Sandpoint Cleric

Padre Giuseppe Arcangelo's page

9 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Padre Giuseppe Arcangelo is present, jovial and boisterous...

I can tell you that the dragon may be planning to invoke the wrath of Mount Vesuvius in the coming days.... There have been increased rumblings and growling from the mountain....

Divinations have failed to reveal the exact location of the Antichrist or his phylactery, unfortunately.... But it is suspected by the Holy Father and his cardinals that the Enemy divides his time between a base in Rome and the lair of the Beast in Mount Vesuvius....

The lich is hard to destroy, friends. Magic weapons will be needed even to harm it. And once it has fallen, you must find and destroy its phylactery, or soul object, or else it will reform and continue its evil!

The priest looks at each with a stark, featureless expression....

Sense Motive 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15

Eh.... You don't seem like evil men yourselves, seeking to catch me in some trap.... I feel I can trust you, though Jesu Christe alone knows why.... The Antichrist himself is in Rome, as he has been since he fiddled while it burnt. Nero, once an emperor of Rome in the ancient days, now a vile, undying thing.... a lich.... He cozens with witches at Black Sabbaths and with the great Beast, Wormwood, or Conflagratius....

I am sorry to report that there have been several dark omens of the Day of Wrath lately. Among these was an incredible flock of ravens in the hundreds blotting out the sun over the city.... goat kids born with three or more horns!.... Corpses riding skeleton steeds through the streets by night.... The vile fire wyrm Conflagratius demanding an extra Napolite maiden! Outrageous and cruel spawn of the Devil!

The priest spits and crosses himself with his silver cross....

Ah, yes, Father Renaud is a good priest of Our Lord.... I met him before I was ordained, while still learning Our Lord's Holy Scriptures at Vatican.... Does he still occasionally indulge in taking extra Blood of Christ between services? Hahahaha!

Powerful people? Do you mean Her Majesty? Or....??

In nomine Dei, et Fili, et Sanctus Spiritus, Amen....

Looking up from the holy water basin, he turns to greet the newcomers.

Bienvenito, seniors, how may I be of service to you?