anticipate the Swallowtail Festival to commemorate the consecration of the town’s new temple. At the height of the ceremony, disaster strikes! In the days that follow, a sinister shadow settles over Sandpoint. Rumors of goblin armies and wrathful monsters in forgotten ruins have set the populace on edge. As Sandpoint’s newest heroes, the PCs must deal with treachery, goblins, and the rising threat of a forgotten empire whose cruel and despotic rulers might not be as dead as history records.

Hello everyone! I am a first time pbp DM who is looking for 4-5 players who are interested in playing Rise of the Runelords. If we can gather up a good group, I'd be happy to run all of the chapters in this adventure path. I've run this game twice at the table, and really love the story and characters within the adventure. So, anyone want to give it a shot?

Character Creation:

Level 1

Max hp for level 1

20 point buy
Final ability scores no higher than 18, and no lower than 8

150gp for all classes

1 Trait + 1 Campaign Trait, no drawbacks

Core races are preferred (but not mandatory), alternative racial traits are fine (but please document them), no custom races please

No evil alignments, CN must be willing to work as a group

Core, base, alternative, hybrid, and unchained classes are allowed. No 3pp, no playtests, no path of war or psionics please

Background skills from unchained are allowed. For those who don't have the book, you get 2 bonus skill ranks (per level) that can only be used in the following skills: Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Engineering, Geography, History, Nobility), Linguistics, Lore, Perform, Profession, Sleight of Hand.

How I plan to run the game:

I reserve the right to...
Change aspects of the Adventure Path
Change the results of my dice rolls (usually for your benefit… usually)
Roll the player's initiative
Tweak enemy abilities
DMPC your character if you've been absent for a long period of time

There will be different ways to accomplish an "encounter", be it by combat, diplomacy, intrigue, sneaking, etc.

I plan to have traps, poisons, diseases, puzzles, etc to further enhance the game beyond "I kill all the things!"

Metagaming, spoiling the game, harassing players, and verbal abuse are all serious offenses. Please play respectfully.

Applications and Expectations:

Please include in your application...
If you are comfortable with character death
If your character is not selected, would you be interested in joining later if a player leaves
If you prefer using Roll20, Google Docs, or just theater of the mind for combat (I prefer not creating giant maps if I can help it)
At least 1 paragraph detailing your character's recent life, along with their goals and interests. It's okay if you want to use point form for this.

Posting expectation is 1/day minimum. I'm not a big stickler on that though, I know life can be rough.

I'm going to be picking a relatively balanced party, but it's not set in stone. I value story and roleplay far more than stats and abilities.

Recruitment will go on until Saturday the 11th of July 2015, sometime during the night (I'll announce it)


This is not for PFS

Variant multiclassing is allowed, just let me know beforehand

Guns are in the emerging stage, so they are full price

There will be time for crafting, professions, artistry, and performances

People who have DMed or played through this adventure are still welcome! Just keep your player knowledge to yourself please.

Stamina is free for Fighters, and is a feat for any other class.

Characters can get skill unlocks as a feat.

About me:

Hello all! I'm a young Canadian who is fairly new to DnD, having only started 3 years ago. I started DMing roughly 2 years ago, although this will be my first PBP DMing experience so please be patient with me as I learn. I've run this Adventure Path twice at the table, and plan on making certain adjustments and extra "side quests" during the game. Rise of the Runelords is by far my favorite Adventure Path so far, as I love the story and characters within it. I'm a big fan of Dawnforgedcast and use his videos to become a better DM and Player. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them here or send me a pm, and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible. Thanks!

PS: I, have, comma-itis, I apologize in advance.